A Mere Token by Misaki Kaito

Chapter 1

"I'm going out to gather herbs!" I called as I put a basket to my hip. Inuyasha was on the roof, fixing one of the holes that a bird had made.

"Don't stay out late, Kagome!" was his only reply as he continued to work on the

I was gathering herbs in the woods near the villiage when a shadow fell over the herbs I was looking at. When I turned around, I found Sesshomaru standing there, looking slightly clueless, though he'd never admit it, holding a package covered in silk.

"Oh," I exclaimed, "Hello Sesshomaru-sama! What brings you to our villiage?" He silently held the package up slightly."Is that for Rin-chan?" He nodded. "She's over at the village with Kaede," I turned around, and pointed him in the direction of the village. but he probably knew where it was already.

I waved goodbye at his retreating back and smiled. Rin will be very happy for the present, and happier that her 'Sesshomaru-sama' had come to visit. And then I turned around to start gathering herbs again when I saw the delicate pink flower on my basket. He must have left it when I had my back turned, I thought before putting the sweet smelling flower behind my ear.


I was knocked out of my thougts when I heard my name being called. When I looked up, I saw Rin and Kaede coming up the hill, waving happily. As she came closer, she was practically jumping up and down to show me the present Sesshomaru had given her.

"It's so pretty, Rin-chan! You look wonderful!" I exclaimed as she pirouetted. She gave a happy smile as she thanked me, and we started walking back to the village.

"Kagome-sama," Rin exclaimed, "Where'd you find that flower?"

"It was a gift, I think," I smiled and touched the flower gently. I would not know until later that Sesshomaru was watching us from afar. And I wouldn't know until much, much later what his reasons for doing so were.


R & R, plz! Thank you for reading!

Here's the link for the comic-
