Infinite Patience by LadySafire

Infinite Patience

Infinite Patience

by Mistress_Safire

While she had the infatuation with the hanyou, he waited for her to outgrow it knowing she had an adolecents love for him.


He Waited.

When she had the weight of the Shikon on her shoulders and her bull headed determination to see it whole

He waited.

When she trusted him for the first time on her origins, the mystrious well that shifted back and forth between times

He waited.

When she smiled at him and shyly whispered an invitation to gaze at the stars with her in the village meadow

He waited.

While she tried to overcome her shyness at being intimate for the first time, patiently

He waited.

When Naraku made his final move and she told him it was up to her for the final blow,

He waited.

When she sobbed out frantic goodbyes and a desperate "i Love You!" as the completed Shikon Jewel pulled her homeward, he was determined that

He would wait.

When his broken heart ached and he would start to lose hope he would pull out her red scarf and smell her lingering fragrance,

He Would Wait.

When he saw her tumble into the well, he dug his claws so deeply into his hands they bled freely and still....

He would wait.

When the hanyou escorted her across the courtyard for the first time, jealousy flared but he reminded himself she would be his so..

He would wait.

Finally the day came when she emerged from the old well house bruised, bloody and heart sore...

No more would he wait.

He reverently embraced this small female his heart had so desired and yearned for, tears, touches and kisses mingled.

The waiting was over.

After all, a Demon Lord can be patient for only so long.


Time is the longest distance between two places. - Tennessee Williams

I hope you enjoy this oneshot. I enjoyed writing it.
