Croaking Kagome by bug

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing!!!

A/N: this is my first fic, so any feedback is very much appreciated! Hope you enjoy!

P.S. Thank you to everyone that helped me review this

During her morning routine, Kagome always enjoyed the company of her traveling friends, but this time was different.  She and Inuyasha had had one of their usual spats and she came up with the brilliant idea to march off into the forest and make camp, on her own.  So now, instead of listening to the normal chatter of Shippo and the occasional threat from Sango, she was forced to listen to the morning buzz of the forest.  Despite how much she loved the nature of this time, she couldn’t help but feel rather exposed.

In a moment of weakness, Kagome thought she’d keep her mind and ears occupied by humming.  She continued through her morning routine, only stopping her humming to brush her teeth with a bottle of water.  As she was about to begin preparing a light porridge breakfast (leftovers from her mother) she heard a “SNAP!”  Dropping her pot and whirling about she was faced with a shining white gargoyle – or, at least, what looked like a gargoyle through the hubbub of turning and tripping over her own feet.

As she stood and dusted herself off, she took in the presence of her visitor, noting that this was Inuyasha’s older brother, Sesshoumaru.  At this point she wasn’t sure whether she should be worried for her life or not, since he obviously wanted something from her; she assumed she’d be dead by now otherwise.  Edging slowly toward the yellow beast of a bag that contained her arrows, she bobbed a stiff, shallow bow in greeting.

“Uh… Lord Sesshoumaru…” was her articulate welcome.

“What are you doing here, girl?”

“Um, well, I was just getting ready to eat and return to my friends… I hope I haven’t, um, bothered you.” At this point Kagome was cursing her luck at running into Sesshoumaru when she was too far from her friends to expect any kind of rescue.  Normally she would be excited at the chance to prove her sharpening archery skills, but against the Killing Perfection, she really had no hope at her current level.

Sesshoumaru stood there, staring at her, until she felt the need to continue explaining her actions to him, “I was just trying to reheat some porridge my mother gave me, but since I’m all on my own I figured I could drown out the forest sounds by humming a little, but that doesn’t seem to have work – and! to top it all off, I was so distracted by my own humming that I couldn’t even sense you waltzing up to within arms’ reach of me!”  At this point she knew she was half ranting (at Sesshoumaru!) and half babbling, but it seemed to have worked in keeping his attention from the fact that she was drawing ever closer to her bag.

“What were you humming?”

Such a simple sentence… and yet Kagome was at a loss.  Here she stood, within spitting range of the greatest demon in the West, her mouth gaping, because he asked her a single, simple question.

“Uh… well… it doesn’t have a name… I was just humming whatever came to mind.”

“Continue,” demanded Sesshoumaru.

“But I don’t even remember how it went.”  Again, she was faced with a staring Sesshoumaru and suddenly Kagome felt like she was looking at a sulking puppy.  “Well, I guess I could sing you a song from my t—village,” again with the staring.

Kagome felt a little awkward, singing in front of the demon lord, but felt that her singing for him could be her ticket to getting away alive.  Though she knew she would never be a great singer, she decided to give it a shot and opened her mouth and began to sing.

After a brief moment that was terrifyingly long to Kagome, she stopped singing and looked, expectantly, at her demon audience.  A few moments of staring continued until Sesshoumaru quirked a crooked smile, turned his head to the side, and gave a great sigh of… suppressed hilarity.  Kagome was once again left gaping at the normally stoic lord, as he continued to try to hide his shaking shoulders.  Every few minutes, he would calm down, glance her way, and have to turn away again to hide his great amusement, only succeeding at getting Kagome angrier and angrier.  She stood with her hands fisted at her sides and her hair hiding her furiously blushing face.

She finally got fed up with his incessant giggling and picked up one of her text books and hurled it at his face.  He promptly caught it, melted it to a pile of goop on the forest floor, and left the way he came, with his shoulders still shaking in silent laughter.

Kagome could only stare in wonder, cough into her hand and say, “At least it was my math book.”