A Certain Kind of Frustration by Mirokuschildbarer

A Certain Kind Of Frustration

I do not own Inuyasha. This was written for Dokuga_Contest's drabble #92 bold. I go by a different name on there.... 

Title: A Certain Kind of Frustration

Author: Nibble_a_little

Theme: Bold

Genre: Humor

Rating: T

Warnings: Just a little suggestiveness…..

Word Count: 100

Summary: Someone is a little frustrated. *wink*


‘Damn him. Damn those sexy eyes. Especially those muscles under that shirt that I can see myself running my hands all over….’

Kagome ran her tongue across her bottom lip as she snapped out of it and tore her gaze away from the demon.

With a growl, Kagome snatched a sharpee and post-it, scribbled something quickly, and stood up. Marching to her boss’ desk she slammed down the note and glared him dead in the eyes before storming out.

Arching a brow, Sesshomaru glanced down at the bold letters before him and smirked as he stood.

