Teenage Life of Kagome Higurashi by akiyome no tsuki

A look into my life

*Author’s Note: Kagome is black, light skinned actually. Sesshomaru is black and Pilipino.


Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of the InuYasha characters, nor do I make any money from writing this. I wrote this story for the pleasure of the readers.


I had always wondered what it would be like to be in love with someone, having lived a childhood with minimal emotional contact from my parents. Though thinking on it I think that it’s a waste. Who care’s, no one does. Who else would want to know about your inadequate life? Not one person that’s who. This is what I thought up until one year ago. Life has a weird way of making your life difficult and complicated. Though as of right now I would not have it any other way.

Chapter 1

I can say growing up that I was the awkward child in the family. For one I was to light, second I had sandy brown hair with an orange tinge to it when the light hit it, and I talked like I came from a sophisticated opera house family. Weird right, I know but that used to be who I am. But as you learn in life nothing ever stays the same and change is just around the corner.

Memory: Childhood

4193 Wingfoot Court

I moved to Georgia from Virginia when I was three years of age along with my two siblings and my parents. That’s when my life went down hill, this change in my life lead to the person you see today, but that is for another time, back to my childhood or what I can remember of it.

I find that even I can tell that I am in no way normal compared to society’s standards. Even as a little girl I found that I liked to do different things from what my family did. I remember one day out of my childhood very clearly.

hey white girl, you don’t belong here.” My cousins and uncle say. “Yes I do.” “ No you don’t because you are adopted.” They tell me as we are in the living room of my dads house. “No I’m not.” “yes you are sausage fingers.” My uncle says then my brother breaks out and sings “daddy would you like some sausage, daddy would you like some sausages?” over and over again until fat tears roll down my cheeks.



Hated that day and I will always remember it, because it lead to me thinking that I didn’t belong to that family. One thing before I continue, the uncle I was talking about….I hate you…you are the reason I turned out like this so when you die I will be coming to spit on your grave.

Anyway back to my life….I am actually an ok person; when I’m not thinking of the past or depressed. But when I am I can become considerably angry and upset when someone says things to upset me. For instance my friend tried to read my journal to the guy I liked once and I chocked her, yeah I know I have anger issues. It is because of people that I am like this so if it wasn’t because of them I wouldn’t be like this. Yes I’m messed up in the head. People tell me this all the time, but do I care? No I do not. The most annoying thing is that most people say I’m an ok person but then turn around and call me annoying. I just don’t get it, either I’m ok or I just bother you.

Another thing about me you will notice is that I put up a tough front in front of people but when I’m alone I can finally let the wall down and cry. Crying, to me is a weakness but only if you cry in front of people. Other than that it is perfectly fine to cry when you are alone. But you know what I find to be stupid about myself thinking crying in front of people is a weakness is the fact that I molded myself to take on the personalities of characters I watched on t.v. at an early age.

 Like for instance when people would tell me I have a personality that is detached, well it is detached but I learned it from watching InuYasha. I know weird right, but that is the truth. I learned how to be detached and aloof from an anime show. I’m not normal, I know but that’s the way I am.

But yeah if I could go back and change anything, you want to know what I would change ( I know you are probably like: do you think I care about your life I don’t know you) only one thing and that would be an incident that occurred but I’m not going into that. But then again if the incident never occurred I would not be the way that I am today and would have never met any of the people I know today. Never mind I would have met them but I wouldn’t be the same person I am right now at this very moment.

Do you know what I love about being the person I am right now, the fact that I met the guy of my dreams. I’m not going to say his name but he knows who he is, I can really say that even though I have only known him about two years now he is where my heart is. Even if I don’t think he knows it, but either way this summer will change everything if everything goes as planned because my love for him is as strong as Niagara Falls.

I know kind of gayish but yeah that’s how I feel about him. If you were to meet me you would probably classify me as a stalker, at first I didn’t know what my sister was talking about until I finally noticed what I was doing. If you are wondering what it is, I was taking pictures of the guy I liked every time he came to my house. Weird, I know but I’m not a normal girl so hey if you have problems with it then cease reading because I for one don’t care.

I can say for a fact that I think he likes me. I know, I know “thinks” weird. You guys are probably thinking something is seriously wrong with this chick. But I have reason to believe he does, one he always grabs my hand, two he is always by me or leaning on me , three he likes to ask my sister how I’m doing but be such an ass when we see each other again. But I don’t care what he acts like because deep down I know something is there between us. I don’t know what to say, but all I know is that I am not going to give up on my feelings for him just yet. If I do, I will never know what could have been…and I don’t want to regret anything. So I will ask him out again before the summer ends because for him to act so stupid he sure knows how to make a girl fall hard.

I remember exactly the first time I met him. It was in my 9th grade math teachers’ class. I didn’t notice him at first but some how he became my friend after I met the new girl and became friends with her.

The thing that really attracted me to him was the fact that around the last day of school before summer break in 2007 he took my cell phone and put his number into my phone and left it at that. Over that summer my sister, cousin and myself prank called him, it was funny. The next time we met was when we both had gym but was in different classes. Though some how we always ended up by each other, one thing you need to know is that we were always physically fighting to get the upper hand on one another. That’s how I ended up falling deeper in love with him.

His smile, hands and personality all attracted me to him like a moth to a strobe light. I remember one day during gym, I looked across the bleachers and stared at him. I listened to the way he spoke, laughed, and watched the way his face used to light up when he was happy or amused. Or the way he likes to bother me and only be around me when everyone is away. So yeah that’s why I think he likes me, I asked him out once he turned me down but that is another story. If I could I would stay with him forever. I love him because of the way he is and how he makes me smile and makes me happy to wake up in the morning because I dream of him and his smile because of him I love to wake up to another day in this world.

Let me make this very clear to you, I am a one man kind of girl. So if I find a guy that I like or find myself comfortable with I will go after him even if it takes me forever to build up the courage to do so. Any way this is my life...

To be continued....

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This is only a preview of the chapter I hope you guys liked it.