Traveling with Sesshoumaru by advi

Missing owner of the shard

I was just thinking the other day, coming up with a number of what if scenarios and thought that this was a pretty interesting idea. Hate me or love me, I never liked much of the Sesshoumaru & Kagome parings except for Kai 19’s Everything’s Changed, which is a brilliant piece of Fan-fiction. So here it goes…wish me luck!!! P.S: Beware SPOILERS!! Oh BTW…this story is told by Sesshoumaru, Kagome’s and so on Point Of View. Oh yeah, the characters are not mine. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

 Traveling with Sesshoumaru.

 Chp 1. Missing owner of the shard.

 Inuyasha said he would come, however, it’s already in the evening, soon it’s going to get dark. Did something happen over there? Thought Kagome, sitting on the lip of the bone eaters well. “If I wait any longer, I’ll have to stay here another day,” Kagome spoke quietly to herself. If I did that, Inuyasha will surely be mad…even if he’s the one who’s late. Then again, it’s not like him to be late, he’s usually here before I return home from school, either irritating grandpa, who usually then tries to exterminate him (with dried fish or loads of O-fudas) or playing with Buyo. But he isn’t.  

Were they attacked by another youkai or did they locate Moryoumaru? Okay, if they did locate Moryoumaru, Inuyasha would have tried to get me from school, so it must be that a strong Youkai had shown up…in that case…

 Kagome throws her bag into the well and jumps in floating down to the Sengoku Jidai or Warring States Era, 500 years into the past to Inuyasha’s time and Kagome’s favorite place to be, where she had friends that cared truly for her, and she for them. Lightly, her feet touched the floor of the well. Climbing up the well, she noticed that the sky was getting dark, not good, thought Kagome, “Maybe, I’ll stay with Kaede for the night before looking for them the next morning.”

 However, as Kagome got closer to the top of the well, she could sense the presence of two demons. It must be Inuyasha and Shippou, she thought, as the presence didn’t feel malicious or very evil. She put her hand on the top and pulled herself up and to her surprise, found herself staring at a yellow sash and a pair of white hakamas. She looked up and saw Sesshoumaru looking mildly fascinated down at her.

 “Se… Sesshoumaru…” was all I could get out of my mouth. “What are you doing here?” that was silly, but, I don’t think he’ll answer my question or help me out from this well. Suddenly, from behind him, I heard a small girl’s voice calling, “Kagome-sama!” It’s Rin.

 “Kagome-sama, what are you doing here? Why are you in that well?” the little girl asked while she tried to help me out of the well. Now that I’m sitting on the lip of the well with my bag next to it, I wonder if it’s alright to answer her question, I mean with Sesshoumaru and Jaken here. “Umm…” Okay, another brilliant statement, but, suddenly Sesshoumaru said something to really stun me.

 “So, you come from another time…” Really, it’s no surprise to this, Sesshoumaru, to figure out what this well does. I sensed something strange from it and walked up to the well, curious to know what that strange smell was, and then, there she was, appearing slowly from a soft bluish glow, the human girl that follows my dim-wit of a half-brother, Inuyasha. Now, smelling fright from her, she asks, “how did you know,” but alas before I can answer this human female, Jaken had to as always answer on my behalf, even though his answers are usually far from what I’m thinking.

 “Fool, Sesshoumaru-sama is knowledgeable about almost anything! Only a fool wouldn’t know how this well works!” Jaken shouted and then was squashed to the ground by Sesshoumaru with an irritated look.

 “Jaken-sama…looks like a flat melon…” said Rin as she prodded the squashed Jaken with a stick to see if he was still alive.

 “I saw you appearing at the bottom of the well,” he answered, looking rather coolly at me.

 “Oh…” Kagome answered and picked her bag up.

“Umm…well, I’ve got to go now…umm it was a pleasure to see you all again…” I said nervously backing away from Sesshoumaru.   

“Ano…” said Rin coming up to Kagome and sounding very disappointed, “You’re not leaving already are you?”

“Yes, actually I have to…I need to catch up to Inuyasha and the others…” said Kagome explaining to the little girl who was clinging to her skirt.

“Catch up?” Sesshoumaru asks inquiringly.

“Yes,” I answer, after all they must be fighting some humongous Youkai or Oni and I’m not there.

She looked at me as if the very idea of not catching up to my brother and the rest of his pack was, all so very wrong. In fact she looked worried, I wonder why? “Catch up? He’s right over there,” I motion my head to the soft glow being emanated from the grove of trees to my right, then her smell changes, something has made her depressed.

When Sesshoumaru said, ‘Catch up? He’s right there,’ I thought that he must be joking. But, then again, since when did Sesshoumaru start to tell jokes? So, he must be right. Of course my heart sank when I saw that familiar soft glow…it’s the same sort of glow that Kikyou’s ‘Shinidamachuus’ make, which suggests why Inuyasha is late. He’s with Kikyou. But, suddenly, I sensed the familiar aura of a Shikon shard, and not just any shard, this is Kohaku’s shard. Sesshoumaru was now looking at me, I guess he must be wondering why I haven’t gone running to Inuyasha yet. Actually, I don’t want to… but as I started to walk towards the glow a thought came to me, since Kohaku is there, well, he has now left Naraku and gone with Kikyou instead…I think that maybe it should be okay to go over there…then I can tell Sango that her little brother is alright. I know that she must be worried, after all we haven’t seen him for a while now.

I stop and place my bag on the ground, then looking up, I’m surprised to see that Sesshoumaru is right behind me, I guess the reason why he is here, is that, he wants to speak to Inuyasha. I guess… well it’s not the first time.

After her scent changed from nervousness to depression, she suddenly looked up and uttered softly enough for me to hear, “Kohaku,” I don’t think that she realized that she had said his name and started to walk to where my half-brother is. But, I don’t smell Kohaku anywhere near, in fact I don’t smell him at all. I can smell my worthless half brother and the irksome smell of clay from a graveyard and bones. This smell belongs to that dead miko, I believe her name is Kikyou. Curious why she suddenly thinks that Kohaku is near I decide to follow her. Of course, she looked surprised when she found that I had followed her, but, I have a feeling that there is more to this then what is on the surface.

“Ne, Jaken-sama…why did Sesshoumaru-sama go with Kagome-sama?” Rin asks as inquisitive as ever.

“Baka…Of course, Sesshoumaru wanted to make sure that human meets Inuyasha safely!” Jaken explained so boastfully and proudly he didn’t hear the piece of wood that Sesshomaru threw at him to shut him up.   

“Poor…Jaken-sama…*sigh* you never learn do you?” said Rin looking over at Jaken sprawled unconscious on the ground.

Idiot! Thought Sesshoumaru as he entered the forest slightly behind Kagome. Do you actually think that I, Sesshoumaru, would actually go to length to escort a human? I must remember the reason why I keep him with me.

After leaving my bag outside of this thicket, I move slowly and quietly as I can to where Inuyasha and Kikyou are standing. It isn’t far away, but I still can’t hear them. Isn’t it better not to hear what they’re saying? I look back and there is Sesshoumaru about ten paces from me. Sigh…I guess that Inuyasha is too busy with Kikyou to notice how close Sesshoumaru is. Wait a minute…the aura of the shikon shard…it’s coming from Kikyou? No way…but, wait a minute. Glancing around, up at the trees and looking at the place where Inuyasha and Kikyou are standing togather, Kagome looks desperately for any signs of the young Tajiya…but it seems that the boy isn’t here, then an idea strikes her. She turns around and takes a few steps to Sesshoumaru.

“A, ano…Sesshoumaru-sama…” she addresses him politely.

“Mmn,” Sesshoumaru answers softly, surprising Kagome.

“Umm…c,can you smell Kohaku anywhere?”

Why, I ask does she think that Kohaku is anywhere near? But, nevertheless she was polite in asking, “He isn’t here…”

No way…that would only mean that…the only reason why I can sense Kohaku’s Shikon shard is that…Kikyou must have taken the shard from him… but…

Suddenly, I find my self going closer to where they are.  

If she took the shard away from him…

I stand behind two trees away from them…  Sesshoumaru is still standing where he stopped over there.

Then … Kohaku is… dead…? No! That can’t possibly be… No she wouldn’t…

But then I remember the time when Kikyou trapped us all in Midoriko’s cave and the only one who managed to see Kikyou is this FOOL who is SOOO engrossed with HER that HE can’t even smell HOW CLOSE I AM TO HIM! Calm down Kagome… Oh yeah, I remember, Inuyasha said that Kikyou wanted to collect the remaining shards and hand them to Naraku to create a whole Shikon no tama and then, so Kikyou says, Naraku will overload on his powers and self destruct. Somehow, I don’t think that would actually happen and that her idea is the worst idea in the world.

But, that would be her perfect motive, wouldn’t it, to take Kohaku’s shard…but maybe…since she is a better miko then I’ll ever be, maybe she found a way to remove the shard without him losing his life…maybe…

I wonder why she went pale when I said the boy wasn’t here. Then like realization, striking her, she went closer to where my idiot for a half-brother and the dead miko are. I presume that a hanyou’s sense of smell must be weak, because he hasn’t picked up her smell yet. That’s why I call him an idiot.

Suddenly they heard Inuyasha shouting, “I love you Kikyou!”

What!? I had thought that this girl is his intended mate? Thought Sesshoumaru in surprise, but Kagome suddenly sunk to the forest floor.

“I love you Kikyou! I can never stop thinking about you! Day and night my mind is always wondering if you’re alright, if you’re safe…you are always in my heart…so how can you say I feel nothing for you now?”

“Inuyasha…is that the truth?” Kikyou asked forlornly.

Just then Kagome, got up and peeked around the tree just in time to see Inuyasha rush and hug Kikyou saying. “If you want me to, Kikyou, I will follow you to hell…I will,” That was all Kagome could take, she stood up and walked away. She was so out of it that she walked straight into Sesshomaru and not even know it.

I imagine, that when you hear your ‘supposed’ mate say that he loves another, it must be extremely shocking…other wise she would have enough sense not to walk into me. But, when I saw her eyes…they reminded me of when Kagura died, that almost same glazed look, it surprised me enough not to kill her and let her walk away only to stand by her bag staring into the dark. Then I saw Rin running up to the young miko and noticing immediately that there was something wrong with her.

“Sesshoumaru-sama…what’s wrong with Kagome-sama? Is she alright?”

Now, that my little adopted daughter is all worried about her, I can’t leave her like this can I. I glance back to my dim wit of a brother who still has his arms around another woman, then back at this…Kagome…that’s what Rin calls her after all. Her eyes still have that same glazed look. Then taking Kagome’s hand I utter softly, “Come” and surprisingly she follows me at once, with Rin bobbing behind us happy that her favorite Kagome is to be traveling with us for awhile…until that idiot comes for her anyway. I instruct Rin to look after Kagome until she comes to. Then I decide that this isn’t the most appropriate place for Rin to rest for the night, and with Jaken grumbling about having another human with us, we set of for some place, far.


This is it for the moment. Ooh by the way, I didn’t make that up about Kikyou’s idea of giving Naraku all the Shikon shards, it’s in the manga; volume 38.  And yes, Kohaku has left Naraku and has joined up with Kikyou, that’s proven in volume 41. But, it’s a bit of a mystery in volume 42, did Kikyou really take Kohaku’s shard? Well, Takahashi sensei has yet to explain that one yet. And for those of you who do not follow the manga, Kagura dies, shortly after Inuyasha and gang defeated Hakudoshi. If you want to find out more…go read the books.



Update 2010: Hello everyone, I will try my best to post one chapter a day, but from now on Traveling with Sesshoumaru has found a new home in Dokuga.