Drabbling a BackBone by LadySafire

Chapter 1

I own nothing.

 These are my drabbles from May15, 2010. Please enjoy!



 Sesshomaru checked his watch, irritation burning his eyes briefly. She was late again. No matter how many times he asked her to be on time for one of his business engagements she was always late. He began to pace his office like an animal caged too long.

 Where could she be? He pulled out his cell to call his missing mate when the door to his office smung open.

“Where have you been?!” he snapped angrily. “ It is unseemly for the CEO to be late to his own function.”

 Tugging her along he missed her soft words. “You’re going to be a father.”


 She stepped off the plane with “Aloha” and  a fragrant lei being draped around her neck. Kagome had come to Hawaii to put some distance between her and her mate. It was for the best and really, she didn’t think he would miss her at all. Lately all she had become was glorified arm candy.

After making her way to the concourse and picking up her luggage, she stepped out into the brilliant sunlight and caught a cab.

 Yes, this was for the best. A separation to get her thoughts in order. She placed her hand upon her still flat stomach. The next few days would determine if she would stay married to Sesshomaru or raise their child alone.


 She was surprised  at how content she felt on her own. No husband calling, demanding where she was and why was she late, telling her she couldn’t speak a certain way, telling her what clothes she could wear. For the first time in months she was happy and relaxed, which in itself told her how screwed up her relationship was with Sesshomaru.

 When had she lost control of her life, allowing him to run it and ride roughshod over her wants and needs.

 Leaning back into her lounger and beginning to doze she promised herself.  Life was going to change.


 He had called the house repeatedly, demanding to speak to his mate. Once again she was late attending a important business function and he was looking for her as usual.

 He was starting to feel the fury of the situation build bit by bit. Especially with the evasive answers of the household staff.

 Flinging down his phone, he stalked to the window and orbed his way to his estate. His anger now at full he tossed open the bedroom door to find…nothing. She was gone.

 A note lay on the bed prominently so he could see it.

  His heart went cold as he read it. She had left him and was possibly ending their marriage.


 He was on a plane the next day, taking only the basics with him; a change of clothing, razor and his blackberry.

 He had a mate to retrieve and he wasn’t going to waste anytime bringing her back home where she belonged!

 She was his! Her duty was to care for their home, satisfying his carnal needs and be present for his business, not gallivanting off to Hawaii!

 He flexed his claws with irritation and anger. When he caught up to his little female, she was going to start toeing the line.


 Kagome trailed her fingers lightly over the gossamer curtains surrounding the little bassinette. She just could help but stop and examine the small bed. A smile lifted her lips as she imagined her child all swaddled within.

 A sudden noise broke her delightful daydream and with a sigh of annoyance she lifted her cell which she had turned on the first time that day. Biting her lip, she saw ir was Sesshomaru calling.

 Taking a breath, she answered. “Yes, Sesshomaru?”

 “Where are you?” he snarled.

  “Taking some me time away from you.” She snapped back. “Go to hell and leave me be!”


  He paced angrily back and forth in her suite. How could she do this? He again looked down at the pamphlets that lay strewn on the table. Most of them pertained to childbirth but a few were also on how to divorce and break a mating bond.

 He burned aa a myriad of thoughts rushed through his mind. Did she have a lover? Was she and he already planning on having a child? A sharp pain shot through his heart when he thought of Kagome with another.

 Something else occurred to him.

  Was this all a ploy to make him jealous?

 His eyes locked onto the door as it opened . His wayward mate had returned and she had better have some answers.


 She stared across the room at the furious red-eyed inuyoukai before her. The air felt heavy and still, almost suffocating.  At first she had wanted to apologize profusely for leaving, submitting to stay his anger.

 Suddenly she stiffened her posture and strode into the room, her expression every bit as icy as his own. “What are you doing here?” she asked with an arrogance that rivaled his own at times.

 H tossed the pamphlets at her feet. “Care to explain, mate?” he growled out.

 Giving the papers a sparse glance she bypassed them, her expression betraying nothing.

 “No, I don’t.” Kagome said as she swept past with the grace of an ice  queen.


  Slamming the bedroom door shut, she placed her hands on her stomach to try and gain strength from the precious secret she held inside her body.

 A sudden hard knock startled her from her private communion.

 “Kagome, come out here right now!” Sesshomaru’s voice thundered from outside.

 A part of Kagome wanted to quake at his anger but the new Kagome she had been working on the past two days suddenly stood straight and flung the door open.

 “You will no longer demand ANYTHING from me Sesshomaru! I am your wife, your mate. I am no longer some little trophy wife who will submit to your every whim.

 As she stood there a glowing aura began to build around her forcing him away. Kagome gave a grim smile.

 Oh yes, the worm had finally turned and it felt wonderful!


   Kagome inwardly smiled at the look at Sesshomaru’s face. He looked like he was going to have kittens over her daring to challenge him.

 “You would dare..!” he sputtered in fury.

 “Oh I would dare anything, Sess!” Kagome snapped at him. “I am sick of being the good little wife! Things are going to change now.”

 “Where is your lover?” he snarled, from across the room still unable to come close from her aura.

 She look at him, nonplussed. “My what?” she stammered. “I don’t have a lover! What, do you think I need a lover to suddenly get a back bone, you jackass?”

 Kagome leaned towards him her sapphire glowing. “ You are so wrong.” She hissed. “Something so much more important made me realize what a doormat I was to you!”


 Okay, she would admit it now that maybe she had been a bit premature to throw that at him.

 “You were never a doormat!” he protested vehemently. “You are my wife and certain things are expected of you!”

 “Oh bull, Sesshomaru!” she snapped crossing her arms in her anger. “I am nothing to you. I doubt you would even miss me if I suddenly up and died. All I would be is an inconvenience to your tidy schedule and even then I would imagine you would figure out how to turn my death into a business deal!”

 His face froze at her words. Did she truly feel that would how he would react if something happened to her? His gut clenched in terror at the thought of ever losing her. He made himself look at thing from her side and suddenly he could see what he had done to her.       

 In a way, he had almost killed her himself.   


   Kagome stood under the spray of the shower and mused on the occurrences of an hour ago.   Sesshomaru had reeled away from her after her harsh words and suddenly …walked out. He looked as if someone had struck a sudden and wicked blow to his stomach.

 She wondered what had caused him to leave like that.

 Sesshomaru stood shaking on the beach looking back over the past year or so. What had he done? Could he undo the damage? When had making money come to mean so much more than his mate?

 He dropped into the sand and let the warm breeze wash over him. Would she forgive him?

 Better yet, did he deserve her forgiveness?


 He walked for miles that night, across the beaches and in the glowing moonlight. How could have ignored her misery. He’d been like the proverbial ostrich and stuck his head in the sand, choosing not to see how her heart was breaking every day.

 He finally made his way back to her, pausing at her hotel room door and knocked. He had no right to just barge in. If things were going to change he had to start now, his treatment of her had been dishonorable.

 As she answered the door, he took a deep inhalation of her scent.

 Looking into her eyes, he finally figured out what had become so important in her life.

It wasn’t him.


  She stood there in the doorway, heart jumping so fast  that she doubted a kangaroo at full sprint couldn’t out do it. She could tell by his eyes and face that he had finally figured out her secret. In a small way, she was relieved.

 “When were you going to tell me?” he asked, voice low. “Or were you?”

 Kagome sighed and leaned against the frame. “I tried to once and you brushed my words aside, like you have done so many times before.”

  He thought back and recalled the last time they had been together, wincing as he remembered.

 “Would it help if I apologized?” He gazed at her, his eyes trying to show her his sorrow at his treatment of her.

 “I don’t know right now, Sess.” Kagome said as she bit her lip in agitation. “It may be a case of too little too late.”


 She had let him stay in the room with her on the grounds that he sleep on the pullout bed on the couch. He was agreeable to it and lay their contemplating their marriage and their upcoming child. Imagining her heavy with their pup made him smile for a moment. Her body filled out that way would be a sight to behold.

 Sighing he turned onto his side. Would he be there to watch the babe grow within her? At this moment Kagome held all the cards.

 His eyes burned as he thought of their child growing up not knowing him and hated himself as he thought about the circumstances they were in. Kami forbid, he had turned into his father.



  During the night, Kagome had to get up and get a bottle of water from the small fridge in the outer room. As she tiptoed past her sleeping mate she paused to gave down at his face. He always looked so peaceful when he was at rest.

 She kept staring down at him, the temptation great to softly stroke his face. Hesitantly she reached out and softly touched a cheek. It was still as smooth as silk and warm. Gently she ran her fingertip over his maroon stripes, gasping when his eyes suddenly shot open.

  She went to pull her hand away, surprised when he stopped her.

 “It’s all right.” He whispered softly. “Please continue.”


  She had stood by his side and run her fingertips all over his face, stroking his stripes and his half moon. She had always been fascinated with his markings. Reaching up he had run his own fingers over her face tracing each curve and dip as if he were discovering her for the first time. Suddenly he reached up and pulled her down beside him.

 “I just want to hold you for a while, Kagome.” He had whispered, pulling her close.

Now here she stood watching the sunset and wondering, should she give him another chance or would it be better to just cut her losses and run?

 Sighing she leaned against a palm tree. Why did life have to be so difficult?


 He stood on the balcony, watching Kagome as she walked the beach. They had talked frankly that morning about their relationship and he had apologized for the way he had treated her. But apologies went enough. She had told him she needed space to think and make a decision about their future and if they would spend the rest of their relationship apart.

 Watching her slight form below, he realized just how much he loved her. And felt sudden shame wash through his body. Bile burned in his throat as he finally admitted to himself, that he had never told her. He had kept his feelings carefully hoarded like a miserly old man.

 “Please give us a chance, Kagome.” He whispered as she suddenly looked up and slowly made her way back towards the hotel.

 It seemed as though a decision had been made.


 Sesshomaru sat in the plane as it flew over the blue water, back towards Japan. He was going back alone. Kagome had given him her decision and he had agreed to abide by it. It would be difficult and sometimes painful but it was after all in the best interests of them all to do as she asked.

  He swallowed hard at the threatening lump in his throat as the jet flew further from her and the pup.

 He could do this, would do this! Picking up his blackberry, he stared hard at it before crushing it in his hands.

  It had taken too much of his time already and cost him so much.


  Kagome cried out as she was forced to bear down, desperately trying deliver their child. Sesshomaru held her close as he coached her breathing. As he listened to her pants, his mind wandered back over the last few months and Kagome’s ultimatum. Designate, diversify or she and the pup were gone. Also, he was to court her all over again during the pregnancy. He had agreed to her terms and flown home immediately to begin all proceedings. After a week she had flown home, moving into the room across the hall from the room that had at one time occupied together.

 It had been a long process but in the end so very worth it. He had again won the affections of his mate and was determined to be a loving supportive mate and father.

 A sharp cry caught his attention as kagome gave a final push and he had the joy of seeing his son arrive.

He gave a soft kiss to her sweaty forehead.

Yes, it had been worth it all indeed.


 I hope you all enjoy these. I had a great time writing them. If you haven't been to a Drabble/Drawble night, come join us!

Please read and review!

 And Walter? Despite your two words I did it. And I am so get you someday! Though have to admit, you did make me really have to come up with creative way to get those two prompts written.

Hugs all,