Timeless by LadySafire

Through Time I'll Find You

I do not own InuYasha or anyone. If I did, Sesshomaru would be only for my veiwing pleasure.


 Ok, I started writing this before roo posted her challenge. I started to scuttle it but my evil muse took over. He is a fickle creature who drops plots into my head when I really don't need any new ones. Sometimes I truely hate his guts.


  The well had called his beloved Kagome home. They hadn’t even a moment for goodbye. Sesshomaru’s heart twisted in agony as he remembered her frantic calls to him after she had completed the jewel and started to fade from view.

 “I love you! Please let me stay!” she screamed out trying to touch his body one last time. “Sesshomaru, find me! I know you can find me!”

 And with her last sentence echoing around him was….gone.

 Now he stood beside the well she had traveled through so many times over the past few years hoping an idea he had would work.

Glancing down at the thick hide wrapped packet in his hand he clutched it tightly and leapt within the dark wooden confines of the old well. Carefully he looked over the boards testing a few until he found one that removed easily. He dug out a small hole big enough to slide the package in and replaced the board tightly.

 He set his hand against the wood and pushed a bit of his power into the wood, hoping that Kagome would be able to find his missive to her.

 “Wait for me, koi. I’ll find you somehow.” He murmured and leapt free of the Bone Eater’s Well.

 He would be back another day to leave her another.                  

 Kagome sat weeping beside the old well. She had tried repeatedly to jump in and go back to where she felt she belonged. She had left her heart there, she knew it because why else would she have this aching hole as if part of her soul had been ripped away.

 “WHY?!” she shouted at the rafters. “Why take me from him?”

  She slammed her hands down upon the old wood and poured her power into the well, hoping against hope she could activate it once again. A sudden gasp left her lips as a sudden flow of youkai surged against her. She knew that power signature!

 Desperate she jumped down to find the source, flaring her aura again to make the surge answer back. Quickly finding the board that she knew Sesshomaru had infused with his strength from across time she tore it from the wall, eyes widening at the small place that had been concealed all these years.

Slowly she slipped her hand inside and pulled free a packet that had been securely wrapped  to keep its precious cargo safe. She quickly replaced the board and climbed out to run outside with her find to sit beneath the Sacred Tree at her shrine.

 Slowly undoing the rawhide knots she found several parchment sheets. “Oh Kami,” she breathed joyfully. “It’s a letter from  Sesshomaru.”

 Kagome slowly pulled out a sheet and began to read as tears streamed down her face.

“My Dearest Kagome,

 I know of no other way for this to reach you. I am hoping this packet will survive the ravages of time and find you. I miss you. You were torn away so quickly that I had no time to tell you again how much I love you. I want you to know that I will do everything within my powers to have you back by my side.

 Do not worry for our daughter, Rin and son, Shippo. I will raise them well with the help of the Slayer and Monk. I will make sure that they keep you in their hearts as I will keep you in mine, my koibito.

 Every few weeks I will travel to your well and leave you another week’s worth of letters. Look for them, my beloved. I will write you of my enduring love and tell you how our children grow.

 Wait for me, Kagome. I WILL find you.

 Forever yours,



 Kagome pressed the letter to her heart as it began to ache again. After a moment, she set it aside and reached for another.

 “My Kagome,

 It’s been three weeks since you were taken from us…from me. My heart aches from your absence, my love. Shippo and Rin miss you.

 The Slayer and the Monk have joined my household. They are to marry within the week. The slayer has decided that an empty space be kept open in her marriage party  and at the feasting table in remembrance of you .

 I find myself jealous at times of their upcoming nuptials and can’t help to think it should be us celebrating our mating. I want you with me so much it’s painful, my love. Why did the Kami tear you from my arms?

 I must keep this short as I need to assist the Monk with some of the details of the ceremony.

  Take care, my Kagome, my heart.

 Until we meet Again,



 Kagome rubbed at her wet cheeks as she placed the precious letter with it the other she’d read. So, Sango and Miroku now lived with Sesshomaru and the children and were to be married soon. She smiled as she thought about the preparations and how her friends had thought about in their own way to include her, even though they were so far apart in time.

  Looking down she reached for the next letter and gently picked it up, caressing it as she thought about the man who had held it so many years before.  Taking a steadying breath she began to read.

   My darling Kagome,

 I dreamed of you last night. A dream so real I woke reaching for you, only to discover the bare place in my bed where you should have been. When I make it to your time, I hope you know I plan to keep you in our chambers for a very long time and even then I don’t know if that will slake my thirst for you.

 Kagome stopped reading a moment and blushed profusely. That naughty youkai!

 I suppose you want to know about the Monk’s and Slayer’s wedding? They took their vows this morning just as the sun broke over the horizon. It was meant to be a symbol of their beginning lives they told me.

 The bride wore a kosode that had belonged to her mother. It was a dark blue with cherry blossom and chrysanthemums strewn across the surface as regal cranes walked among them. When the Monk saw her appear in the shrine he whispered to me, “Beautiful. I can hardly wait to help her out of it.” Which earned him a severe frown from the monk performing the ceremony.

 (You must tell me, koi, was he always this way?)

 I have to admit to again feeling jealous, angry and cheated, my love. As the Slayer came towards us, all I could think for a moment was that it should be you.

 I apologize. I know this is as hard on you as it is on me.

 I digress. I promised to tell you of the ceremony. They chose a simple one, an exchange of sipping sake from three cups. Their eyes were only for each other as it should be.

 After they were done, we went to the banquet hall to celebrate with food and drink. So many of the friends you all made in your travels were there, the irritating wolf and his companions, the gentle hanyou healer Jen-Nenji and his loud mother, Totosai and so many others. They all expressed regret that time had pulled you away from us.

 I may have to kill that wolf, though. He has sworn he will make it to your time and take you as his mate. No, my love, I didn’t disturb the festivities. I simply invited him out to speak in the garden and quietly pummeled him there. No one was the wiser for it either.

 Well, one was aware. InuYasha had followed me out and was going to aid me in my “explanation” to that imbecile wolf why it would be in his best interests to give up his idiotic claim. I do believe he now thoroughly understands my position and my own claim.

 It is now late at night, beloved. As I write this, I find myself again wishing for your presence. To touch, smell and even taste your skin. I will endure this ache I feel for you until we are once again together.

Until my next letter,

 I am always yours,



 Kagome sat under the leaves of the Sacred tree and slowly read the rest of the letters. They were all of the same theme, Sesshomaru professing his enduring love, the hijinks of the children and all their daily lives.

 She wished she could reply to his letters with some of her own. Thinking for a moment, Kagome ran her hand over the hide his missives hand come wrapped in. It suddenly occurred to her that it was supple, not cracked and aged. She sprang from her seat and ran to the well. Casting her senses into the wood deeped than she had before, she felt it. The lightest bit of magic.  Not enough to send her back but just enough for her and Sesshomaru to exchange letters.

 With a bright smile, she dashed out of the wellhouse and quickly gathered up the letters. She had some writing to do herself.


This is not going to be a very long story. :wags finger at audience: No, I mean it! I am trying to get caught up on the others, so no puppy eyes, crying or offers of pocky. Thsi will last only two maybe three chapters. I hope you all like it.

 Please read and review.