Think Fast, Write Sharp, Spell Correctly by Angelicatt


Drabble/Drawble Night 4/24/10

Theme: How to use the dictionary

Hosted by Danyealle-sama

First Prompt: Dishabille

Word Count: 100

Meaning according to Merriam-Webster:

1 a archaic : negligee b : the state of being dressed in a casual or careless style

2 : a deliberately careless or casual manner


Kagome walked through the front door to find her mate slouched over the couch, one leg over the arm, the remote lying haphazardly amongst the remains of what looked like a family size pack of Little Debbie Swiss Rolls and a half eaten bag of Cheetos.

If the cheesy fingers weren’t enough, the chocolate smears on his dishelved concert tee were enough to bust him for his crimes. Apparently he had another hard day in the office and had decided to ‘pig out’ on all her PMS snackies again. He was worse than a teenager when he got like this.