Breaking by SilverontheRose

Chapter 1

Title: Breaking

Genre: Freeverse/angst

Rating: R

Pairing: Kagome/Sesshoumaru

Warnings: Pretty obliqueness disguising sex

Summary: What could drive the two of them into each other's arms?

Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi.



Honor ignored

Slipping sensuously down

Dignity forgotten

Burning lips scorch the skin

Family weakness relived

Cold ice turns to steam

Demon Lord quivers


A destiny too painful

Innocence intuitively given

Love denied

Caresses ignite the senses

Broken vows half-mourned

Awakened need pounds

Priestess gasps


Skin to skin

Hearts seek comfort

All rules broken

Tremors echo their release

With silent thoughts

Regrets always wait for morning

They watch day break


This is a rewrite of one I had done much earlier in my fanfiction career. I prefer it, as it shows the double poem I was aiming for. The italicized part is read softer than the main.