Conversations with Sesshoumaru by Tal

Computer Troubles

Disclaimer: Not mine, sadly.

4. Computer Troubles

Or: In which Sesshy "troubleshoots"... or not


“What in world was that?”


“Don’t give me those monosyllabic answers, Sesshoumaru!  What was that sound I heard?  And… what is that smell?”

“This Sesshoumaru does not need to explain himself to a mere miko.”

“You do when this mere miko is your mate.  And has couch-banishing powers.”

“… It lagged.”

“It lagged?  What la—Sesshoumaru!!”


“This is the third computer this month!  For the last time, you may NOT use your dokkasou…  Even if it lags!  Kami knows I’ve been tempted to kill the computer myself, but I don’t!  I go look up the troubleshooting stuff on the web!”

“… This Sesshoumaru would have no trouble shooting this computer.”


A/N: For this, I partly blame Rika and Fox... from the chat.  As well as Tim Hawkins.  To better get that reference, look up "Tim Hawkins" and "Troubleshooting" on youtube.