It Came From Drabble NIght by LadySafire

Chapter 1

Ok here are my drabbles from March 20, 2010. It was a great time and i loved every minute of it!


 She left the past with the illusion she could exist without the love of her Demon Lord. How wrong she was! The pain of the separation was slowly killing her soul.

 She stood at the edge of the well wondering if she had the guts to try and go back and fix the damage she’d done breaking his heart.

 Lifting a trembling foot, she stepped over the edge only to plummet to the dirt floor below.

 Agonized cries left her throat as she realized, she was too late.


 Gold eyes stared into the clean swept yard, looking for any hint at where the girl from his past may be.  Had he missed her somehow? He slunk along walls and listened at windows to try and hear her voice. He had to find the miko he had loved and who had shattered his heart so long ago.

 His ears perked up at sounds coming from a older structure, the sounds of angry and broken hearted sobs.  Lightly he stepped towards them and opened the door of the old well house.  Jumping below he peered over the edge at a face he one time desired and despaired of seeing again.


 She lifted her head as the powerful aura rolled over her. Blinking away tears she looked toward the lip of the well.

  Silvery hair glinted in the little wisps of sunlight that dared to enter the well house.

 “Sesshomaru?” she whispered, unbelieving of what her eyes were telling her.

 “Miko, how is it that you always end up in some sort of trouble no matter where or what time you travel to?” he asked, exasperation coating his words and leaned in checking over her predicament.

 “Ummm..Talent?” she answered glad that he’d come once again to her aid.


 ‘Dammit, he was supposed to angry with her, not letting her enchat him with her accidents and tears’ he thought viciously as he examined her ankle.

 “Is it broken?” she asked softly, tensing af his fingers probed the swollen skin.

 “No, I don’t think so.” He looked up his expression savage. “What in the seven hells were you thinking jumping down there, you little fool? You could have been killed!”

 Her voice was small as she answered his question and her answer made him feel small for the first time in years.

 “I was trying to come back to you.”


 “The ritual you used Miko to open the well was a one time only spell.” He sighed, reaching up reluctantly to cup her cheek.

 “Oh.” She replied inelegantly. Silence reined around them as they both avoided each others eyes.

 Sesshomaru finally sighed again. “Why did you leave me?”

 Sad blue eyes finally looked into his. “I was scared. You can be so overwhelming at times and I was afraid I would lose myself.”

 “Silly idiot.” He spoke gently. “You can never get lost with me. You are an extension of my heart.”


  He was dazzled by her in the wedding kimono that had belonged to her mother. At the insistence of her grandfather, he would be the one to speak the words that would bind them together.

 He smiled down into her radiant face and thought of the years he had been without her in his arms. The time apart had been painful, but worth it. It made him appreciate more the woman he chosen and loved.


  Kagome had gone to the mystic on a lark, not expecting much at all.

  The man she was sitting in front of examined her palm closely. “This line here say you are divided in your attentions for two men.”

 Kagome looked up at him shocked that he should known the secret she kept hidden in her heart.

 “What else do you see?” she asked hesitantly.

 He traced the lined lightly. “It says you should choose the elder brother and not the half- breed.” He intoned his voice making Kagome tremble for a minute.

 His words registered after a moment and glared at him as she finally read the energy surrounding the male. “Nice try Sesshomaru.” She huffed angrily.


 Fingertips touched her skin lightly as a warm mouth slid enticingly along her shoulder. She treasured these times alone with her Demon Lord, her Sesshomaru.

 When he touched her like this she truly believed he had magic in his fingertips and lips.

 He pulled her down to the grass they had been sitting on and continued to further wring gasps from her.

 Oh yes, magic indeed.

Hope you all enjoyed them.