Someone To Watch Over Me by Inukohi-Sama

who are you?

Hiya guys! this is Inuko-Chan, originally just a fan artist now wanna be finfic writer. This is a story that I was working on from a single spark, and I just thought I would finish it.  Be easy on me, this is my first fic.

Disclaimer: I own nothing from Inuyasha, no matter how much I wish....

Ch. 1 Who Are You?

From the moment he saw the woman, he knew that –despite her beauty- she was already taken.

He followed his young ward, Rin, toward the river, the cold mist clinging to his skin and clothes, forming little water beads. He kept his hands tucked in his sleeves, while his gaze chased restlessly around the scene. The river took on a shimmery glow in the falling sun.

   Chilly waves lapped against the sides of the bank. A wintry breeze curled around his face and ears, slipping past him, making his silver-white hair blow behind him. Rin turned around to face him, pointing at a certain spot on the bank. “Sesshomaru-sama, I think I see something on the shore.” Sesshomaru followed he line of sight, not really thinking anything of it, then saw what it was.

    He could see a petite body, lying on its side. ‘A mortal woman,’ he thought, narrowing his eyes in disgust. His ward wasn’t thinking about saving this woman, was she? ‘If so, I will have no part in it,’ and at that thought, he turned away, planning on leaving the woman to die.

    But, at fate would have it, Rin decided not to follow. Instead, she took off toward the bank, coming to kneel beside the unconscious woman. Rin turned the soaked woman on her back, and gasped in recognization. “Oh! It’s Kagome-chan!” Hearing this, Sesshomaru stopped and turned, his eyes widening a fraction. What was Inuyasha’s wench doing wandering about by herself? Moreover, why is she in a half-drowned state? He walked over to where the onna and his ward were at, his curiosity ignited. He stared at Kagome’s small, half-drowned form. He could hear her breathing, but very faintly.

Rin turned her big brown eyes up to her lord with a pleading look. “Sesshomaru-sama, can we please bring her with us? She’ll die if we leave her here. Please???” Sesshomaru sighed inwardly, wondering when Rin had this kind of effect on him. He looked down at Kagome again, then thought, ‘Hm. Maybe…I can use this to my advantage. With this girl in my possession, I can finally make that brat, Inuyasha, pay.’

“Rin, go to find Ah-Un and Jaken, we are bringing the girl with us.” Rin gave him her huge, adorable grin and ran toward the campsite saying, “Yes Sesshomaru-sama!”

Sesshomaru kneeled down and picked up Kagome, then began the trek back towards the camp where his companions waited. He smirked and evil smirk, anticipating when the girl would wake up to find out was she was with. Surprisingly, after that thought, she stirred a bit, her eyes straining to see where she was and who was holding her.

Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed a bit at her, then widened a little with shock at what she said. Her voice was raspy, and the words were hushed to the point where he could barely make them out even with his superior hearing. After she spoke, she slipped back into unconsciousness, leaving a stunned western Taiyoukai lord standing there holding her.

The words ran around in his head for a bit before he continued walking, still stunned by what she asked.

 “who are you?"


Swiftly Sesshomaru made his way into the camp, where Rin and his servant, Jaken, were seated next to a newly made fire. Rin was babbling away to Jaken, probably about the miko in his arms. Just as soon as Sesshomaru entered the camp, the little imp turned his head and gawked at his lord and the onna he was carrying.

“Mi lord?! Why on earth have you brought a human woman here?!” Jaken, who failed to see the death glare from his master, continued his prattling and stopped for a minute, recognition setting in, then began anew.

“It’s Inuyasha’s wench?! What in the seven hells is she doing here?!” At that comment, the unfortunate Jaken was sent flying, courtesy of his master’s foot, followed by “Do not dare question me, Jaken. The girl is none of your concern.”

Sesshomaru walked over to where Rin apparently made up a small bed for the miko and set the sleeping onna on top of it, then moved to sit on one side to keep watch over her.

Rin padded over to where her lord and Kagome were at and sat before them, looking at the older girl sleeping. “Sesshomaru-sama, what do you think happened to her?”

The demon lord looked at his ward, and then turned his eyes back to Kagome’s sleeping form. “I do not know, Rin,” He sighed, then turned his head toward the fire.

“Go to sleep Rin, we leave at dawn tomorrow.” He said, without looking away from the fire.

“Hai Sesshomaru-sama!” Rin said, giving him her famous little grin, then ran over to where the two-headed dragon Ah-Un was laying. She snuggled up against the dragon’s side, and soon was asleep.

Two minutes later, Jaken came trotting back into the camp, a lump on his head. He bid his lord a fearful goodnight, then plopped himself by the fire to sleep.

Sesshomaru stared at the fire a bit longer, and then turned his head back to the sleeping onna beside him. A cruel smirk formed on his face as he began to think.

Oh how he had waited for an opportunity to get him meddlesome little half-breed brother back for taking what belonged to him. Not only that, but also for the loss of his arm.

He then scowled, and glared at the sleeping form. “I swore you would rue the day you made a fool of me, Inuyasha,” he murmured. “But the opportunity has come a hell of lot sooner than I expected.”


A/N: sry its so short, and sry that I'm so slow with writing ideas ^^; rate and review, ideas are welcomed, but no flameing, please.

sorry guys, but wiccan-sama made me put the two chapters together, since i didnt relise there was a certain word count requirement.

so? whaddya think? rate and review plz and as for the font, i dunno how to fix it!! help...pweeze?