Sheer Cruelty part deux by Hairann

Ode to the lollipop

Title: Sheer Cruelty part deux

Subtitle: Ode to the lollipop

Author: Hairann

Theme: 2nd annual 50 Ways to Torture a Taiyoukai

Genre: Humor

Rating: T

Warnings: Not to be taken seriously, sequel to Hair's worst enemy.

Word Count: 1292

AN: This is it for Sheer Cruelty part deux.  I hope you enjoyed this round of sequels and got a good laugh out of it :).

I will never learn will I? He warned me not to, he did and still I did not listen. Again, even knowing better this time, I repeated the same mistake. Well it wasn't exactly the same thing, but it most certainly close enough that it counts. And yet, here we are again traveling across the land in complete and total silence. The two of us afraid to speak and him too annoy, or worst yet angry, to speak. Only one word had been spoken since we awoke that morning, just 'come'.

See he learned after the last time, he didn't even need to ask me where that cursed thing had come from, he already knew. He knew better as did my silent walking companion, it was only me that seemed unable to learn from my mistakes. After what had happened a few months ago, I never should have accepted anything else from her and yet, the moment she offered it, I snatched it up. Like a moth to the flame I was drawn in and unable to resist its sweet temptation.

Even though I should have known better, and everyone else did, still I fell into its trap. Again we were in this mess because I could not resist the urge. And so we travel, the silence weighting over us, unnerving me to the point that I almost speak just to get him to turn back to glare at me like I know he will. Some reaction would be better than this, even if it meant I would get yelled at. Once again I find myself wishing he would yell at me, his silence is never a good thing.

Last time I lucked out, she was able to fix the problem I caused and he let me off the hook for some unknown reason. I suppose he simply placed the blame on her since she was the one that had given it to me even though the same incident happened with her young kit many times before and she should have known better. Or at least warned me. Last time it was her fault, at least partly, but this time I had no one to blame but myself.

I already knew what could happen when these kind of things were involved and yet I still screwed up again. This time I could not blame it on not knowing any better because I did and everyone else knows it. This time no excuse is going to do me any good if he decides to punish me for this. As I once heard her say, I made my bed and now I have to lay in it. The only thing I could hope for was that she could fix the problem once again.

Then maybe my punishment wouldn't be as severe as it was looking to be. I don't even want to think about what might happen if she is unable to fix my mess once again. He stops before us and my shorter companion and I exchange glances with each other, both wondering the same thing. Why he had suddenly stopped as the girl, he had to be seeking, was no where in sight. After a moment he gestured for us to remain before continuing on into the surrounding forest.

Completely confused, I turned toward the demon standing beside me only to have him shrug his shoulders in response. Apparently he was as confused as I was and could offer up no explanation for our leader's strange behavior. As unsure of what was going on as I was, I couldn't help but be a bit happy. He had left both of us here and I was the only one in trouble, which meant that at the very least, he would be back for us whenever he was done with whatever he was doing.


As Sesshoumaru left his companions and made his way deeper into the forest, he skillfully follow the scent he had picked up a moment before, knowing its owner to be the one he sought. Soon enough he came upon a slight bend in the river where she and her slayer friend bathed in strangely tight clothing. If it could even be called that. “Leave,” Sesshoumaru instructed of the slayer when the two of them noticed his presence.

Glancing from her weapon, left on the shore, to him before settling on her friend, Sango's expression seemed to be asking what she wanted to her to do. “It's fine, Sango, I think I might know why he is here. Go ahead and head back to camp, I should be finished up here soon and will meet you there,” Kagome assured her with a smile to let her know she was okay before turning her attention to the silently waiting demon lord as Sango waded her way out of the water and gathered up her belongings.

Turning back to her friend, still a bit unsure if this was a good idea, Sango shrugged at the completely calm look she sported before making her way back toward camp. “So how can I help you, Sesshoumaru?” Kagome inquired after a moment, giving Sango ample time to get far enough away that she would be unable to overhear their conversation. “Don't tell me you got gum in your hair again,” she continued in a joking manner, doubting he would have fallen for the same thing twice.

“No,” he replied before holding up a large lock of silvery hair that was matted together by a red, sticky lollipop. Unable to stop herself, Kagome giggled at his expense, earning an annoyed growl from the demon. Doing her best to regain control of herself, she gestured for him to join her, watching as he removed his top before wading his way over to where she was standing in chest high water. “Refrain from giving Rin anymore of this candy of yours. I do not wish to have it find its way into my hair for a third time.”

“Lean your head back,” she instructed, waiting until he had done so before beginning to wash the sticky substance from the strains, enjoying the way the clean hair felt against her fingers. “But if I did that, Sesshoumaru, how else would I be able to get you to come visit me?” she inquired as she finished cleaning the candy out, but continued to play with the soft strains anyways. Annoyed golden eyes glanced over his shoulder at her, his unasked question clearly readable on his handsome face.

“Of course it was on purpose. Though, in my defense, I figured she would get them stuck in her own hair, not yours. But I couldn't think of any other way to get you to stop by that wouldn't make Inuyasha throw a fit. If you would have just noticed the looks I have been giving you for months and replied one way or another to my advances, I wouldn't have had to take it this far. But of course you were completely oblivious to me.”

Feeling his hair slip through her fingers, Kagome glanced up to find his golden eyes boring into her umber orbs and forced herself not to take a step backwards under his scrutiny. “Do you really think that I am so oblivious that I would miss the lingering glances or the softened tone when you speak to me in battle? I am not the oblivious one, you are Kagome. How else do you think Rin has managed to get the candy in my hair not once, but twice? You were not the only one with ulterior motives,” Sesshoumaru admitted before leaning down to brush his lips against hers.