When Life Gives You... by I Agree

When Life Gives You... Introductions

 He sighed as he parked his car alongside the road, eyeing the many cars that lined the driveway. He had hoped when he arrived there would have been less people, he didn’t want too many witnesses for this. When it came to his half-brother though, he was never so lucky. He was going to be seen in the presence of the lowest society members and more than likely he would be recorded by some gossip hungry woman and be found on You-Tube the next morning. And the reputation of the great business man Taisho Sesshou-Maru would be torn to pieces.

 He sat and stared at nothing while the thought circulated in his mind, but after a moment he shook it off, got out of the car and walked briskly up the drive. Rapping smartly on the door, Sesshou-Maru rolled his eyes when he heard an answering squeal and “Shhh! It’s the cops!”

 The door opened an inch a minute later. After a rather odorous smoke spilled out of the door, a wide bloodshot blue eye peaked out at him. Instantly the door shut again and he heard a loud whisper from the other side. “It’s a really hot cop!”

 He wanted to sigh again as he heard what sounded like a large group of females squeal, but he knew he should just be grateful she hadn’t recognized him. The door opened again, this time all the way, and the blue-eyed woman who had opened the door before smiled brightly at him, a gaggle of women crowding behind her to get a good look. “Hello officer! I thought you said you guys didn’t want to come here again tonight.”

 “I’m here for Inu-Yasha.”

 “Ooo, Yasha’s busted!” shouted a male in the back.

 Sesshou-Maru closed his eyes for a moment, telling himself he could not rightfully kill these people for idiocy. “I am not a police officer. Inu-Yasha called me earlier to pick him up. Where is he?”

 “Passed out in the bathroom,” chirped blue-eyes happily. “He locked himself in there when Kagome wouldn’t let him have his keys to drive home. That bitch.”

 One of the girls behind her poked her in the side, “You’re Kagome.”

 She blinked stupidly, “Oh yeah.”

 The entire group started cracking up as she presented her hand to him, “Hi, I’m the bitch Kagome.”

 Reluctantly he took her hand, wondering if he should be horrified or amused. She smiled beatifically, shook his hand weakly, then turned and stumbled into the house shouting that she was going to fetch his half-brother for him. Sesshou-Maru sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time that night as one of the other girls raised her phone and took a picture of him.

 When Life Gives You Introductions, Keep an Open Mind


 A.N. This popped into my head a long time ago and I actually think it’s a cute idea. I know I should be working on other things, but currently I hate those other things, so I’m going to do what pleases. This will be done sporadically, as I get ideas for it. Hope you like it!

 Oh, I do not condone drug use of any kind and I don’t own You-Tube or Inu-Yasha, characters or otherwise. I get no profit from this.

 Please Regard Me Kindly,

I Agree