Pride's Fall by LadySafire

Pride's Fall

These are my entries from the impromptu drabble night on Feb.6, 2010.


She reached down to lightly smooth a small crease in her blue paper patient smock. Sick nerves tickled down her arms and into her stomach as she thought about why she was waiting in the cold doctor’s office.

 Kami, she really didn’t want to be here but he’d left no doubt in her mind about how he would feel about a half blooded child and she didn’t know if she had the strength to against him. Suddenly it hit her about what she was about to do. She, a being who was made to love all beings was about to end the life of one.

 With a sudden strength she didn’t know she had she threw on her clothing and ran out the door. She would be strong and raise the child.


Kagome mentally drooled as she cut into the pineapple skin and the sharp, sweet scent surrounded her.

“Oh,” she thought as she peeled it and placed large chunks into a bowl “this is going to be sooo good.”

 She waddled quickly over to the fridge and got out the bottle of chocolate sauce she kept stashed there and drizzled it liberally over the golden pieces of fruit.

 Moaning happily she slipped a piece between her lips and joyfully chewed.

 She patted her rounded tummy, communing with the child growing there as she gleefully munched down another slice.


 He growled lightly as the radio blared from the car next to him. Sesshomaru just couldn’t understand the humans who had to have the volume up that high. Unsuccessfully he tried to blot it out when a song came on that he recognized and brought an ache to his heart. It was the song they had danced  to their last night out. He still didn’t understand why she had called and left the message that they were over and not to contact her. He’d got by her apartment only to find she was gone and left no forwarding address.

It was for the best he supposed as she didn’t fit in his world nor he hers.


Sesshomaru stalked down the narrow aisle of the store irritation oozing out through his aura. His father had called to ask him to pick up a bag of sugar on his way home from work. When he asked why as he was sure a new bag had been bought just last week, his father had replied that the idiot that was his half brother had used the entire bag to sweeten the instant drink he’d been making.

 He growled with disgust hoping that the fool hadn’t given any to Rin, the human ward a business friend had bequeathed to him last month. 

  Reaching his target he reached out to pluck the pink and white bag from the shelf only to stop as a familiar scent teased his nose. He glanced around him missing the very pregnant form of the woman who had just turned the corner.

 “Kagome?” he thought hopefully, then firmly dismissed the idea quickly striding to the checkout and trying to soothe his rattled nerves.


  Kagome sat down heavily on the couch, the cream colored cushions pulled over by her dear friend Sango and stuffed behind her aching back.

 Sighing with relief, she closed her eyes and remembered the close call earlier. She had been shocked when she’d seen Sesshomaru striding down the baking aisle towards her. Fearful she would be caught, Kagome had quickly walked away from him and hidden in the ladies bathroom.

 Thank the Kami Sango had seen him go through checkup and come to find her.

 Sighing, she wondered how much longer she could avoid him.


 Today was one of the hard days for Kagome. Sango wondered what they could do for her friend. She had so many highs and lows during this pregnancy but the lows were coming more often.  She’d taken lunch into Kagome’s room only to find the young woman weeping and cuddling the stuffed poodle that jerk Sesshomaru had won for her at a carnival they’d gone to.

 She went to sit beside the sobbing girl and held her tight and cursed the male who couldn’t see past his own bigotry.


 Kagome walked through the clinic, pleased with what her OB/GYN had told her. She was progressing well for a hanyou pregnancy and would probably have her child in her arms within two weeks. Pushing the button for the elevator she day dreamed about what her little boy or girl would look like. Yes, she’d chosen not to be told.

 Not paying attention to the occupants of the elevator she stepped in only to hear an incredulous and beloved voice behind her . Terrified she slowly and awkwardly turned to looked behind her.

“Sesshomaru?” she whispered, as horror raced through her body and with that utterance her water broke.


 Kagome lay on the bed in the hospital, the cold chill of IV running into her arm. Her birth waters had broken but she’d yet to start contractions and so had to stay there as they expected the process to start very soon.

 She closed her eyes wincing as the look of betrayal and pure fury that had burned in Sesshomaru’s eyes flashed again through her inner eye. He had called assistance for her, seen her to the ambulance and…that had been the last she’d seen of him.  She didn’t know if he’d abandoned her because he thought she was carrying another man’s child or if the possibility that she carried his was so repugnant to him.

 She took a deep breath as a rippling pain suddenly gripped her abdomen. She wouldn’t worry about it now. She had a life to bring into the world.


 Kagome giggled at the small baby buggy made out of chocolate that Sango and her fiancée had given her. The baby’s name had been carefully piped along its side in pink.

 Kagome looked down at the small bundle in her arms, wonder again filling her at the beautiful little form snuggled against her breast. The little girl’s hair was a frosty white just her father’s which brought a momentary pang to her heart.

 “Have you …heard anything?” she quietly asked Sango.

  Her friend shook her head knowing what Kagome had been asking.

 Biting back a sigh, she held her baby closer and hummed a sad tune.


 Tiredly Kagome dropped on the bed and started at the shine of the little prisms that hung in the sun filled window. She and the baby had been home from the hospital for nearly two weeks and she wondered if she would ever sleep again.

 Settling herself on the bed she was going to take advantage of the napping child and catch a few winks herself.

 Growling under her breath she hurried to the front door when the bell rang. Throwing open the door ready to give whoever was there a piece of her mind, all word died in her throat when she saw who stood there.


 “Can we talk?” he asked as if he expected her to refuse him. Without a word she opened the door wide and hoped.


 They’d talked, she cried, he’d fumed but in the end they had worked it all out. He realized now that the bigotry he expressed had nearly cost him a family. If it hadn’t been for  a chance meeting at the clinic that day he would have never known the little jewel he now held in his arms, his daughter.  Daughter, the word tasted good in his mouth.

 He glanced up and the woman who had told him all including the near abortion of their baby. He thanked every Higher Power there was that she’d changed her mind. He knew he had a lot to make up for and more would have to spoken about but they would work it out and soon he hoped there would be another jewel but this one on the finger of his child’s mother proclaiming to the world that she was his.


  Sesshomaru stood and listened to gentle tinkling of the temple bells as he waited for his bride. It had taken several frustrating months to get here but in the end all the hard work of convincing Kagome he really did mean what he said about their daughter paid off. The month before Kagome had consented to become his wife and mate. Relieved he had made her set a date of a month from when he asked her and moved heaven and hell to get it together. He wasn’t going to risk losing her or their child.

 Inhaling he caught Kagome’s unique fragrance that wafted to him as she stepped into the room they were to take their vow.

 His breath caught at her beauty as she joyfully made her way to where he impatiently waited and thanked all the Gods she’d forgiven a fool.

Hope you enjoy and please leave a review!

