Oh Glorious Questions How I Love Thee by DOOMsquee

What's a Ter-kay?

DOOM - Ah, I finally got this finished in time before the deadline 8DD

Word Count - 509

Disclaimer - Sadly, I don’t own anything containing Inuyasha and never will.


“What is this…Thanksgiving?” When I had suggested having Thanksgiving to the group that was the first question I had gotten from the cold lord himself. I was actually surprised when he asked the question, he hardly questions anything I say that’s from my time.

“It’s an American holiday celebrated by giving thanks.” Simple and straight to the point, I don’t really feel like explaining it, it actually gets tiring after the dozens of times I’ve explained things from my time to everyone.

“American?” Oh, that’s right, to early for this time.

I sighed and closed my eyes to get my thoughts together. “America is a nation founded by the Europeans that crossed a vast ocean on three ships, when they had landed they found foreign people called Native Americans or Indians. The Europeans and Indians had befriended each other and shared food for celebration or in other words the Europeans broke bread with the Natives.”

“What type of food did they eat on this celebration?” Well, aren’t we a chatty one today.

“The main dish is turkey, but on the side you have potatoes--” I was cut off with another question. Seriously, why is he so curious about things from my time today?

“Whats a ter-kay?” I nearly cooed over his confused face when he tried to say the word turkey. But then I remember his deadly claws that could easily slice off my head in a instant.

“Its turkey and its a animal that originated from North America.”

Silence reigned the group, the others stared at Sesshoumaru like he grew a second head, I understood why. He never, ever, talks this much. I was startled from my musings when he spoke in a commanding voice. “I want a turkey.” Well that sounded snobbish of him.

“They don’t come from here.”

“Then how do you get one?”

“You’d have to travel oceans.”

“How were you, a human, able to eat one then?”

Really does he ever pay attention to the stuff I say about my time? “They import them to the local stores by planes or ships.”

“What are--”

“No, no more questions.” He growled at me when I interrupted him, but I didn’t care I had enough of the question one after the other. He should pay attention more. “If it makes you happy, I’ll bring some left over turkey from home tomorrow.” Perfect excuse for a free trip to home, Inuyasha would have to let me go.

I grinned at the victory.

“I shall come with you.” He stared at me like he was saying, “I dare you to defy me, the great lord of the west! Then insert evil laugh here…”

Well crap.


DOOM - I have figured I should do this as little connected one shots for all different challenges, this is not entertaining at all, but I had to do this now or suffer from lateness.