Seven by Kai

The Speech

A/N: Okay people, I need to make a very important announcement. I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT THIS STORY. IT’S ALMOST FINISHED AND IT WILL BE FINISHED! With that said I don’t know when I’ll update next. Not because I don’t know what to write, but because I’m at a dilemma. My computer at home has taken a gun to himself and shot his brain. Well… that’s not exactly true, but it did contract a horrible virus that killed my poor computer. So here I am at my school typing out this chapter. The problem with this is that I only have two days of school left and my massage board exam in two weeks. So I don’t know when I will update. I can promise that this story will be finished this year. Probably before my wedding. God I hope… It all just depends on when and if I can get my computer fixed. But you have my word: THIS STORY WILL BE COMPLETED! Thank you! And on another note, thank you so much for the support on this story and the reviews for it. You guys don’t know how much it makes me happy to see those reviews.  

Word count: 1000

Word’s used: 1,633

Prompt: Gluttony

Chapter eight: The Speech

“Wow Kagome, you look like hell.” Heiten said as he walked over to the girl.

Kagome groaned as she kept her head on the table, papers everywhere. She wondered to herself when Bankotsu would be coming back. At least she didn’t want to murder the man every time he walked into the room. Heiten on the other hand was a different story. There was a reason why they separated the two in the first place.

“So did you find anything new?” The raven haired man asked as he took a seat next to her desk. Taking her papers, he arched an eyebrow as he flipped though them. “Why are you going though papers of Taisho? We’re on the sinner case, not Taisho’s case.”

“We have that meeting later on today right?” Kagome’s muffled voice sounded from her face down position.

“Yea? What about it?”

“I’ll be telling the board everything then. It’ll make sense of what I’ve been able to at least figure out.”

Heiten shook his head but continued to flip though the papers. “I’ve been hearing some rumors flying though the office Kagome.” He said, never looking up.

The girl turned her head slightly, her hair on her face as she looked over at the man. “What are you talking about?”

“Some rumors say that you might be taken off the case soon. Something about how you’ve been working too hard. Apparently Bankotsu was the one who suggested it.  And with only gluttony and lust left, this case is almost over.” He looked at the girl, noting the enraged look on her face. “Oh don’t give me that girl. You’ve been working your ass off sense day one. You’re going to make yourself sick doing so.”

Kagome stood her glare almost deadly. “Good thing it’s almost time for the meeting.” She growled. “I’m going to give those bastards a piece of my mind.”


Kagome stood center stage as soon as Myoga gave it too her. She looked around at all the other officers and higher ups before sighing and standing straight.

“Gentlemen, we have a large series of murders on our hands. One that has as great of a mind as Sesshomaru Taisho. Which I regret is out on the streets as we speak. So far this maniac, which we have dubbed ‘Sinner’, has killed five people. Five people who have no tie to each other. Or so I thought.”

There was muttering among the people as they looked around. Kagome cleared her throat as she started the slide show of the murders. “Let’s review of what we know so far.

The first murder happened to a Mushin Hoshi. He died in the comfort of his own home but was starved to death while being tied to his bed. What killed him in the end, or so we believed, was the fact he ate his own tongue. The sin he apparently represented was Sloth. But an autopsy stated that his tongue was no where to be found.”

The second murder was a female by the name of Kagura Onigumo. She was killed in Tokyo studios with her gut cut open. Her sin was envy. What we noticed was the fact her stomach was missing.”

 Third death was a male, Hakudoshi Yari. We found him in his basement. We got an anonymous tip that could not be tracked, that he was down there. The call was made from a payphone in Tokyo. We couldn’t the tipper. When we found Hakudoshi, he was tied to a device that was slowly stretching out his body. Unfortunately he was torn into pieces while we were there making sure that there was no evidence of whoever killed him. His sin was Wrath and his small and large intestines could not be located.”

The fourth was a female, Sarah, last name unknown. She was found in a hotel room stripped naked with body parts missing.” Kagome really didn’t want to go into detail with this one. The picture showed enough. “She was missing her eyes, nose and one of her beast. Her sin was Greed.”

Last was Jakotsu Shin, male. He was beheaded and his hair completely ripped off his body. They found him on his back porch when a passerby found his head on one of the poles. His sin was Pride.”

Kagome sighed and took a drink before she continued. “Going though each victim was missing a body part and was given the title of a sin. One of the seven sins. We can also tell that Sinner is making this a male female pattern. But besides that, none of them have anything in common. They have no family history together; they never interacted with anyone that the other knew. No connections. Not even the same birth place. But, if we dig a little deeper, we find out one thing that they share in common. Sesshomaru Taisho.” She became silent as there was a large outbreak of whispers in the room. Letting them talk about it for a moment she finally cleared her throat.

“Each one of the victims at one point or another interacted with Taisho. And what I’ve gathered, it all started with one person. Inuyasha Taisho, Sesshomaru’s younger half brother. According to a source, Inuyasha was pushed in front of a moving truck and was placed in a coma. Sesshomaru then took it upon himself to avenge his brother and take the life of someone dear to his brother’s attempted killer. I am lead to believe that this man, the one who Taisho took his revenge on, is Sinner.”

“Detective Higurashi, if you mind, why don’t you tell us the connection they all shared with Taisho?” Someone called.

“Gladly.” Kagome took a drink of water once more. She couldn’t figure out why her throat seemed so dry or why she felt so hot. “Mushin was an old drinking partner of Taisho’s father and soon became a drinking partner of Taisho once his father passed away. On some days they lazed about and did nothing but drink and watch T.V. Hence, Sloth. Taisho was actually the first stepping stone for Kagura’s singing career. He helped her get an agent though his connections and even aided her in getting her first CD. But Taisho would never date Kagura. Instead she became immensely jealous of anyone who did date him. Because of that, Taisho quickly cut ties with her. Thus Envy. Hakudoshi went to the same high school as Taisho. They competed in sports together, but he could never win against Taisho. It angered him a lot and thus would get into fights with the other many times. Wrath. Sarah and Taisho dated at one point. Like Kagura, Taisho aided Sarah on her way to fame. But she demanded too much from him and soon he broke it off with her wanting nothing to do with her. Without Taisho, Sarah began to slowly fall so she would began to do other jobs to keep the money coming in. That was why she was given Greed. Lastly, Jakotsu. Jakotsu was actually a friend of Inuyasha. But slowly came to start liking Taisho the more and more they met. They got to the point that they would hang out and see each other at least once a week.   After all while Taisho stopped hanging out with Jakotsu. His reason was non other then he didn’t see the other in a sexual way as Jakotsu saw him and left. Apparently he had too much pride to be with a homosexual man. Thus the name Pride.”

There were nods as she finished much of this making sense now.

“So then Higurashi, do you know who Sinner is then?” Another officer called.

The girl shook her head. “In all my research, I have yet to figure out who is the man that attacked Inuyasha Taisho. If we can figure it out, then I’m sure that we can close this case for good. I believe both teams of Taisho’s case and Sinner’s case should work together and capture both men before anyone else dies. Because men, we only have two more sin’s left. And if I’m correct, Taisho is after this man as well. We need to find them both and take them both in before they kill any more people or each other for that case.”


Kagome sighed as she flipped on the lights of her house. It was late and she was just so tired. Oh how tired she was. She hadn’t been home for five days now and she just felt like crashing in her bedroom and just not waking up for a long, long time.

The girl threw her bag on the couch and flopped on it as well, making sure to turn on the TV while she was at it. The news flashes on, talking about how the search for Taisho so far was going no where as well as the killer Sinner. She groaned at the news and shut it off. Oh how Kagome hated the media. How they even got word about how things were going was a mystery to her.

“God I’m hungry…” She muttered as she forced herself to sit up. “Food, bath, and then sleep. Oh that sounds nice.” She ran her hand though her hair and got up, making her way over to the kitchen. Yawning she flipped on the light and froze.

“Oh god…” She whispered as she looked at the scene before her.

A man was tied to a chair in her kitchen, bile trailing out of his mouth as his head was tilted back. His body was massive, almost too big for her chair. And above her sink, on her wall were words written in grease.