Seven by Kai

The First Stone

A/N: Wow… just… wow… I honestly was going to make this a short chapter, but it ended up pretty long. I also noticed how dark and deep this chapter ended up being. But what I’m shocked most about is how many people seem to really like this story. I really didn’t think it would be this popular. But yet it is. Well, here you go! Next chapter!

A/N2: I want to thank all the people who have been reviewing and encouraging me to go on with this story. It’s your comments that make me a better writer and helps me write more chapters to this story. So thank you so much for reviewing.

Prompt: Pride

Word count: 700

Words used: 2421 (I know right!)

Chapter seven: The First Stone

Bankotsu was taken off the case. He was taken off the case and sent off onto a vacation in Hokkaido. The higher ups wouldn’t hear about it otherwise. Kagome could still see the look on his face as one of his brother’s dragged him off while he was yelling and screaming. She felt horrible about it too. Kagome knew that if it was her brother, it would be the same thing.

Your one woman, with no army, nothing. You. Cant. Change. Anything.


She closed her doe brown eyes and sighed softly. Sesshomaru’s words wouldn’t stop echoing though her mind. And the more she thought about it, the more distressing it was. Slowly she could feel herself starting to believe his words.

“So what sin was it this time? And what body part?” Kagome asked her voice soft.

Heiten looked over at her depressed state. He could only guess the reason for her distress was because they were down to two more sins. “The sin this time was Pride.” He said slipping her the paperwork. He had been assigned to partner up with Kagome now. Even though they were partners in the past. “And the body part was his hair.”

Kagome looked at the picture before shutting her eyes once more. The bodies were starting to become more and more gruesome. This time his head was removed and was placed on top of a pole. His hair completely gone. On the wall behind him were the words:



The girl placed the papers down as he couldn’t look at it anymore. She was getting sick of the murders. They needed to find him. God she only wished that she shot Sesshomaru in the leg and maybe got him to talk. She paused in her thought possess, quickly pushing that thought from her mind. She was starting to think too much like them.

“It seems like this guy is starting to get to you Kagome.” Heiten said softly. “Are you going to be alright to continue?”

Kagome gave a small nod. “Did we ever find out anything on the girl from before?”

“Yea. She’s nineteen year old flute player named Sara Maebara. We did some background work on her and found something interesting on her.” He went though his brief case before tossing her the girl’s file.

Kagome looked at it for a moment before reaching out and opening it up. The girl looked so pretty while she was alive. Long black hair, shinning blue eyes. She seemed happy while she was alive. It was a horrible shame that she was killed. Killed for Greed. But why was she so greedy? Flipping though the pictures she found one that shocked her.

The girl was sitting at a park sharing an ice cream with none other then Sesshomaru Taisho. She looked so happy, laughing with him as they talked.

“She’s apparently Taisho’s old girl. This picture was out of a magazine soon after Taisho was a wanted man. Her fame as a famous flute player soon went down the drain after that. After he went to jail, she started gambling, selling her body for sex and money, and even sleeping with directors to slowly build her fame back. She went missing only a week before we found her. No one put in a missing person’s alert because no one felt the need to.” Heiten pushed back in his chair so he could tilt in it slightly.

Kagome flipped some more though the file as her brain started to turn. Sara was connected some way with Taisho. And Taisho knew who the killer was. He was hunting the man this very instant. She stood up quickly, surprising her new partner and causing him to fall from his chair.

“Heiten,” She demanded. “I want you to go get me Taisho’s file. Everything you can find about him. And get it to me by tomorrow morning. After that, find out everyone that Taisho knew from ten years ago to now.” She grabbed her coat.

“Why the hell do you ant me to do that?!” He snapped as he got up. “What’s the bloody point in looking up Taisho’s file? I mean, we’re not on his case Kagome.”

“I don’t care Heiten. I need those files. I have a feeling we’re going to find our Sinner as soon as we look into Taisho’s past.”

“Well where the hell are you going?!”

Kagome looked over at him for a moment. “To find someone.” With that she left the room.


Kagome looked around, knowing she could find the shrine near here. She checked the address on the paper and sighed as she looked around once more. “Where could it be…?” She groaned.

“My, do my eyes deceive me or do I see a young beautiful kitsune wondering on our family’s grounds?”

Kagome quickly turned to see a man with beautiful violet eyes watching her. “Excuse me; I’m looking for Miroku Hoshi. I heard he works at the shrine near here.”

The man smiled softly as he walked to her and bowed. “I’m who you’re looking for. May I ask who you are my beautiful doe?”

Kagome blinked as she heard his comment. She couldn’t help but to blush a little. “D-Detective Kagome Higurashi. I’m the one who is working on your father’s case.”

Miroku gave a small nod as he began to lead her though the woods. “Come, I’ll bring you to the shrine. We can talk there. I’m sure you’re here to ask me more questions?”

The woman nodded as she walked with him. “Yes. I’m sorry to bother you about this. I’m sure it’s hard enough without the questions coming.”

The man shook his head. “No, not at all. Ah, here we are. Welcome to our family shrine. Shall I make you some tea?”

Kagome couldn’t help but to be swayed by his warming smile. Even though the pain of losing his father he was still being a fantastic host. “Thank you, I would love some tea.”


“So Higurashi, what do you wish to ask me?” Miroku asked as he brought in the tea and some snacks.

Kagome thanked him before she sipped slightly at the tea. It was a wonderful blend of jasmine tea. Not watery at all. Just perfect. “Hoshi-”

Miroku held up his hand. “Please, call me Miroku.”

She smiled slightly. “Then call me Kagome please. Anyway Miroku, I know this is a random question, but did you know Sesshomaru Taisho at all?”

The monk looked at her confused for a moment before he sipped at his tea. “I knew of him. But I didn’t know him personally. But I did know of his younger brother.”

“Taisho has a younger brother?” Kagome asked shocked.

Miroku nodded. “Had is more of a term for it. Though Inuyasha never died. We were best friends though. Before the accident.”

Kagome took out a pad of paper and began to write. “What accident?”

The raven haired man sighed softly. “I don’t know much about what happened. It’s still a bit of a blur to me still. I knew Inuyasha and Sesshomaru weren’t very close. They fought all the time and Inuyasha finally couldn’t take it anymore and ran away when he was sixteen. He came to live with me for a bit and I didn’t mind. Being best friends I was happy to help. Well Sesshomaru called a week after that, and demanded that Inuyasha came home. It was as close to an apology one was going to get. So Inuyasha asked if I could come with him back to the house.

“On the way there we saw someone who Inuyasha kind of knew. He said the guy was a slime ball and told me to keep walking so nothing could happen. I believe Inuyasha stated that the guy was overly jealous of his brother’s accomplishments and would do anything to top Sesshomaru in anything and everything. I think that’s when it happened.”

Kagome had stopped writing, completely drawn in the story. “What happened…?” She whispered.

Miroku looked down at his hands as he continued his story. “It still shakes me up to this day. It’s more shocking to me and was more devastating then to hear of my father’s death. I know it’s morbid to say, but I never saw my father’s body, so I wasn’t as affected as I thought I was. Mind you, I’m still upset about it, but seeing what happened that day still haunts me to this day. Sorry, I’m rambling.”

Kagome reached out to take one of his hands. “It’s okay Miroku.”

He offered her a warm smile before continuing. “I don’t remember much of what was said. I do remember that the guy came over and started to take shots at Inuyasha. Unfortunately my friend had a hot, fiery temper that got the best of him at times. They traded shots at each other and finally Inuyasha lost it and I believe he called the man ‘a pathetic fool who will amount to nothing and my brother can kick your sorry ass any time of the day.’ Well the man lost it then. He got angry and lashed out at him. But when he did, that’s when it happened.

“I tried to stop it, I really did. But when that man pushed Inuyasha, he hit him hard. He fell into the streets and that’s when everything seemed to slow down for me. I screamed out to him, and ran out; trying to push him out of the way, but I didn’t make it in time.” Miroku closed his eyes as he clutched his hands tight.

“Miroku… what happened to Inuyasha?” Kagome’s voice seemed cracked. Even for her.

Miroku took a deep breath. “He got hit by a truck.” He whispered.

Kagome’s gasp seemed to echo in the room as she held her hand to her lips. “So… he died?”

The man shook his head. “Inuyasha ended up in the hospital. He’s still there honestly. Though the doctors don’t think he’ll ever wake up. After the accident I went to look for the man. I was in such a rage myself that I thought I was going to kill him. But I couldn’t find him. Unfortunately I didn’t know his name either. So he walked free. Soon after that I heard that Sesshomaru had a warrant out of his arrest and two weeks after that was arrested.”





It was shocking how much alike they were to each other. The same silver hair, some of the same facial features. Kagome was certain that if his eyes were open, they would be golden as well.




She was at a dead end again. Though it seemed that she was getting closer. The man who pushed Inuyasha into the street was their killer. She was positive it was. Though she ran into a dead end, she was positive that there was another road. It was possible that every one of the sins killed was someone associated with Sesshomaru in some way or another. It was even possible that the killer accidently took Miroku’s father by accident. Or maybe Sesshomaru even gambled with Mushin. She didn’t know. Not yet anyway.

She reached out to brush a lock of hair out of Inuyasha’s sleeping face. It wasn’t fair for this to happen to the boy. It only happened three years ago. Three years ago and this boy was the first tipping stone to it all. His almost death.

“He looks so innocent sleeping like that. That’ll be the only time you’ll see him innocent though. Too bad he’s a loud mouthed, brutish whelp who puts sailors to shame when he opens his mouth.”

Kagome turned quickly to see Sesshomaru walking into the room. He shut the door behind him and looked at her. “How did you get in here Taisho?” She demanded.

Sesshomaru shrugged. “I don’t think I should tell you that Detective. After all, that’ll give away my secrets now wouldn’t it?”

Kagome bit her tongue before looking at Inuyasha. “I have a feeling that the guy who is after you is killing everyone you know.”

The silver haired man smirked. “Go on.”

“The sins that he’s naming these people aren’t actually of fault of the people. But your sins. He’s killing these people so you can go after him.”

Sesshomaru continued to watch her. “Kagome, why are you crying?” He asked her.

Kagome turned her face to him, her face angry as tears ran down her face. “I’m crying for them! I’m crying for him! But most of all, I’m crying for you!” She covered her face as she sobbed into them.

Sesshomaru tisked and shook his head. “There’s no need to cry for me. I am no better then that man out there. Though he should have known better. When he attacked Inuyasha, he insulted me. He took away my remaining family. So I killed someone he cared about the most.”

Kagome slowly pulled her hands away as she looked over at the man. “He’s killing the people you know… and taking a part of their body away so he can remake the one you killed…” She said softly.

“That is correct. Now you’re starting to see Kagome. The world is an ugly place. Nothing more then revenge after revenge. Inuyasha didn’t die. But he doesn’t know it. Yes, I knew everyone he killed. Mushin, Kagura, Hakudoushi, Sara, and even Jakotsu. Each I sinned with.”

“What do you mean?” She asked softly.

Sesshomaru smirked as he looked at her tear stained face. Slowly he walked over till he cupped her wet cheek with his ice cold hand. “Dear Kagome, you better watch your back now. He probably knows my affection and my plans that I have in store for you. He’s a bastard enough to target you. So, you better be carful. I cannot protect you from everything.”

“You’re still planning on breaking me?” Kagome whispered.

He smirked as he leaned forward to whisper into her ear. “Shatter your very will.” His lips brushed against the skin of her ear. “And I shall pick up your pieces. One, by one.” He let her go and watched as she fell to her knees on the floor. “Till next time Detective. I wonder how close you’ll be to finding him before I do.” With that he closed the door, leaving her on the floor before his brother’s bed.