Seven by Kai


A/N: Wow… Okay, so with my wrist killing me and it being really stupidly cold outside, I forced this chapter out and it doesn’t seem to be my best works. But its out there. I’m hoping I hit two prompts with this one so have fun! Oh and I would like to dedicate this chapter to my wonderful little Ciel who helped me with this chapter because I had noooo idea what to write.

Prompts: Wrath/Power

Word count: 700

Words used: 1200+ (Not sure of the actual numbers here)

Chapter three: Wrath

Kagome sighed as she continued to stare at the papers on her desk. None of it made sense. It didn’t make sense at all. It had been a month after the case with Kagura Onigumo. They found that she was a singer with much talent, but apparently didn’t get the part that she wanted in some show. That’s the only connection that Kagome could make with the case. They had brought many in to question, even her older brother Naraku.

Kagome shivered at the thought of the raven haired man. Even with Bankotsu in the room, Kagome just shuddered. His blood red eyes that seemed to pierce into her soul were bad enough. And his voice seemed like it was just pure poison and evil. The questions were taxing and she felt like she was getting no where with him.

Two weeks ago…


Kagome walked into the interrogation room in nothing but jeans and a tight black shirt. She wore her shoulder holster as well as her favorite .9 mm magnum. It was for show, but she always had it loaded. Bankotsu on the other hand came in wearing jeans and just a plain white shirt with no gun. His hair tied back like it always was.

Taking a seat across from Naraku, Kagome got a full look of the man they brought in. He allowed his long wavy black hair loose and his piercing red eyes watched her every move. He wore a suite showing that he was brought from work.

“Hello Onigumo.” Kagome said with a nod.

Naraku glared at her for a moment. “I do not know why you brought me here. I didn’t kill my sister and this whole good cop and bad cop will not work on me.”

Bankotsu rolled his eyes. “We’re not suspecting you Onigumo. We just need some answers about your sister.”

Kagome gave a small nod at her partner’s words. “We don’t suspect you at all, but can you tell us anything about Kagura or why someone would want to kill her because she was envious?”

The man snorted. “Envious isn’t everything. Really, that bitch got what she deserved if you ask me. She was nothing more then a woman who wanted everything that everyone else had. And she always wanted money. She was begging me all the time for money. And lets not forget about how she would whore herself out for it too. I say good riddance to people like her.”

Kagome slammed her palms on the table her ears not believing his words. “That was your sister Onigumo! Your family! How could you say things like that about her?” She snapped.

A black eyebrow arched at her words. “Family? Family you say? Tell me then girl, what kind of family abandons everyone when they need them the most? Or how about at your parents funeral? Kagura didn’t care about anyone but herself. When she came to the funeral, she demanded to know if our parents left her something worthwhile. When she found out they did not, she spat on their grave and stormed off. That woman is just lucky that some lunatic got to her first. Because I’ve wanted her dead for a long time.”



Kagome sighed as she ran her hand though her raven locks. Naraku meant every word he said. She could tell in the tone of his voice. He hated Kagura completely to be glad that she had passed. But that didn’t help with the case. Kagura had too many enemies. But the problem was, was that her enemies, and Mushin’s enemies were no where close to common. In fact, the two were unrelated.

Maybe Taisho would know…

Kagome groaned out as she hit her head against her desk. There was no way she was going to see him again. She made it out just fine last time, but there was nothing saying that she would make it out again this time. She really didn’t want to go back. Not if her life depended on it. But something told her that she would have to go back eventually. She knew just as much as Myoga did, that they were backed into a corner with this case. There were no fingerprints, no connection. Nothing. Just bloodied words on a wall and their meanings. That was it.

“Maybe I should go home.” She sighed, rubbing her tired eyes.

“Good luck.” Bankotsu said as he walked into the office. “Because they just found body number three.”

Her eyes widened. “What…?”


For once, Kagome felt sick. She actually felt sick to her stomach. But throwing up at a crime scene never was the best thing in the world to do.

“That… is a sick way to go.” Bankotsu muttered as he saw the body before them.

Kagome took a deep breath and tried her best to calm down. “Indeed. And if we don’t catch this guy soon, we’re going to find more and more dead bodies. And from the looks of it, it’s going to get a lot worse.

The body before them was on a star shaped board with ropes tied on his hands, feet, and neck. The ends of the ropes though were tied to a pulley that seemed to move on a timer. His grey eyes were open while his face was in a silent scream His long gray hair was fanned around him, dark and matted. He looked like he died in agony.  

Heiten walked in, holding his clipboard. “Ready for the report Detective Higurashi?”

Kagome swallowed and gave a small nod. “Go for it.”

The raven haired man cleared his throat. “His name was Hakudoushi Yari. Age, seventeen. Cause of death was suffocation. Or so we think.”

“What do you mean?” Bankotsu asked. “I thought it was up to you guys in Intel to figure those things out?”

Heiten sighed and rolled his eyes. “Look Detective Shin, we kind of have our hands tied. If we touch the body, there’s a possibility that it’ll shatter. The limbs are so stretched out, that if we touch it, they might actually rip off. And honestly, it’s easier to gather prints if their not covered in blood. So you do your job in finding this man, and we’ll do our job got it?”

Kagome rubbed her temples. “What about the words? Is there a saying to tell us what sin this is?”

Heiten shook his head. “No, not this time. This means that it might be a different killer.”

Bankotsu huffed as he leaned against the wall. “Doubt it.”

Kagome stopped at a small creaking sound. “Did you guys hear that?” She whispered.

Both men stopped bickering trying to hear what she heard. There it was again. A small creaking noise. Before anyone could ask it again, the pulleys began to whirl one last time, ripping all four limbs and head off of Hakudoushi’s body.

A scream was ripped from Kagome’s throat as blood splattered everywhere and over everyone.

“Kagome! Are you alright?” Bankotsu demanded after everything calmed down.

Her cheat was heaving and she was covered with blood from the body before them. But now they knew. They knew what sin it was for the words were written on the wall, but with a plastic so the blood would easily drip off.



“Wrath…” Bankotsu muttered softly.

Heiten sighed. “I believe we found our third victim guys. And it seems like we can’t do anything with this one. All evidence is gone.”

Kagome’s pants began to come harder and harder till she couldn’t take it anymore. She turned and with her stomach heaving, puked.