Inadequate by Ava 365




Ava 365


Chapter 1. Bitter

She couldn't help it, it just hurt too much. And the only reason she could come un that explained the mess she was in is that she was inadequate. Not that he ever told her that. No, that word never came from his lips, nor did any other with a similar meaning. But the way he left her, naked on the bed, the sheets still warm and with the remains of their body fluids and her virginal blood, with no explanation whatsoever but a few cruel words and that look of remorse in his eyes. That was all she needed. Actions speak louder than words, or so they say. His actions said it all. She was inadequate; there was nothing more to it.

Another box of tissues emptied, another one opened. the floor full of tear stained tissues was the proof of her bitter misery. She had loved him with all she had, worshipped the floor he walked on. And she was sure he returned her feelings, or so she thought at the time. She was not so sure anymore.

After he had left her, without a word, without a glance, she had been too stunned to move, to ask why. She had remained there, looking at the closed door sitting on the bed naked, for a long time, until she began to shiver from the cold. She understood he was not coming back; she motionlessly reached for the sheets and blanket to cover herself. She had to go to her apartment, the on she shared with her friend Sango, but she was too stunned to drive, too hurt to even notice her surroundings. However she found the will to call her friend and asked her to come pick her up. Sango never questiones why, her empty voice made her move quickly, anticipating something had gone terribly wrong, she took a packet of tissues, the car keys and her purse and left the apartment to go get her friend. On the way to the hotel where she knew her friend had spent the night with her boyfriend she called Miroku.

"Hey Miroku, it's Sango."

"Hey there sweet! I can't wait to see my favourite girlfriend..."

"Sorry Miroku, I know we were going to meet later but I'm afraid I'll have to cancel. Kagome just called and her voice sounded weir, not at all like a girl who just lost her virginity to the love of her love should sound like. I hope you don't mind. I promise I'll make it up to you. Please?"

"No problem Sango, call me later and if you need anything you know you can count on me."

Oh thanks Miroku. I know why I love you so much. Talk to you later!"



The young man hung up the phone and sighed. He turned around and said:

"Apparently your brother has made up his mind"

A silver haired young mand looked at him with apprehension. His sad amber eyes focused somewhere on the opposite wall.

"He'll regret it. I know he will. He is not thinking of himself right now, but the fucking family and its fucking tradition."

"I'm sorry for Kagome; she didn't deserve to get in the middle. You know how she is about sex and all that. I don't know what happened, but she was supposed to see your brother last night and sleep with him. She said she was sure enough he was The One". While saying the words Miroku lifted his hands and made the quote signals on the air.

The silver haired young man frowned. "You know Miroku, I always thought Sesshomaru was a prick and for some time I warned Kagome about him using her. I never thought my warnings would become true". He raised his eyes to look at his long time friend. "Despite my feelings for Kagome I was beginning to think they were good for each other. You know, she made him more humane, if you can call a youkai that."

Miroku nodded his head. He had known Sesshomaru for a long time and he had to admit that his character had become more bearable since he began dating Kagome.

The brown haired male corssed the room and stood in front of his silver haired friend with a look of determinations shining in his dark eyes. "Inuyasha, if your brother has hurt Kagome in any way I'll make him pay".

"Don't give me no shit! The prick is not my brother, just half brother if you please! And of course he is going to pay! Nobody harms Kagome and gets away with it!"

Both males were high on testosterone and although in fighting mood, they decided to wait for Sango to call them with news on Kagome's welfare.


The hotel maid opened  the door, the brunette girl standing by her frowned at the sight in front of her. She withdrew some money from her pocket and gave it to the woman who thanked her profusely. The girl entered the room and closed the door quietly so as not to starlte the young woman on the bed.

"Kagome?" Sango whispered quietly approaching her friend gingerly. At the lack of response she frowned and reached her hand to touch Kagome's shoulder that was covered by the sheets and blanket.

Kagome jumper from the unexpected touch and blinked twice before focusing on her long time friend. "Sango?" Her voice came out hoarse due to the lack of use and the screaming and moaning from the night before.

"How are you friend? I came as soon as I could but you woulnd't open the door. Didn't you hear me knocking on the door?" At her negative response she continued with her explanation. "Never mind, I found a maid who kindly opened the door for me. I told her I had lost the key."

Sango's heart broke at her friends lack of response and with teary eyes hugged her friend. "What happened, Kagome?"

Kagome felt a knot form in her throat, temporarily disabling her of making any sound, let alone a word. With some effort she swallowed and began to tell her friend what had transpired in that room the night before. How wonderful it had all begun, how gently he had taken care of her. All the love and the passion he had made her experience for the first time, how wonderful it had all felt until he had taken it away in the most terrible way.

"When I woke up this morning he was not in bed with me, he was dressed and sitting on that sofa over there. He looked so cold and distant. Just like he used to be when we first met him at Inuyasha's, remember?" Her friend nodded, not wanting to interrupt her, Sango could tell she needed  to take it all out of her system, as if in sharing her hurt and confusion it would get better.

"He just told me to get dresses and that the room was already paid, then he turned around and, without a word he left the room, just like that. When I asked him what was wrong, he just told me to never contact him again." Kagome started crying uncontrollably. Between sobs she managed to speak. "What did I do wrong?"

"You did nothing wrong, Kagome. Don't do this to yourself. It's him; he has to explain his actions. What he did is too low. It's not like him at all!"

"Oh Sango, I feel so bad! It hurts so much I feel my heart has been crushed and I can hardly breathe!"

Sango hushed and rocked her friend trying to bring her come comfort. "It will be OK KAgome. Time will make it better. I promise."

Sometime later Sango helped her friend get dressed and out of the room. She got Kagoem in her car and drove to the apartment they shared. When they got there Sang omade a soothing tea for Kagome and put her to sleep after making sure she drank it all. The poor girl needed to sleep.


"So Sango, what happened between Sesshomaru and Kagome last night?"

Miroku was trying to concentrate on her girlfriend's explanation while tuning out Inuyasha's ramblings. The man had no patience; he would have to wait to hear everything until he finished speaking with Sango.

Sometime later Miroku hung up the phone.

"About time! What took you so long to get all the information?"

"Inuyasha, if you want to know you better be nice!" Miroku wanred him.

The boy turned his head and raised his nose producing his favourite sound "Keh!"

Miroku had to smile at his antics, for a 150 year-old hanyou he sure was childish!

"Well, if you're not interested I'll go see Shippo, I'm sure he'll be glad to help.!

That got the guy into action.

"Hell no! I want to hear it fist; the ice prick is my half brother so I'm more entitled to kick his ass"

Moroku chuckled and made himself comfortable to begin his explanation.


A/N: Well this is it for the first chapter. I hope you liked it.