Through the mirror by DawnFire_ice

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The full moon hung silently in the rich velvet of the star strewn sky. The land eerily quiet as the moon's silver light drifted over. No wind troubled the branches of the trees or grasses of the wide field, where the sleeping forms lie in a circle around the remains of a campfire that had long sense gone cold in the soft darkness.

One of the figures stirred and and woke rubbing her eyes with tightly clenched fists. It was too quiet. Silently the figure slid from the sleeping bag careful not to awaken her sleeping companions. Though the air was warm she found her self shivering. Slipping her shoes on she moved in to the tall summer grass towards an unknown destination. Something was calling her. She could not hear a voice but it called her just the same.

Her blue eyes swept nervously from side to side, her senses reaching out. She could feel it. It was soft but insistent, and she followed without question. The grass swayed slightly as she passed, walking further and further from her sleeping companions. Before her a building loomed coming suddenly out of the night. The gates hung open in silent welcome as she entered the vacant courtyard. The steps made no noise though the wood had clearly seen better days. The young woman walked slowly to the door in front of her. Hesitantly she reached out and grasped the handle sliding the door along the track. It made no sound. She swallowed and looked in to the deep darkness of the room. Sweat broke out on her skin as her fear began to make her tingle. She paused for a moment before stepping in to the room before her.

As she crossed the doorway three torches sprang to life filling the room with the soft glow of firelight. She jumped and looked around franticly. But the door way was gone. With no choice left she walked forward her eyes scanning the empty room. In front of her a woman was walking toward her. The woman's blue eyes were wide, her ebony hair was mussed. It took a moment for her to recognize the face. "A mirror?" she wondered reaching forward. Her had touched the glass and she jumped back as her hand sank through as though it were liquid. Her heart began to pound. Slowly her hand rose again to the surface of the huge mirror. Her hand slipped through and she took a step closer. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath and followed the feeling into the mirror.

"Ugh, oww." she moaned placing her hand to her head. Looking around she was confused. "Where am I?" she said aloud as she climbed unsteadily to her feet. The small space was dark and dank smelling of dirt and stone. Above her she could see a square of starlight. "Hello?" she called uncertainly. "Can anyone hear me?" she said after a moment. Silence answered her. Looking around her she noticed a long trail of ivy growing along one stone wall. Deciding to chance it she began to climb. Grunting softly she hooked one leg over the edge of the square opening and pulled her self up. Standing up she stepped back and looked down. "A well?" she questioned. She rubbed her head again. "I guess I must have fallen into it." she mused.

Slowly she began to walk deeper in to the trees not really certain of where she was. The trees began to thin and she blinked at the sudden brightness of moonlight reflecting off of something. Shielding her eyes she looked again and felt her eyes widen. There in the center of the small clearing was someone a fixed to a large tree an arrow protruding from their chest. The girl walked forward anxiously. "Hello?" she said softly walking closer to see the figure.

His eyes were closed and his face peaceful in the moonlight. His long silver hair ruffled in the light breeze. But what drew the girl closer was the marking on his brow, an indigo crescent moon. Climbing up the roots she moved closer to the sleeping figure and softly pushed the silky hair from his cheek with one hand while tracing the magenta stripes on his cold cheek with her other. "So beautiful." she sighed. Stepping back she sat on the roots. All of this achingly familiar. She raised her hand as she counted off the events on her fingers. "The well, the tree, the man..."

Her eyes widened. "Wait! That's Sesshomaru!" She jumped up to her feet and walked again closer to the demon lord. "Pale skin, check. Markings, check. Long silver hair, check. Sword of heaven..." The girl looked perplexed. "Where is Tensaiga?" She looked around. Seeing nothing she sighed. "Well even if he doesn't like it I should set him free." she thought as she reached for the arrow. In order to reach the arrow the girl found she had to lean against the demon and she closed her eyes tightly remembering how angry Inuyasha had been when she woken him.

Deciding against just simply removing the arrow, Kagome placed her hand on Sesshomaru's shoulder. "Hey. Hey wake up." she urged shaking him lightly. He didn't respond. She sighed. "I really want you to wake up, so I can talk to you first." she said with trepidation wringing her hands and looking at the motionless figure. It was then she noticed something was off, but she couldn't place it and attempted to pushed it aside. It wouldn't stop nagging at her thoughts. Frowning she stepped back to puzzle it out and slipped on the root.

"oof!" she said unceremoniously landing on her backside. She looked up and around in alarm. She hadn't brought attention to herself had she? She held her breath as she glanced up at the still motionless Sesshomaru. Everything seemed to be the same, She decided finally climbing to her feet with a deep breath. Again she pulled her self on to the root and sat down puzzling her latest predicament.

"Sesshomaru is pinned to a tree by what can only be a miko's arrow. Meaning that he's going to want revenge on a miko and I happen to be a miko." she groaned. "This is so not the way I wanted to die." she muttered. Jumping up she began to pace nervously in front of the tree her thoughts racing. "Maybe if I set him free he will be so grateful that he'll just let me live...oh man! This is such a problem! I can't just leave him like this." she was in a near panic as she glanced uneasily at the demon on the tree.

With a loud sigh of acceptance she went again to the root and climbed up. "If I'm going to die then I am NOT dying un kissed by YOU. Even if I AM going to die a virgin at your claws." she announced determinedly to the demon lord. That said she made her way back to the sleeping demon and with a deep breath pressed her lips to his warm ones.

"wait" she thought "wasn't he cold before?" Her mind process stuttered and came to a screeching halt. Jumping away from the demon only caused her to once again fall from the root. As she lay on the unforgiving ground she closed her eyes, waiting. A soft chuckle reached her ears. Kagome's eyes flew open as she looked around for the creator of the sound. She was really scared now. Before she'd been confused and apprehensive but with that sound came full terror. It was not a fear of the being on the tree but a fear of the fact he was awake.

She was going to release him and then she was going to die. He was probably even now planning how she would meet her demise, the impertinent onna who dared to kiss Sesshomaru. She closed her eyes taking a few deep breaths while she strengthened her resolve. Then she turned around and began to talk very quickly. "Um... Hi. I know that I am probably the last person in the world you expected to see. And the fact I am talking to you probably means that you are going to kill me for my audacity. But um before you say anything I'm going to release you from that tree and then um you can do ...whatever."

She avoided looking at his eyes for fear that she would lose the shaky resolve she had and instead focused her gaze on the arrow. Her heart was in her throat as she leaned close to the demon rising up on her tip toes to reach the arrow. Her fingers brushed the wooden shaft of the arrow and her miko power sprang to life. Her powers pink light enveloped the arrow and it disintegrated.

Stepping back she held her breath. Sesshomaru had not spoken a word yet and the lack of insults was starting to unnerve her. She stood as still as she could minus her shaky limbs and told her self to keep breathing. It would all be over in seconds she was certain of that. He wouldn't bother to torture her soon she'd feel his claws as they slashed the head from her body. Or maybe it would be his acid whip. She could already imagine the sting of his poison piercing through her flesh as she was sliced to ribbons.

She felt the blood wash from her face and knew she'd gone pale. Her mind continued helpfully showing her all of the ways that she was going to die. It had been a full minute and she had heard nothing. She wanted to look and see if he was still there but she didn't need her eyes to tell her. His proximity was too close as far as she was concerned and the fact that she could feel his eyes on her did nothing to help. Suddenly she was swept off of the root in to... a hug?

Her startled eep was lost in the thick folds of his haori. His arms held her snuggly as he indeed hugged her. For a second Kagome was afraid he was trying to squeeze her to death. But after a moment he set her on her unsteady feet and looked at her. "Thank you for setting me free." Kagome stared at the demon in utter shock. Sesshomaru did not hug humans and he most definitely did not thank them. She felt her jaw drop and then taking a deep breath did the only thing she could think of and ran.

"Stupid Kagome....What were you thinking. Running is a bad idea. He's only going to catch you and then what? Argh I can't believe I kissed HIM and that I didn't realize he was awake when I said all of THAT." she let the thought carry her forward as her feet kept going. She was headed for the well, she wanted out of this nightmare. Because that had to be what it was. Sesshomaru had made yet another appearance in her dreams. Albeit this dream was tamer than most as he was not pledging himself to her and passion was not at the fore front. But this was too weird and too real.

She could smell him when her face had been pressed to the...Cotton haori? Her feet almost faltered. Sesshomaru wore silk not cotton and she'd never seen him in anything but white, this had been black. And he had TWO arms. This had to be a dream.

Grabbing the side of the well she vaulted over it. Kagome just knew this was going to happen. As she started to fall a clawed hand had shot out and she now hung suspended in the air by her wrist that was held firmly by the demon she didn't want to face. Silently he pulled her out of the well and set her on the grass never once releasing her wrist as though afraid she'd try again. She closed her eyes when his rich baritone voice rumbled in his chest with bemusement. She was so close to him she could feel the vibrations. "Well that's a new one for me. I've had many reactions but no one has ever tried to throw themselves in a dry well before. You are a strange onna." he commented with a dryly amused tone.

Kagome looked down at the most amazing grass she'd ever seen. While studying it she was trying to decide her options, she could purify his hand and try the well again but she couldn't bring herself to even attempt to hurt him. If this was one of her dreams she knew that hurting him would hurt her worse. She'd been secretly harboring feelings for the deadly assassin for nearly two years now. Oh sure she loved Inuyasha but time had done damage to the feelings she'd once had and distance had made her heart forgetful not fonder. Even after the dead miko's return to the underworld Inuyasha had still not let her go. He'd even gone so far as to inquire whether anyone knew of another demon who could bring her back. His seeming lack of notice as to what that would entail had decided her. Kagome was not willing to give up her soul for a man who didn't love her.

When she'd been fifteen and naive she might have considered it but now she knew better. It took her a moment to realize that the demon (she would not call him Sesshomaru) had asked her a question. Kagome looked up and then wished she hadn't. His amber eyes displayed everything. He was curious and bewildered at her reaction and wanted to know her reasoning. Kagome's throat was dry and though she opened her mouth she could not utter a sound. Sesshomaru cocked his head to one side looking at her. And then he laughed. Kagome fainted dead away.

The sound of crickets chirping woke her and she sat up. The crackle of a fire relaxed her and she looked around for her companions. Finding she was alone her eyes turned to the cotton blanket over her and she started. It was the black haori Sesshomaru had been wearing. She tensed and searched the darkness around her carefully. It did not take her long to spot him. He was leaning against the trunk of a tree watching her with painfully obvious interest. "So you finally woke up?" he asked standing and walking closer.

Kagome mutely nodded as she studied his appearance. He was tall and slender, yet she could see the ripple of muscle beneath the skin. He wore no armor and his mokomoko was not on his shoulder. His silver hair spilled down his shoulders but it was shorter than she remembered it, falling only to his thighs and not his knees. He did not have either sword and his expression was open and expectant. He smirked when he realized she was appraising him. "I know you can speak. I heard you quite clearly before. You said a lot of... odd things. Would you care to explain?" he asked softly.

Kagome shook her head. The sudden spike of her fear and its thorny scent alarmed him. He reached out a clawed hand and placed it over her hand to soothe her. "You have no reason to fear me. I like humans." he stated simply and that did it.

Kagome leaped to her feet and scrambled away from him. Now Sesshomaru was thoroughly confused. Normally him telling the human they were safe put them at ease and saying he liked humans made them relax but this woman seemed just the opposite. It was perplexing indeed. He sighed. "Is there anything I can do or say that would make you more comfortable?" he asked. Kagome looked at him from the tree she'd pressed herself against. She swallowed and took a deep breath. "Where's Inuyasha?" she said finally.

Sesshomaru's eyes widened. "What do you want with the Lord of the West?" he asked. Kagome frowned, "I thought that's who you are." she stated. He laughed. "Me? Why would I want such a boring life?" he asked. Kagome pinched the bridge of her nose she could feel a headache coming on. "Because you are the son of the great dog general." she said slowly. She expected to be told that he was and that it was none of her concern but she did not expect what happened. Sesshomaru smiled and nodded his head. "His son in every way." He said cheerfully. "Including his love of humans."

If Kagome had thought about it she would have realized the implications of his words. If she would have been thinking clearly she would have seen all of the reasons how he could not possibly be Sesshomaru. If she'd been thinking. But she wasn't, not really instead the only thing going through her mind was "what?!" Kagome was a bright intelligent girl but she surged to her feet and her mouth ran away with her.

"You can't possibly be Sesshomaru! He hates humans. He hates me and he hates his father! I can not believe you can claim to be the son of the great dog general!" Sesshomaru rose to his feet not merely alarmed by her out burst. He had been surprised that she knew his name and that of Inuyasha's but clearly that was as far as she knew of him. How long had he been pinned to that tree? Had it been so long that no one remembered his kindness and compassion? Had he instead been immortalized in story as a human hating monster?

He'd merely tried to offer to help the Shikon no Miko and she'd sealed him to the tree. He'd been confused of course but he had taken her by surprise. "Something" he thought wryly "I'm good at." When she took a breath he frowned. "Look I think someone has misled you, I am Sesshomaru second born of my father the great dog general whom I loved dearly, I do not hate humans, I have no reason to hate you and you are cute when you are angry." he paused for a moment "would you like some fish?"

Kagome's knees gave out and she fell to the ground with a plop. "Inuyasha is your older brother?" she said slowly. Sesshomaru nodded. "You don't want to kill me?" she asked looking him in the eyes. He shook his head. "No. I would like you to join me for dinner though." Slowly Kagome rose to shaky legs and took a step towards his out stretched hand. "Really I won't bite." he laughed softly. Kagome gave him a weak smile for his effort in humor and he smiled back.

"Well that's better." he said taking a deep breath. The scent around her was no longer full of the thorny sent of fear. Now it just was tinged with the scent of uncertainty. She had been neither frightened or uncertain when she'd kissed him and it had been her scent that had overwhelmed his senses and kept him from speech at the tree. Never had he smelled such a delightful fragrance on a human. It was sweet and floral tickling his nose and driving his coherent thoughts away at that moment. Had he been able he'd have held her to him and tasted those sweet lips.

Although he liked humans he'd never found one he wanted to be with. The woman were too predicable. They didn't want friendship just passion. And he could not willingly give passion with out friendship. His Father had taught him the importance of friends and though he'd been a friend he'd never had a friend. Perhaps he could find what he sought from the little human miko who was looking at him as though he'd lost his mind. Well she hadn't purified him yet.

Kagome sat back down in the place she'd awoken and absently pulled the haori back on her lap. He watched with avid interest as she raised the cloth to her nose. Her scent relaxed further and he smiled. He turned his back and began to pull the cooked fish from the fire. Selecting one he could tell was done he turned to hand it to her. Her small hand reached out for what he offered.

Hesitantly she took the stick from him and he waited. Kagome watched him as her teeth broke the crisp skin and took a bit of the fish. "Thank you." she whispered. He nodded and walked over selecting another for himself, sat down and made himself comfortable. They ate in silence for a moment. "So shall I call you miko or do you have another name?" he asked. Kagome swallowed and coughed. "Uh... you can call me Kagome." Sesshomaru smiled and then looked mischievous. " Your name is odd like your apparel." he stated playfully.

It took Kagome all of ten seconds to realize she was in her pajamas. Or at least the clothes she used as pajamas consisting of a soft blue tank top and grey stretch pants that flared slightly at the bottom. Her hair normally left down had been braided in to two loose braids that fell to her waist the way she was sitting. She was not wearing a bra and felt its absence almost painfully remembering that this particular tank top had the annoying pleasure of being mostly see through. She hadn't realized it until Sango had pointed it out the night before.

Slowly Kagome raised the haori to her shoulder and lowered her burning red cheeks into its dark Sesshomaru scented depths. "I think I'd rather die." she groaned in to the fabric. Sesshomaru sighed. It had not been his intention to humiliate her. He'd only been teasing her. Now though with what she'd said he'd obviously said too much. "Kagome, I apologize. I did not mean to embarrass you. But I take it from your reaction that those are not the clothes you normally wear?" he asked softly. She shook her head. "Ah, well then allow me to assist you in that."

With out ceremony he removed the blue inner kimono he'd been wearing and held it up estimating her hight he used his claw to make a straight cut along the bottom sizing it for her. The strip he'd cut was to be the obi. When he was done he walked over and draped the kimono over her shoulders and took his haori. Then turning his back he said. "You may dress I will not look."

Kagome stood and pulled the Kimono on. Even cut it touched the ground. The obi was long enough to circle her slender waist three times before being tied. All in all though it was far from perfect Kagome felt better. "How is it?" she asked finally. Sesshomaru turned and looked at her. The indigo blue was stunning on her. Though far too plain to suit her she looked beautiful. The blue complemented her eyes and the cool black of her hair. It was while looking at her that Sesshomaru decided. He owed her his life for releasing him from the tree the least he could do was to protect and care for her needs. Though he was wearing cotton he was royalty and royalty always repaid their debts.

The next morning was awkward for Kagome. Sesshomaru hadn't changed in the slightest and was cheerfully making her breakfast. Saying only that he had to eat and assumed correctly that she did too and that it was no trouble. When Kagome had argued that cooking was a woman's job he laughed at her. "I was up first so I'll cook." Kagome felt her jaw drop and shook herself. "Um...not to be weird or anything but you are a demon right?" she asked accepting the baked clay cup of tea.

Sesshomaru chuckled darkly. "Yes and just as wild and fierce as any but just not as crude as others. I have spent many years among humans and I have adapted to some... not all of their ways. But you should never forget that I am a beast and just as unpredictable." He looked at the little miko and his tone lightened. "You are safe with me though I give you my word. Kagome, I wonder though, what the basis is of your question? As a miko I am certain that you have run in to your share of mindless monsters. And as such you probably have had little if no experience with demon royalty. Those of us who have royal blood usually adopt the attitude of supremacy over lesser beings. But more than a few have changed in the opinion and try to live as harmoniously with humans as possible. Some even going so far as to take human lovers, like my father."

Kagome's eyes widened. "But I thought Izayoi was his mate." she began Sesshomaru frowned a little. "She refused. But how is it you are so knowledgeable about the inner workings of my family? " he asked. Kagome sighed. "Well, I don't really know how it happened...but I guess I went through a mirror" Kagome closed her eyes and recounted what she could remember. Sesshomaru listened carefully and then held up his hand. "So from what I am hearing you are from the future? And you came through a mirror? And in that place you and Inuyasha are friends?" Silently Kagome nodded. Sesshomaru paused to take a drink of his tea and mull over what she'd said. "I think Kagome that the Kami have more plans for you than you think. The place you described I've only seen in paintings and the mirror you described only heard about in legend. That mirror belongs to the Sun Goddess herself."

Kagome nearly dropped her tea. "But If I came through the mirror wouldn't that mean that all of this is an illusion?" Kagome asked waving her hand around her. Sesshomaru frowned. "Well I can see your point but what is illusion? I have lived for centuries, and I can tell you that I did not suddenly just start liking humans when you revived me. I and my family do exist as do you. I have only to raise my hand and I can touch you. With every breath I take I can smell your every emotion. I can hear your heart beat. If you were the illusion would my senses lie? I can feel your holy power on my skin." he had not been aware that he'd moved until he was only a hairs breath away from touching her. "You are trembling little miko." he whispered. His inner 'beast' raised its head in interest as his nose was filled with her scent. Kagome shook her head denying it. "Yes you are, are you afraid?" he asked his voice soft and deep. She had not been aware of the tears spilling down her cheeks until his hand moved to wipe them away.

The sight of her tears set his beast on edge. He did not like the bitter sent of salt on her. It clashed with the sweetness in her sent and he frowned. With a sigh he pulled her to his chest just as the 'dam' broke and she wept. "Hush little one I won't let anything harm you." he soothed as she cried. He had the feeling that her tears were more about the version of himself on the other side of the mirror than himself as he was here. He could remember the sound of her voice as she sat in front of the tree he'd been sealed to. At first her words had been jumbled in his ears that had heard nothing for an unknown amount of time. But gradually he'd come to the conclusion that she was expecting him to kill her after she released him. His beast whined mournfully at the thought. He would sooner kill him self than harm her. Her reaction to his gratitude still had him puzzled as to the way he was on the other side of the mirror. He must be fearsome indeed to inspire such terror. Still, Kagome had revived him and he owed her a life debt. Not something any royal could or would sneer at. Well except Inuyasha but he was infamous for his loathing of humans, even the woman who birthed him.

His father would have known what to do, but no one had heard of or seen anything of him before he'd been sealed. Now he needed to know and there was only one place he could go. "Kagome" he said softly pushing her out from his chest. When he had her attention he smiled sadly. He shouldn't have been nervous to transform but he was unsure of what her reaction would be. He had no way of knowing if she even knew that he had a true form. Though he'd asked about himself on the other side she'd been very reluctant to speak about it.

"Will you trust me?" he asked softly. His beast's ears perked to hear her reply. Kagome blinked, her eyes were red and puffy. "I'm going to transform to my true state and then I will carry you to my ancestral home. I need some answers and I will not leave you behind. Will you come with me?" he continued when she looked at him with a silent question. Kagome took a deep breath. She'd seen his other form and had been nearly killed by it. "but, this is not the Sesshomaru I remember" she reasoned with her self. Another voice reasoned too that she could die worse than at the hand or paws of the one she loved even if this was his mirror self.

Her voice shook with emotion restrained "I trust you Sesshomaru." she said clearly. Sesshomaru looked at the human and commended her silently for her bravery. Once he changed forms it would be his instinct and nature in control. Though he would be able to understand when she spoke he did not say as much. His beast gloated in triumph. It had taken a liking to the little human and was very pleased she trusted them as she did.

It took them a few minutes to break the 'camp' and to find a clearing. Once he'd found a place he moved in to the center and let the transformation happen. Hoping silently that his true self would be as gentle with his new friend as he was. Kagome looked on with awe as she'd never seen him change while calm it seemed like a completely different act. Just a shifting and releasing of energy. She kept her own power in check unwilling to take any chances as his youki swelled around them.

She recalled only after he'd begun to change that she didn't know whether he could understand when she spoke to him. She'd never had any opportunity to find out. Only seconds after the thought she looked up in to the huge very aware crimson eyes of Sesshomaru's true form, a giant white dog demon. Kagome was overwhelmed again by his sheer size but, even more shocking was the fact that he was wagging his tail as he crouched down to examine the human. It seemed his inner dog was happy to see her.

Kagome giggled as he sniffed her. Unthinkingly she reached out and pet the bridge of his nose. He sniffed her again winning himself another giggle from the adorable blue eyed woman. Her laugh was like music to his ears and her scent like nothing he'd ever smelled before. It was stronger now and he reveled in it's complexity. He growled softly and Kagome resumed petting him when he nudged her with his nose.

He liked the feeling of her hands on his silky fur and using his muzzle to push her he brought her to his side. With out further encouragement she climbed carefully on to his back. And found to her delight that sitting on his neck she could reach his ears. He growled when her hand first touched the sensitive fur on his ear but it quickly turned in to his contented purr. Normally he would have been against having his ears rubbed and scratched but he found to his complete surprise that it was quite pleasurable. The demon dog was in heaven. Her small hands were gentle and he wished she could keep it up forever. He huffed a sigh to stop her and took a slow step. Kagome pulled back and grabbed a hold of his silken fur securing herself to him

In his true form the miles flew by at an astonishing rate. The feeling of his massive powerful muscles bunching and flexing as he ran was exhilarating. Kagome grinned as she thought of the moment she been allowed to rub his ears. She'd been worried that he'd get angry when she'd first touched them but his purr had soothed her worry. After some time in silence aside from the heavy sound of his paws and his deep breaths, Kagome spoke up.

"Sesshomaru, can we stop for a bit?" she asked leaning forward. He slowed to a stop. Looking around he sniffed the air and lay down for her to slide back to the ground. She leaned into him and rubbed his cheek where the magenta markings flowed over his silver white fur. Again he purred closing his eyes. Kagome smiled and sighed. "I didn't know you could purr." she said letting her fingers comb through the soft short fur of his muzzle.

He nuzzled at her with his nose and then turned gesturing with his head to the river he'd stopped by. Kagome grinned and walked over. Slipping off her shoes she stuck her toes in to the water and laughed at the cold. She held up the ends of the kimono so it wouldn't get wet as she played in the shallow river. After a moment Sesshomaru got up and walked over to where the human was playing. Lowering his head he lapped at the brisk water and sat back to wait for her to follow his lead. The summer air was hot and Sesshomaru's thick silky fur and warm body had almost over heated her. Kagome relished the chill of the water on her skin and her dry throat as she drank.

After another drink Kagome walked back to the bank and glancing at Sesshomaru shed her kimono forgetting for the moment how nearly transparent the material of her tank top was. Crouching down she rolled up the legs of her yoga pants and went back in to the water. Sesshomaru's eyes didn't leave her for a moment. The beast watched her play and laugh with a lightheartedness it had rarely experienced before, sure he had noticed the lightness of her strange top and the formfitting bottoms, but like any male he liked what he could see and decided to pretend he hadn't noticed.

Silently it decided that no other would ever do for his mate though his coherent mind argued otherwise. After only another minute or so he barked softly and Kagome came out of the water and got redressed in the Kimono. Drying her feet in the grass she slipped on her shoes and climbed back up to her perch.

He ran for hours soon the sun was setting and he began to search for a place to stop for the night. Spotting a shallow cave he stopped in front of it and sniffed the air testing it for danger. Finding none he went to his belly and again allowed her to slide down. She didn't and he turned his head to look back at her. She was absentmindedly petting his fur with a thoughtful look on her face. He huffed another little sigh with a soft growl and she looked up. "Sorry, just thinking." she said quietly as she slid from his back.

After she was clear he began to glow and shrink back to the form she was used to. He had been going to stay in his true form but something in her eyes told him she had need of his voice. "Thinking of what?" he prompted moving over to sit by her after he was once again in his humanoid form. Kagome sighed. "Just thinking that my friends are probably worried sick. I left in the middle of the night. They probably think I was kidnapped or something. I didn't even put away my bedding. I'll bet Inuyasha is going through hell having lost her soul again."

She stretched and arched her back working out a kink with a pop. "Ah what I wouldn't give for a hot bath and my shampoo." Sesshomaru shook his head "I fail to see how those two things are related." he chuckled. He'd chosen this particular cave because of that reason. He had assumed that she was a very clean human and had caught the sent of sulfur and mineral water. Sesshomaru smiled internally at his beasts intuition.

"As for your friends they are in the mercy of the Sun Goddess, there is nothing they themselves can do. But the bath, there's a hot spring close by." Kagome jumped to her feet. Squealing softly in delight. "really?" Sesshomaru nodded. "I'll take you there and see if I can catch us something to eat. Tomorrow I'll take you to Kagetsuki village. And get you some supplies as it seems you are rather lacking." Kagome nodded and sighed, "if I'd known I be going through a mirror I would have brought my backpack."

Kagome followed Sesshomaru from the cave and in to the wide open area of summer grass. It looked oddly familiar. Sesshomaru stopped suddenly and sniffed the air. He had caught her scent from close by and not from her. He also smelled canvas and metal, and ink. It was odd but not unpleasant. He drifted to the right and came upon a section of grass that had been cleared in the center was the remnants of a fire pit and in a circle the obvious locations where four people had slept. As Kagome looked passed him a happy surprised sound fell from her lips. It was so improbable but lying where she left it was her yellow monstrosity of a back pack. Next to it rolled neatly her sleeping bag. "Thank Kami! I'm so happy its here. I don't know how it is but I never look a gift horse in the mouth."

She rambled rushing over to it and deftly undoing the clasp and rummaging through.

"Everything is just as I left it." Sesshomaru watched her antics with a chuckle. No human had ever amused him as much as she did. Every second brought with it some new emotion or expression and he found that he liked the unpredictability. It was like a breath of fresh air. Though watching the petite woman struggle with the monstrous bag was funny he walked over to give her a hand keeping his humor to himself. "I'd forgotten how heavy this thing was." she stated as he took it from her.

"You carried this every where you've traveled?" he asked testing its weight. Kagome nodded. "It looks like the only thing I don't have is my bow and quiver. So I guess I'll have to rely on you if trouble comes our way. Oh by the way, did I mention I'm a magnet for trouble? At least thats what all my friends tell me." she took a deep breath. "I didn't mention it before but I am the Shikon no Miko, through the mirror. That's why I have these." she said quietly lifting the chunk from her neck for inspection. "I accidentally shattered it. And then we gathered up all but the last four shards and I shattered it again." Sesshomaru listened to her prattle showing little emotion. He was not surprised to hear of her duty but he was surprised to hear she'd shattered the rumored unbreakable jewel twice. "How did it happen?" he asked willing his voice neutral.

Kagome looked up. "Well to explain that I'd have to tell you a story." she paused for emphasis. "This evil bandit named Onigumo lusted after Kikyou who was in love with Inuyasha, he wanted her so badly that he sold his soul to demons and became Naraku. Naraku tricked both Kikyou and Inuyasha to believe they had been betrayed by the other so that they would fight and kill each other. But he failed and Kikyou did not kill Inuyasha, instead she sealed him to the sacred tree. The same one you were sealed to actually. But in the end Kikyou died from the wounds she thought Inuyasha had inflicted with his claws.

Oh I forgot to tell you that Kikyou was the Shikon no miko. They cremated her with the jewel. And I know you are wondering where I come in," she took a deep breath as though to steady her nerves "well I am Kikyou's reincarnation." Kagome frowned and absently touched the jewel at her throat.

"I hate it because it caused all sorts of problems. Especially after Kikyou was brought back to life. She almost stole my soul. And then she kept trying to kill me and Inuyasha." she sighed. "But did Inuyasha stop her?" she glared at the ground her temper rising. "Noooo." Kagome stopped and closed her eyes and Sesshomaru mentally winced at the sorrow in her scent. "Do you know what he did? Just before I came through the mirror that jerk asked me if he could bring his Kikyou back since she died again at Naraku's hand." She bit her lip trying to hold back tears. "He asked me knowing full well I would have to die." She took a deep breath to calm herself as they walked.

Sesshomaru paused and turned to her. She looked heart-brokenly at the ground where they stood. She obviously had been betrayed by such unkind words. Sesshomaru frowned. "I am glad you came here no matter what the reason. Kagome, It's probably best if you don't repeat that story to anyone else. Inuyasha is infamous for his cruelty to humans. He despises them above all else. He even put his own mother to death for her mortality." Kagome gasped her hands flying to her mouth. "That's horrible." Sesshomaru nodded grimly.

"There is the possibility that Inuyasha will be at my father's house so you will need to stay close to me. He will kill you should he get the chance. But don't worry I'll be there to protect you." Sesshomaru continued walking. Kagome stood open mouthed absorbing his words then she scurried after him. As they broke through the cluster of trees Kagome giggled in anticipation she could already smell the unmistakable smell of sulfur and minerals he'd picked up from miles away. From the corner of his eye he watched the human clap her hands in almost childish delight and stored her love of hot springs in his mind for later contemplation.

Kagome was so entranced with the hot water before her that she began to untie the obi before thinking about the fact she was not alone. Sesshomaru watched her avidly until she began to remove the Kimono and then he turned his back for her sake, clearing his throat as he did. She jumped and blushed a shade of red so dark it would have matched Inuyasha's robe of the fire rat. Though she would not have been nude she still felt her embarrassment acutely remembering her tank top was see through. Grateful for being spared the experience she mumbled a thanks before grabbing her pack and dragging it closer. Digging around she found a towel and her collection of soaps. Sesshomaru sat down to wait his back still to the spring.

"Damn." he uttered under his breath not for the first time. He could hear every click and stretch of the the fabric she removed as she undressed and he cursed his hearing a thousand times more when she slid in to the water with a soft moan of pleasure. Getting up he raised his nose slightly to the wind and sniffed for prey. Like a soundless bolt of shadow and moonlight he darted in to the trees and took down his kill. Carrying it back to the campsite took him but a moment and he raised a barrier to keep out unwanted scavengers. Then he rushed back to the spring and his companion. She was running her soapy fingertips though her hair still making vocal her enjoyment. Sesshomaru tightened his grip on his sanity as he sat back down. "Kagome tell me about your world." he said closing his eyes. Kagome dunked her head to rinse and began to tell him of some of the modern marvels she was used to. While she prattled he relaxed. It was just the distraction he needed though his inner demon was more than happy to supply it's own images of what it would like to do to the girl...


Hi! So I got a weird little idea about a month back and seeing how my other stories have been recived I decided to

further entertain...please let me know what you think.