Firelight by Silver


A/N: This is my first ever attempt at a Kagome/Sesshoumaru fanfic, though I have been reading them for ages. All coments, kind, scathing or otherwise will be read and the merits from them will be considered.

This is in response to the Obakemono challenge Week 2. Creative liberties have been taken.

Obligatory Disclaimer: I in no way own the characters, ideas, or other intellectual property used by me in this story. Nor do I in anyway gain monetary profit through this work. This is a work of amusement and personal satisfaction only and is not meant to reflect on the actual Inuyasha story or Rumiko Takahashi in anyway. Possitive, negative or otherwise.


‘It's strange' She thinks laying in her sleeping bag awaiting sleep. ‘how things change in this life.'

A great demon lord sat across the fire from where she lay, watching over the members of their small party. A little girl and a dragon slept to his right, a toad snored against a tree to his left. His ears were trained on the forest around them, his hand flexing from time to time as if reacting to some challenge unheard by her human ears. Claws glinting in the firelight. And though his senses are with them, his eyes are focused on the stars and his thoughts are with them, resting in the sky.

His pensive nature had unnerved her at first. Predators are deadlier when their thoughts are well hidden. Now his times of peaceful thought bring her comfort. He is a steady presence, his power glowing darkly but passively around him. Like the moon in the night sky. So different now from all that she had known before. She can still remember the first time she met him. The first time she met him in battle.


His form was terrifying, his power overwhelming. It appeared to her senses as a dark cloud pulsating and swirling around him, in and out of focus all at once. His great jaws opened in a roar, his large red tongue licking his chops as if in anticipation of a gourmet meal. He was beautiful. He was dangerous.

‘Aka-Shita' Her mind supplied. But he was no guardian. He would not let her pass if she proved her worth. He would not protect a sacred place; only destroy it to get what he wanted. He was a killer and unless she was brave he would send her to an early grave.


It was mildly ironic, thinking of the Western Lord as the guardian of the Western Gate. Ironic and yet strangely appropriate. She had entered the tomb of a being so strong he had been considered godlike during his life as the Western Lord. And there to chase her out was the new Lord; almost as if guarding the resting place of the west.

But things had since changed.

Although he is still as dangerous as he is beautiful. No longer do brothers war over a legacy. In time peace had been made, anger had melted to camaraderie, suspicion to trust. Tentative though it may be, the bond is there. Understanding; a powerful tool when wielded. Brothers became allies, and enemies became friends. And watching him, a little less guarded than he once was, she marvels at time's power.

Her feelings have changed too. Time touches all things, some sooner than others. Glancing at her long time companion she thinks on this before turning back to him.

He lost an arm when they met as enemies, and now after regaining what was lost they meet as allies. She wants more, but she wonders if even time can change that much. And so she watches him. She hopes that maybe his disdain for humans can change to tolerance. From tolerance to acceptance, from acceptance to love; if only just for her.

‘In some ways it's already begun' she thinks as she turns her eyes momentarily to the little girl who places so much faith and love in the hands of the great lord. She looks back to him, unable to keep her eyes away for long. He does not disappoint the girl, and maybe if she's patient he will exceed her expectations as well.

She blushes when he notices her starring but does not avert her eyes. Once he would have growled at her. Once he would have glared. Once he would have raised an eyebrow, but no longer. Unlike times past he inclines his head in acknowledgement and resumes his silent vigil. The once lone wanderer has become accustomed to company, accustomed to those who would look upon him in awe. Nights past he would have none but himself to look after, nights past would have been spent worrying for no one. Tonight he guards those he once sought to destroy as they rest. Resting for a fight that will wax during chaotic days and wane into peaceful nights. She thinks on how things between them have changed, and she hopes that maybe, just maybe the changes will continue.

'Aka-Shita' she thinks again smiling. This time she is not wrong, and as sleep claims her she hopes that maybe their tentative friendship can melt into more.