Sneaking a Peek by SunsetMiko

Considerate Friends

Chapter 91 - Considerate Friends

*Alexandrite* (Stella's Shiny Challenge)

It had been difficult to tear herself away from Sesshoumaru after their confessions, but eventually Kagome managed. She had something she wanted to discuss with her friends and she had breakfast to make. She dressed quickly, running her finger through her hair a few times to fix her bed-head, and then headed out into the main room, finding everyone else already awake and waiting for her.

The miko scooped up her pot and began filling it with water from her supply, kneeling before the fire to get their oatmeal started. Once the food was cooking, Kagome rose and turned to face all of her friends and companions. She hoped they would be agreeable because she was still exhausted and she wanted to rest in comfortable conditions if at all possible. She wouldn't mind the privacy that the cabin gave her and Sesshoumaru, either. Finding privacy while camping in the forest was nearly impossible, especially with demon ears around.

 "Guys," Kagome started nervously. "Do you think we could stay here for a few days? I really need to catch up on my sleep."

Sango smiled. "Did the tea work then?" Her friend looked a great deal better this morning than she had for days, which was a relief. She'd been worried about Kagome's health.

"Worked wonders. I slept through the night for the first time in two weeks. I'm still exhausted, though."

"A break sounds wonderful," Sango agreed, sensing that what Kagome really wanted was private time with Sesshoumaru. "Perfect timing, too. I found a hairline crack on my boomerang. I need to go to my village to repair it."

"I would be happy to accompany you," Miroku chimed in.

"Oh, can we go too?" Shippo asked eagerly, speaking for both himself and Rin. If they were going to be sitting around for days, he preferred Sango's village to a boring cabin. At least there he could find things to do. He and Rin would have room to play without annoying anyone else at the safely walled in, empty village.

"If you can behave yourselves," Sango replied.

Sesshoumaru smirked. It seemed as if her friends intended to give them some time alone and he appreciated it. The knowledge that they would finally be having sex soon had him very eager and if they were alone, the chances of it happening sooner rather than later were great.

"Jaken, you will take Ah Un and accompany them to supervise the children," the taiyoukai said in his authoritarian tone and Jaken quickly agreed. It didn't sound like a good time in the least, but he knew better than to whine. If his Lord desired him to do something, he did it without question or complaint if he wanted to stay uninjured.

*Aquamarine* (Stella's Shiny Challenge)

Everyone turned eyes to Inuyasha. It took the hanyou a moment to realize that everyone was looking at him, but when he did, he found it disturbing. "What?" he snapped.

"Do you plan to accompany us?" Miroku asked.

"Why? I'm comfortable right here. I'm not the one who has a weapon to repair."

Miroku shook his head. "I believe the point is to give Kagome and Sesshoumaru some privacy," he explained with a knowing grin that made the miko blush.

"Huh? Oh," Inuyasha said as it finally dawned on him. He turned his focus to Kagome. "Well, wench? Do you want me to go?" He wasn't really comfortable, but he knew better than to complain. He'd realized that Sesshoumaru was good for Kagome and he'd decided not to intervene anymore.

"You don't have to," the miko started, "but it would be nice to have some time alone with the man I love."

Inuyasha's eyes widened as he stared at his best friend. "You finally told him?" That was a relief. Now his guilt over accidently having told Sesshoumaru could finally abate.

Kagome nodded. "I did."

"And did you tell her too?" the hanyou demanded of his brother. He sure as hell hoped so. Sesshoumaru needed to confess his true intentions with the miko so that she could finally be secure in their relationship.

"That I desire to make her my mate? Indeed, I did."

"Fine, fine, I'll go too," Inuyasha muttered. "You'll probably be mated by the time we get back. I don't need to see that shit."

*Beryl* (Stella's Shiny Challenge)

An hour or so later, Kagome was watching her friends load up their things for the trip to the slayers' village. "Are you sure you have everything you need?" she asked, digging through her bag to make sure they hadn't forgotten anything important.

"We're good," Sango said with a bright smile. "Relax, Kagome. We're not going to be gone forever. Just a few days."

"Be careful," the miko said to everyone, "and you guys behave," she addressed to the children. "Don't make them regret taking you along."

"Yes, Mama," Shippo replied while Rin nodded her head, acknowledging the miko's words.

Kagome and Sesshoumaru watched as Miroku and Sango took flight on Kirara, while Jaken and the children did the same on Ah Uh. Inuyasha disappeared into the trees and the miko gave a sigh of relief.

"Alone at last," she said in a seductive tone that had Sesshoumaru aroused in seconds. "What to do, what to do..."