Sneaking a Peek by SunsetMiko

The Nose Doesn't Lie

Chapter 59 - The Nose Doesn't Lie


*Unripe Hero* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

"What the hell is wrong with that girl?" Inuyasha asked with a snarl.

"What is wrong with you?" Shippo yelled. "Now she's gone and who knows when she's coming back. We'll be lucky if she ever does!"

"Oh, her little hero," the hanyou growled. "You need to keep your nose out of it. You have no idea what's going on here!"

"Sure I do," the kit snarled back. "You accused her of something she didn't do and then said horrible things to her. She's not weak like you said and you know it. She's the source of your strength! You can't fight without her. Without her to protect, you're nothing but a lonely, filthy half-breed. She gave you everything, a friend, a pack, and you betray her by calling her worthless!"

"What do you mean something she didn't do? What do you know about it?"

"I have a nose too, you know, and I know what sex smells like. I'm not stupid! I had parents! She didn't have sex. Sure, there was the scent of her arousal and his, but he didn't finish. There was no scent of male release in the room!"

Without a word, Inuyasha stomped back down the hall into the room in which Kagome had spent the night. He breathed in deeply and cursed. He hadn't noticed the distinction. It was obvious the miko had climaxed, which was bad enough in the hanyou's opinion, but Sesshoumaru hadn't. If they'd had sex, the scent of the room would have been different. He had accused her of something she hadn't done, and that had been what made him angry enough to say all of the horrible things he had.

*Tyranny* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

"I have to find her," he said, but he was quickly blocked in the room by both Sango and Miroku.

"No," the monk said. "You will give her time. She wanted to get away from here because of you, Inuyasha. She does not need you chasing after her."

"Besides," Sango chimed in. "They flew. You can't follow their scent, even if it wasn't pouring outside."

"She'll come back, won't she?" the little kitsune asked from his spot on Miroku's shoulder.

"Of course she will, Shippo," Sango said gently. "She'd never leave us for good. She'll get over it and she'll be back. She always forgives Inuyasha, even when he doesn't deserve it.

"She can't be with him," the hanyou muttered, still desiring to chase blindly after the miko he considered his. "I won't allow it."

"It's not up to you, Inuyasha," Sango said, her tone clearly conveying her annoyance.

"The hell it isn't! It's my job to protect her and I'll be damned if I'll let him break her heart. He's after something, and it ain't a mate."

"Who said anything about mating?" Miroku asked curiously.

"That bastard did. He told me last night that's what he wants, but I don't believe it. He wouldn't mate a human miko. I just know he's after something else."

"Why is it so difficult to believe that he has fallen for her? She's a beautiful, brilliant, and powerful woman," the monk said.

"Her power! That has to be what he wants!" Inuyasha exclaimed. It was the only thing that made sense. He wanted to harness the power of a miko, and there was no miko more powerful than Kagome. Not even Kikyo had held the amount of power Kagome did. Sure, he'd never told her so, but it was the truth.

"Don't be a fool," Sango snapped. "And you have no place trying to say what she can and cannot do. You do not own her. Kagome can make her own decisions!"