Hidden Feelings by FangedBeasty

Becoming Obsessed

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Hidden Feelings


Becoming Obsessed


Author Note: Hello my readers, here is a new story! :) The weird ~`~ marks mean that it is Sesshoumaru's POV, and the odd ^*^ marks denote that it is from Kagome's POV. Please, leave a review with your input!! Thank you.



Sesshoumaru didn't know what the wench with his brother was. She didn't smell dead at all, nor did she smell human. She hadn't died from his acid, and she had pulled the sword from his father's tomb. No human could ever do that. Also, everyone knew that any normal human would have given the stronger male the sword. By being a puzzle, and denying him the sword he had been given a new riddle. One that he was determined to solve.


The first thing was to find out what the odd little girl was. She may have the body of a near-woman, but anyone could tell that she was not. She still acted so young, still so innocent. He knew that she was vulnerable. She had trusted his brother with her protection, something he couldn't understand. He knew that it would someday fail, so he would lay a small claim upon the girl. For now he had to get to the library. He was simply dieing to know what the girl was.




Kagome had been rattled since she had almost died. At least, she had been sure she almost died. She was constantly going back through her mind, trying to figure out how she had so misjudged Sesshoumaru to let him try to kill her. She wasn't really that all upset, everyone that she ever met seemed to try to kill her, so she was becoming used to it. However, for some reason she had thought that he would be different.


There had been something more refined about him, and yet, he still didn't fail to try and kill her. She had to remind herself, that he hadn't killed her though, and once she lived, he had seemed startled. He had in no way been lax in his attempt to kill her, he had really wanted her dead. So with someone as powerful as he, obviously, was how did she live? What had set her apart so much from everyone else that he had tried and succeeded in felling?


She thought that it had to be that she was from the future. How could you kill something that didn't really exist yet? She had never been terribly injured. Yes, that must be why he hadn't been able to kill me. With the idea that she couldn't be killed from anyone of this time, she was feeling much safer in Inuyasha's protection. She had seen the comparison of the fighting between the two brothers, and had known Inuyasha was the worse. Now, it didn't matter that there was a better fighter, Kagome knew she couldn't be killed.


Kagome was pulled out of her musing, by Inuyasha. He was, apparently, hungry and began demanding that she make food. She missed when at the beginning he had insisted on catching and skinning the food, but then when he had tasted her ramen, he had never hunted for her again. It had disheartened her at first, but then she guessed he didn't need to. She could get food a lot faster than he could hunting.


In her mind, it stopped the pain, but it didn't really. Her soul still hurt from him not providing for her anymore. It knew what it meant. Him relying on her meant that he had unofficially given up his leadership to her. Not in all ways, he was much to greedy for that. He still wanted her to answer to him, he just wanted her to get the food.


Which she did regularly so she was more the alpha, but being raised a human she wouldn't know that. His duties now consisted of, protecting her, and playing alpha. He would do whatever she would tell him to. He wasn't going to tell her this, or of the fact that she was now the leader. She could invite anyone she wanted, she could kick him out if she were to so choose. So he was of course not going to tell her that! He didn't yet trust her to not kick him out of the small pack, and find some stronger demon to protect her.




Sesshoumaru had gone through several of his best scrolls, and there had been nothing written about anyone close to her. There had been certain similarities, but never enough to make a clear determination of what she really was. He would have to spend more time in her presence. He would not allow her to notice him, he didn't want to be known to Inuyasha. As Inuyasha wouldn't acknowledge that Sesshoumaru was really the alpha over him it didn't matter what he would decree. He didn't want to have a squabble with the pup over the ruler ship that was rightfully Sesshoumaru's.


He had taken the time out of his life to train the boy, to hunt, fish, and the rules of polite society, so by all measures he was the boy's alpha. Inuyasha had shunned him after the boy had seen that Sesshoumaru expected full loyalty to him. Inuyasha learned that he couldn't take a mate, unless approved of by Sesshoumaru. The boy had been of the mind that Sesshoumaru would never approve of any mate that he would want. So he had run away, shunning his brother, who in turn began to shun him. The real hatred didn't appear until Sesshoumaru had to go to war, and lo and behold his little brother had gotten himself stuck to a tree! He couldn't be awakened, nor the arrow in his chest removed. That is when Sesshoumaru had decided that if his little brother wanted nothing to do with him, than neither did he.


He would just have to go and secretly watch her until he had more information to compare her to the words on all of the scrolls. He would find out what she was, no matter how long it took him. Once a demon-lord was so convinced one would be very hard pressed to change his mind.