Dog's Favourite Treat by Angelic Memories

Dog's Favourite Treat

So this is my response to Nobody's Weekly Challenge

Prompt is: Hauntings

No Word Limit: 438

Creatively use peanut butter

There is no real lemon in this story but many things are implied.... Enjoy!


Cruelly it taunted her. Reminding her. Haunting her.

Past evening events flooded her mind as sapphire orbs glared at the cupboard. Everything was in its proper place. Except her favourite treat. No doubt in her mind told her the inu was involved. He had mocked her, in few words, criticizing her eating habits.

The previous night he had come to dinner. It was meant to be a small get together after their prior random meetings. Their past drew them in to each other's arms. Was it her fault that after the rather active night she wanted something to munch on? It just so happened she loved to eat right out of the jar. The gooey mess sticking to the roof of her mouth only to be washed away with a tall glass of cold milk afterwards.

He gave her one of those looks. It haunted her sometimes. The way his eyes would remind her of the past. Forcing her to remember those who had fallen in the final battle before she made her way home for the last time. It reminded her of the nightmares that haunted her long after Naraku and his minions had collapsed, purified. His dying words echoing through her mind. So she indulged in the small desires pointing her nose in the air and taking a heaping tablespoon of peanut butter into her mouth. Only then did she remember something.

Dogs loved peanut butter.

A dribble stuck to the corner of her mouth and he walked over swiftly to lick the smooth treat away. Kagome groaned and her limp hand let the spoon lean weakly in her hand, brushing traces of the nutty sensation above her cleavage. Sesshomaru made his way downwards to clean the mess, his tongue becoming a mop.

One thing led to another and now it was morning. She wanted toast; usually it would be piled with peanut butter. Just before opening her cupboard for the jar the haunting images of the night before came to her. But it was crazy to be effected by something so simply so she pulled the door to the cupboard open. Only to find that her spare jar wasn't occupying her cupboard.

"Are you looking for this?" the vindictive voice of the inu called to her from behind.

He stood in the doorway of the kitchen, wearing a towel around his hips from his recent shower. In his hand Sesshomaru tossed the smaller container up and down. From the evil mischievous glare of his eyes she knew one thing was certain.

Peanut butter was going to haunt her for the rest of her long life.  


Ja ne

Angelic Memories

© 2009