A Surprise by DeathsSilentApproach

Chapter 1

Everyone stared at the place the once "human" Kagome stood.  Instead of a human standing there, there was a rat demon, "What are you all staring at?" Kagome demanded in a series of squeaks.

"She can't even speak in human," muttered Shippu as he backed up toward Sango.

Kagome's eyes widened at Shippu's words and raced for the nearest stream when she noticed how fast she was going; or rather, how much slower she was now.  Looking down into the water she let out a loud wail, "NO!!!" whipping around she latched onto Sango who had followed her causing her to flinch away from her, "I'M a RAT!  Sango quick! Exterminate me!"

Somehow Sango miraculously understood her and raised her weapon to do just that when Sesshoumaru burst into the clearing, "You dare attack this Sesshoumaru's mate-to-be?!"

Inuyasha stared at Sesshoumaru when he spoke those words, "Well dad that explains why you were desperate enough to get with my mom."


AN: Sorry I couldn't resist the erg to write this when the idea popped into my head.