Purple Bandages by AngryTeapot


I do not own Inuyasha.


    No sound was made as the messenger practically flew through the dense foliage; the only betraying factor of his passing was a slight swaying of the leaves. The message he carried was far too important for him to wait until daylight to continue his travels. The Eastern and Southern lords were preparing for war on his Lord's kingdom, he was sure that they then would turn against the Northern Lord as well. Loran knew that he must make it to Lord Sesshomaru quickly, so that the Western and Northern Kingdoms would have time to mount a well planned offensive strike.

    He also knew that it was up to him to get Lord Sesshomaru this very valuable knowledge. 'If only my legs could move faster', the errant thought crossed through Loran's mind and he pushed himself even harder than before. He was still hours away from his Lord's great castle but every second counts when war is fast approaching. Though having been running without the slightest pause for days, he continued at his brutal pace, pushing him far beyond his means.

     The snap of a branch was all that alerted Loran to another's presence, with a quick side step the weary messenger slid his sword from its scabbard, as he dodged the impending blow. He turned to face his attackers, silently cursing at the fact that the figures fast surrounding him were a mixture of Battle Trolls and Mountain Ogres.

     The grinning brutes moved in waving their blood stained clubs and poorly made swords. Glaring Loran prepared to take flight; he knew there would be no way he'd be able to take on such insurmountable odds. As he moved to cut down the smallest Ogre a commanding voice sounded through the clearing.

     "Don't let him escape and don't ruff him up too much. He'll fetch a good price." As the massive creatures moved in he realized they were not going to kill him. So, instead of fighting he destroyed the missive and made a shallow cut on his arm, he knew that soon his Lord would come to find him, and the blood would lead Sesshomaru to him. Loran could now only bide his time, as a captive of the Ogres.

    As they shoved him to the ground and put him in restraints, strong enough to hold a demon, the man who belonged to the mysterious voice stepped out of the shadows. He sneered at Loran, "You think you are clever cutting your arm like that. Well, when whoever you are trying to lead to you comes for you we will just take him too."

   At this Loran laughed until he felt a blow to his head, then he didn't feel anything.