Just Shut Up And Kiss Me by MomoDesu

Just Shut Up And Kiss Me

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and all related characters are property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am not profiting from this in any manner.

Written for the Dokuga Contest prompt 'clock'.


"You're late."

Kagome admired the picture he made in his modern clothes, a nighttime arial view of Tokyo as his backdrop.

"I didn't quite expect to have on last late evening tryst before I crossed through the well," she replied.

"You told me Tokyo Tower, eight o'clock. You're lucky I remembered after five hundred years. The least you could do is be on time." He shoved his hands into his pockets.

She looked at her watch. "I'm only late by five minutes."

Sesshoumaru snorted. "I could have grown impatient and returned home."

"But you didn't."

"The thought had crossed my mind."

She snorted back at him. "You wouldn't do that. You've waited five hundred years for me. Five more minutes wouldn't kill you."

"I could have thrown myself from this tower in my heartbroken state. That would have killed me."

"From an observation deck encased by glass?"

"I may have changed a lot in five hundred years, but I am still a youkai."

She put her hands on her hips. "It's been a while for you. Shouldn't you be ravishing me?"

"It's only been half an hour for you. Surely you can wait a few more minutes and enjoy this beautiful view of Tokyo."

Sesshoumaru turned his back to her and focused his gaze view of the city. Kagome walked over and stood next to him. The city was truly beautiful at night.

She waited before she spoke up. "It's been a few minutes."

"I am still enjoying the view."

"My lips are lonely."

"My eyes are otherwise occupied."

"The city will be here tomorrow night. I could get angry and leave."

"You wouldn't do that."

"How do you know?"

"Good luck finding a human boy who is, as you say, a 'demon in the sack'."

"When did you become a demon of so many words?"

"When did you become so impatient?"



"Would you just shut up and kiss me?"