A Woman Scorned by Somewhere in the Middle

Control Slips

A Woman Scorned

Chapter 14-

Sesshoumaru Takahashi had more than gotten his wish. When he had finally been cut off by the bartender of "The Inuyokoi", he could barely see straight. He thanked every god he knew for helping him stagger into his car safely and without starting a fight with another patron. He stood at the driver's side and fumbled with his keys. In his drunken haste the keys slipped from his hands. He screamed out in rage into the already black sky and slammed his fist into the roof of his very expense sports car, leaving a small dent.

Nursing his headache and his throbbing hand, he managed to find his way into his car. He sat still, knowing he was in no shape able to drive, nor was he able to go home to Kagome's trusting, loving smile. Knowing what he had done with Kagura, he was in no way ready to face that guilt yet. He reclined his seat and settled himself for a long, uncomfortable night in his car.

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Kagome was beyond furious. Sesshoumaru had not come home last night and given recent events, Kagome wasn't thinking what most wives would in this situation; Sesshoumaru was not lying in a ditch somewhere bleeding to death. Most likely he had found some whore and was just getting done having his way with her.

"FUCK!" she screamed as she threw her glass of wine into the kitchen wall.

How in the world could she be so dense? How could she be so bloody naïve? Did she really think that Sesshoumaru, her husband, the man who had fucked her best friend for God knew how many years during their marriage, could ever be trusted again?

She was disgusted with herself.

The screeching of brakes was heard and she calmly walked to the front door. She stood a good few feet away from the entrance and waited for him to open the door.

The door slowly creaked open and immediately she was hit with an onslaught of scents. Two scents stuck out more than the others- alcohol and sex. She knew all too well now the scent of sex emanating from her husband.

"Where were you, Sesshoumaru?" her voice rang throughout the silence of the house.

He looked up at her, squinting as the light assaulted his vision.

"Where were you, Sesshoumaru?" she repeated.

He stared at her, his face hard and business-like.

"Where the fuck were you?" she screamed.

He slowly came into the house, closing the door behind him.

She ran at him and slapped him as hard as she could.

"WHERE WERE YOU?" she yelled into his face, slapping him again.

She continued yelling and slapping him until finally he grabbed her hands, holding them t his chest and staring at her with those warm, liquid gold eyes she had fallen in love with.

"I was with Kagura,"

She froze. She knew it. She knew he was with someone else. But this? This was too much. She could almost take him being with Sango, but to back to Kagura? That literally broke her heart.

She snatched her hands back from him.


She pounded his chest with her fists, not letting up on her assault.

"How could you do this to me?" she bawled as her blows slowed and she sank to the floor.

Sesshoumaru, still partially drunk, shrugged.

"Guess that's the type of man you married."

"Get out, Sesshoumaru." She cried.

His head spun to her direction, not wanting to believe what he had just heard.

"Excuse me?"

"GET OUT!" she repeated, screaming out her rage.

He stayed still, refusing to move a muscle.

"That's how it's gonna be? Huh? Really? Fine. Then I'm leaving. I'm taking the boys and I'm leaving."

When he remained in his position, acting like he didn't hear her, she scoffed, shaking her head, and got up from the floor. In a split second, she was up against the wall, being held up by her throat. The air rushed from her lungs like a rapidly deflating balloon.

"You listen to me, and you listen very well, Kagome. YOU ARE NEVER LEAVING ME!" he screamed, intoxicating her with the strength of the alcohol on his breath, his voice like a rapid crescendo.

She was scared and refused to show him that. She fought against his hold and spat right into his face.

"Go to hell," she croaked out.

And that was when it began.

Before she knew it, his hand flew and he backhanded her straight to the floor, the sickening sound of skin hitting skin echoing throughout the empty house.

"You don't want to play this game with me, Kagome."

She clutched her hand to her cheek. Shock. She could not believe the only emotion she felt was shock.

Then he slapped her again. It was then she felt the fear. This familiar and strange fear she had felt the last time this had happened. One thing was different now, however, now she had something to protect. Someone to protect.

Her arm cradled around her stomach as Sesshoumaru continued his angry battery. Her grabbed her arm and forced her up. Kagome flinched as he found himself mere centimetres from her face.

"What have I ever done to deserve this? Haven't I always given you everything that you ever wanted? Didn't I buy you nice things? Jewellery? A car? A house? Tell me! What have I EVER denied you off to make you want to leave me?"

Tears rolling down her face, Kagome adjusted her gaze from the floor to his rage filled eyes and whispered, "You."

He paused for a second and then threw her to the floor.

"You're not leaving me! DO YOU HEAR ME? YOU'RE NOT LEAVING ME!" he roared.

She crawled away from him, trying to get hold on a surface to pull herself up. She needed to be strong; for her baby.

He kicked her side, forcing her down.

"I own you, Kagome! And I'll be damned if I ever live to see the day you walk out of that door!" Sesshoumaru bellowed as he pounded his chest hysterically.

The combination of his rage, guilt and the alcohol all pumping through his veins had sent him off the edge.

As he continued his rant, Kagome had managed to crawl, unnoticed to his dropped car keys.

"I LOVE YOU, KAGOME! No one will EVER love you the way that I do!"

Sunk to the floor and hung his head in his hands as his breathing raged on.

She took this chance to dash for the door and out into the yard. He was dumbfounded for a few seconds, giving her enough time to get into his car.

She locked the doors and started the car as he came up to the window, pounding on it, demanding that she open the door.

He slammed his fist into the window, shattering the glass just as she mashed her feet down onto the gas, reversing out of the driveway. Sesshoumaru hugged his bleeding, glass ridden hand as he watched his wife speed away…

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Kagome was freaking out. Her tears were coming so fast they blinded her, but she could not stop. She had to get away. She had to get to some place he would not find her. At least for now he couldn't find her.

She drove and drove until she came to the last place even she expected to end up. She took a deep breath in and got out of the car. Walked up the driveway and knocked on the door.

He answered the door in nothing but a towel. He had just come from a shower, his long black tresses flowing all around him.

"Kagome? Oh my goodness, what the fuck happened to you?"

He pulled her inside and shut the door. He held her tightly to his body, and she didn't mind if he was a little wet.

"I missed you too, Naraku."

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DUN DUN DUN! Lol. Now I know some of you have been complaining about how evil and disgusting Sesshoumaru is being, but bear with me. trust me, it is all necessary for the ending. Thanks so much for reading this! Plz review, your comments mean so much to me. :D thanks for all of your support. P.s. I've been thinking I need a beta, to help me with my chapters…what do you guys think? Do I need one? Any takers? Anyways….see you next time on AWSI LOVE YO FACES!-

-SoMeWhErE iN tHe MiDdLe...