Holy Mistletoe! by Breezy

Chapter 1

Response to Snowflake challenge. Sorry I messed it up in the summary! Exactly 800 words. Not including this little note of course. Enjoy.

Kagome was pissed.

 Not a quiet simmering pissed but a full blown bitch fit pissed. She'd trudged through calve high snow in search of a mistletoe. Not just any mistletoe but one that was perfect and worthy of Sesshomaru's kiss. She hadn't minded at first. Her enthusiasm was enough to send her out in a coat that was more fashionable than sensible, wool leggings and uggs. After getting on her bike and riding into town, Kagome realized she had no idea where to find mistletoes. Did it grow on a tree or was it something she could walk into a store and buy? Having too much pride to ask, she biked to the nearest library and Googled it. Unfortunately, that had told her nothing. Although she learned its medicinal uses and that kissing under a mistletoe was originally a Scandinavian tradition. Other than that? Nothing. Waving goodbye to the librarians, she soon realized that over the course of the 45 minutes she had spent researching; winter had decided to screw her over and send more snow. Finding the roads too dangerous to ride on, she proceeded to trudge home. Every car she saw pass her by increased her ire, especially the ones with happy couples. Wanting to strangle herself with her bike chain, it took another 25 minutes. By the time she had reached her house, her wool leggings were soaking her hello kitty panties and her uggs were completely destroyed.

Oh great, a hundred and sixty dollars down the drain.

            Reaching home she cursed living in a shrine, and settled on abandoning her bike to the elements- crawling up the numerous steps. Clawing at the door, she slipped inside, immediately enveloped by the warmth of her home.

            "Sweet Jesus" she murmured, a flurry of snowflakes on her head.

            "Is that you Kagome?" Souta called out. Kagome shimmied out of her jacket, eyes closed, writhing like a snake on the ground. "Hey guess who's here?" Kicking off her uggs, she imagined taking a nice warm bath before proceeding to suffocate herself with a pillow. All of that time wasted and nothing to show for it but wet panties.

            "Souta, I don't care right now. I just had an epic battle with winter and the causalities were great. I'm sorry but... bikey didn't make it." Barely registering the snort she heard, she began to pull down the leggings that were soaking the carpet underneath her.

            "Kagome, I don't think that's such a hot idea-"

            "Souta...shut up. I'm going to get hypothermia if I don't get out of these clothes. Go away and watch some Ninja turtles or pokemon, whatever you kids watch these days." Opening her eyes she froze when she saw 2 pairs of feet. Following the feet up to a thin waist to golden eyes, she wanted to lunge into the fireplace.   

            Sesshomaru was here.

            In her house.

            And she...

            Was in hello kitty panties.

            "Hello Kagome"

            "Urghgrah helloooo how great to see you Sesshomaru. It's a very lovely day isn't it. Sun shining, birds chirping and such. Well, just so you know- this is all a dream. You know, just a figment of your imagination- just in case you were wondering. I don't know what you do for sick kicks. You should be ashamed of yourself, taking advantage of me in your dreams. I should file for harassment." Jumping up, covering herself as best she could, she fled to her room in shame. Hearing a faint chuckle, she silently cursed at him. Staying upstairs until he left, Kagome was relieved when she heard the front door slam shut. Running down the stairs shoe in hand, Kagome sought out Souta. Finding him watching the telly, she carefully aimed and fired- catching him in the back of the head.

            " Why didn't you tell me Sesshomaru was here! That was completely mortifying."

            "I tried telling you. I'd be surprised if he ever came here again after seeing your large, pale grotesque body."

She saw red.

 Giggling to himself, he ran and shut himself in his room before she could retaliate. Banging on his door, Kagome demanded retribution.

            "Listen you, I spent all evening trying to find a damn mistletoe and you-"

            "Idiot, there's one hanging under the door." Flushing, she ran towards the front entrance and fell to her knees, crying out where there hanging innocently on her door was a mistletoe. Oh no, after all she did to find this freaking thing- the day was not over until she got some loving. Pulling on her wet uggs she ran out the door, mistletoe in hand.

            "Where are you going?" Souta shouted.

            "TO GET MY DAMN KISS."

            Too bad she couldn't hear Souta. If she had, she might have turned back and caused even more bodily damage.

            "Hook Line Sinker."

Hope you enjoyed this! Sorry I've been posting like a crazy woman. I threw in funfacts for you in this fic!

a) Uggs really do cost that much- some go up to 300 dollars :D

b) The Scandinavian origin is true.

Well I'm off!