Challenges, Drabbles, & Oneshots by r0o by sugar0o who lurks

Miko‘s Paradise - thoughtful

Miko's Paradise..........................................................for Katlady's Challenge: Pink Cast. 500 words exact. 061409

Kagome was never one to give into peer pressure, hell her first kiss had been wasted on Inuyasha to bring him back from his demonic form before he killed them all. So, to some it had been a big surprise, the young miko had found out about a rarely known secret, ‘Miko’s Paradise.’ The herb was known to give miko’s a mellowed out aura, it was something like feudal era marijuana, yet it only effected those with holy power, and was slightly addictive.

It was hard to grow, hard to find but if you did, it had the ability to completely make the miko’s mind clear of all things befuddling, and allow her to connect with her core power. In Kagome’s case this was doubly so. Unknown to her, as she had in fact found it, started smoking it, it gave her a last clarity that was startling. For one thing, she realized she never loved Inuyasha, but more or less an intense fascination with him due to the rival like feeling Kikyo brought out in her.

For another thing, she truly did hate Kikyo. Not because she was better, or more pretty, but because she was honestly annoying. Who went around trying to kill the person they blamed for something knowing fully that it was someone else’s fault? She also notice in her clear mind and head that she should have taken Miroku before she got stuck with Inuyasha, also that for all his posing Kouga was probably gay. Who goes after a mortal when they have a perfectly good female chasing them all the time? Didn’t he know she’d die in about fifty years? He was an idiot.

Kagome had sat one day and pondered her life thus far. It was clear to her that she was meant to be here, not really sure if she was supposed to stay, but then it didn’t really matter to her at the moment. No she was currently pondering Sesshomaru. First he was too pretty, then he was too quiet, but then it occurred to her that no one ever really spoke to Sesshomaru. Most of the times it was questions or just plan screaming and yelling. He probably hadn’t had a good talking to with real conversation because everyone was so scared of him.

Kagome looked out, pink cast out everyone before her as if she were in a haze, she was, but who was to tell the miko that. With the idea in mind that she wanted to get to know the inu lord, Kagome set out on her way. Hours later her tachi would realize she left, went looking for her, only to find her with the remains of Naraku, and having an intellectual conversation with Sesshomaru as if they were sitting down for a tea party.  When asked or yelled out for what had happened, the miko would only smile, and turn back to her demonic audience.

Who knew Miko’s Paradise could be so entertaining?