This Sesshoumaru Doesn't Do Christmas by SunsetMiko


This Sesshoumaru Doesn’t Do Christmas

Chapter 35 - Caught

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

*Complaints of Loneliness* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

"Thanks so much for all your help," Kagome said with a smile.

"No problem," Sango replied. "You know I love wrapping, and this would have taken you ages to do alone." They both looked over the shrinking mountain of unwrapped presents to the growing mountain of beautifully wrapped ones.

"I'm terrible at wrapping presents," the miko confessed. “With as much as I love Christmas, you’d think I'd be better at this."

"You're a pro at decorating. You can't be perfect at everything. Besides, it's fun to do things together."

Kagome nodded. "Yup. With Sesshoumaru working late so much lately, I've been getting kind of lonely here at the house."

*What You Gave Me* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

"Speaking of Sesshoumaru," Sango started. "How've things been with the plan?"

"Amazing. I'm so glad you explained inu to me. He's actually started using his fangs and claws. I told him I like it when he growls, and now he's doing that, too. I really think he's starting to relax about his demonic instincts, which is a relief. I don't know why he was hiding things in the first place. If I had a problem with demons, I would never have agreed to go out with him!"

"Men are stupid," Sango replied with a laugh.

"Yes. Yes, they are." The miko glanced around the room and spotted the gift her friend had brought. "Thanks again for the poinsettia. I can't believe I forgot to get one. I bought every kind of decoration known to man, but I forgot that!"

"Just make sure Sesshoumaru doesn't eat it." Kagome looked at her friend in confusion, and Sango laughed again. "Poinsettias are poisonous to dogs. Who knows? He might be tempted."

Kagome broke down into a fit of giggles. "Okay, I'll be sure to tell him not to eat it, no matter how much he wants to." The ringing of the phone caught her attention, and she rose to answer it. A few moments later, she returned, her face pale.

* Overture* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

"What's wrong, Kagome? Are you alright?"

"Yeah," she said flatly. "That was the hotel downtown, the one right by Sesshoumaru's building. They were calling to tell him he left his suit jacket in his room this afternoon."

Sango's eyes widened. "Oh, well, I'm sure it's nothing. A misunderstanding. Do you think he had to put up a business partner, maybe?"

"He hasn't said anything about anyone coming into town, and besides, why would they be cleaning someone else’s room and find his jacket? It sounded like he had the room for just a few hours. Is he cheating on me?"