Healthy Communication by mynightshining

Healthy Communication

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Summary: Kagome and Sesshoumaru have a much-needed discussion after his meddling mother visits yet again.

Rating: G

Author's Notes: Originally written for Gilded Sapphire's SessKag collaboration fic on AO3, Now and Forever Yours.

Healthy Communication

"Your mother," Kagome huffed as she watched her mate go through his bedtime routine, "keeps asking me when we'll start having kids."

"Hn. I overheard your conversation in the garden this afternoon." Sesshoumaru turned down his corner of the bedding and slid in beside his mate. His arms wrapped around her frame and nestled her into his chest. "She is nothing if not persistent."

Kagome gave a sardonic snort, "I need you to tell her to stop. She won't listen to me. I'm going to snap soon, and it won't be pretty."

Claws slid their way into inky locks trailing along her scalp in soothing motions.

"I shall discuss the matter with her tomorrow."

The pair sat in silence indulging in each other's presence. Moonlight drifted through the slatted window. Steady drumming of her mate's heart reached Kagome's ears, and she pressed closer to the sound.

They had discussed the subject of children extensively long before becoming mates. Kagome had been determined they were on the same page, a united front in accepting the realities and challenges that parenthood fraught. However, there were times, such as today, when exterior influences chose to exert their forces on the mated couple.

"It's… it's not that I don't want kids–"

"You do not need to explain yourself to me, Mate." Sesshoumaru's deep baritone cut in. "Despite my family's meddling, I am content to follow your direction."

"I know that. Only… Us – as a couple – is still so new. I enjoy just being the two of us right now. We can do what we want when we want most of the time. We don't have to rush, right?"

"We do not," her mate agreed like she knew he would. So, why did she feel so out of sorts? Blunt teeth dug into her bottom lip ready to worry it raw when a gentle thumb pulled it free. Glowing golden irises met her own. "Since before our mating I have often imagined what our pups would look like. Unruly curls black as night, your stunning azure eyes, stark markings of my clan. Perhaps, even, atop their heads miniature versions of my brother's ears. I dream of holding them to my skin as they are brought into this world. Of how they will grow and discover the mysteries of this world. Of watching you become a mother who is loving and kind and fierce. It is a life I desire with you, my Mate, but only when you are ready too."

A stray tear ran down Kagome's cheek, "I… I didn't realize you thought of it so frequently."

His nod was nearly imperceptible, but moonlight glinting off silver tresses gave it away.

She swallowed.

Truth was, she had thought of all those things too. Children with his coloring and markings. Watching the being she loved become a father; one who would be dutiful, attentive, and present in every aspect of their children's lives. But when she thought of these moments for too long her heart would race and palms would sweat before needing to rush to a window for fresh air.

She wasn't ready yet.

Yet, something restless settled within her knowing that he was prepared and hopeful when the time came.

Kagome's fingertips tickled the edges of silver bangs, tracing the crescent moon on Sesshoumaru's brow, before they glided to his temple and carded through gossamer strands.

"I love you," She whispered before meeting patient lips.

His gentle smile against her kisses was all she needed in answer.