First Sentence by mynightshining


Summary: A collection of drabbles for First Sentence Tumblr prompts.

Rating: M

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha


First Sentence



1) Kagome's jaw dropped as she realized she'd walked in on Sesshomaru butt-naked.

2) “Oh my god, you’re naked”


Kagome's jaw dropped as she realized she'd walked in on Sesshomaru butt-naked.

Not from a sense of modesty, as one might expect, but from sheer, unadulterated appreciation.

Facing away from her, his physique was on rare display. Her gaze devoured every dip and rise across the planes of his broad shoulders, every light and shadow along the slope of his spine, the well-defined glutes that curved out perfectly below his lower back. Twin magenta stripes swept up over his hip bones and down frim, pristine cheeks, pointing at dimples that made Kagome’s mouth water and abdomen burn.

Thighs pressed together. 

Mesmerized, Kagome failed to notice golden eyes reflected in the mirror before him, their heavy weight directed at her.

“By all means, Ka-go-me,” he spoke in a sinfully smooth baritone, “feel free to touch as well.”


“Oh my god, you’re naked,” Kagome responded, soft and distant, as if her train of thought was still miles outside the station. Sapphire eyes remained glued to the way Sesshomaru’s muscles rippled as he shifted his weight and slightly turned towards her.



“This One has given you an opportunity that many would kill for. Would you dismiss it so easily?”

With the combined strength of all her ancestors before her, Kagome dragged her eyes away from his gravity-defying, coin-bouncing-approved ass to meet his heavy-lidded gaze.

She blinked.

Then blinked again.

Sesshomaru smirked.

“Oh my god!” Kagome gasped, imaginary train finally arriving in the station. Mortification of her shameless perusal manifested in scarlet cheeks and a screeching voice. “Oh my god! You’re naked.”


“And I—”


“And you—”


Taking a shaking breath and letting out a stuttered exhale, she held his dark, gilded eyes.

“I can touch?”
