Where the Moon Meets the Sun by Aika-Yukiko

Day 1

Disclaimer: This is a blanket disclaimer for this and all future chapters: Inuyasha and all it's characters are all property of the wonderful Rumiko Takahashi, I only aim to play out my own fantasies with her amazing creations!

Authors Note: This is my very first FanFiction and I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback. The preface (which I wrote while listening to a song I cannot remember) is oddly enough what inspired me to write this fanfiction, even though I am not yet sure how it will turn out.

The scenes are cut up into small pieces, sometimes they change POV, hopefully that is not too confusing. If you have any suggestions, comments or concerns, please feel free to PM me or leave it in a review :) Thank you for reading my little fantasy! - Aika

I also posted this story in Fanfiction.net under the same name ^-^ 



Sweet release.

The only time the pain goes away. The only time I don’t think about you. I set the glass down, waiting for the warmth that the drink offered to take full effect, lulling me to sleep. The warmth you no longer give me. 

How did it come to this? The question that is forever on my mind. I look and look into our past, think about all the things I did wrong, but it doesn’t equal to this pain. To this void of missing you. I pour myself another glass of courage; it’s going to be one of those nights. The searing pain of my poison of choice coats the back of my throat and spreads out; giving me just enough life to take off my shoes before I collapse onto the bed. Our bed. I sigh, placing my arm over my eyes, begging the blinding light the moon offered to go away, to give me some peace, some solace in my own room. The tears spill out before I can give them reason. They always do. I no longer try to stop them. I no longer question it. I simply go through it, waiting for them to stop, though they seldom do. 

I can feel the drink taking effect. My consciousness tries to keep all thoughts of you at bay, but I know… I know that I will dream of you, I always do. No matter how much I drink, how much I cry, or how much I keep you from my thoughts. You always visit me in my dreams. Are you angry with me? Is this your final revenge? No. It can’t be. Because only in my dreams do I find my peace, only in them can I be with you, only in them can I be happy. Dreaming is not the torture. Living is. So why do I live? Why do I keep torturing myself, when you call to me so sweetly?

These are always my thoughts before I drift off to be with you in our very own dream land.


Day 1

5:45 AM

She woke before the sun in order to complete her morning chores. Quietly gathering her supplies she left the camp, Inuyasha's golden eyes ever watchful. After taking care of her bodily needs, she filled their canteens in a nearby stream, taking the time to wash the sleep from her face. On the walk back to camp she gathered sticks, the canteens clanking softly against each other secured to her pant belt loops. She had learned early on that skirts and feudal Japan, simply did not mix.

Her thoughts wandered off, schooling, family, and the completion of the jewel afflicted her mind. She had been able to graduate highschool, and through many sleepless nights even managed to get into a 2 year nursing program. Her family had been so proud of her, especially her mother who had recently gone back to work as a nurse at the local hospital herself. Her little brother was not so little anymore and had just begun his first year of highschool. With so much changing in her modern life, it was nice to know that her grandpa remained the same. His life still consisted of caring for the shrine and visiting his shogi buddies, although he did recently start talking about a cashier at his favorite shop, apparently she had 'eyes like the night sky' and 'the smile of a goddess'. Kagome giggled softly to herself at the memory of her starry eyed grandpa the day he came home after meeting his little crush.

Her smile turned a little sour as she focused on the fact that even her grandpa had someone in his life he wanted to be with. With all the constant traveling between times, looking for the shards, fighting, and studying, she was lucky if she managed to say "Hi" to her friends on a monthly basis let alone develop a romantic relationship with anyone. Sighing, she tried to focus on something else, but the thought continued to rear its ugly head. 'Would she ever get the chance to meet somebody? Sure, she was only 19, and not ready to settle down, but that didn't mean she didn't want to experience the closeness a loved one provided.' Her thoughts turned to Inuyasha out of habit, but she quickly dismissed it. Inuyasha was her friend, her best friend, and with everything they had been through, it was hard to see him as anything else anymore. She wasn't sure when, but somewhere along the line their teenage love had blossomed into something more akin to family. She smiled at that, it had been a good choice, something that brought them closer together without the constant fighting or fear of being scorned.

By the time she made her way back to camp, the sun had already risen, and everyone else along with it.

Inuyasha simply looked at her from his perch, nodding and acknowledging her presence. She gave him a friendly smile in return. Sango offered a smiling, albeit sleepy "Good morning" and Miroku quipped up with a much too cheery "Good morning Lady Kagome".

Shippou, the poor thing, was practically asleep as he rolled up his sleeping bag, his red hair going in every direction. Kirara, having fulfilled her morning duty of waking Shippou up, had no intention of participating with the group so early and continued to rest, rolled up into a little ball on top of Sango's already packed up belongings.

"Good morning everyone!" Kagome chirped as she handed each one their respective canteens, tossing Inuyasha's his way.

"Mornin' 'Gome" Came Shippou's sleepy reply.

Kagome leaned down to help him with his morning chores, when they finished rolling up their sleeping bag she gave him a pat on his head and a rice cake in hopes of keeping the dream fairies at bay.

From the trees came a shuffling sound, "We should leave soon." Inuyasha spoke, staring down at the group.

"Just as soon as we finish breakfast we will be on our way." She replied. He had really gotten a lot better about his demands, no longer did they walk into the night in hopes of finding the last few jewel shards, or wake before the crack of dawn, battle worn and tired, only to be on their way before the suns' rays graced their presence.

"Arlight," He agreed with a sigh. "I'll get the water started." He leapt down and proceeded to relight the fire that had gone out before morning light and to look through Kagomes' dwindling food supply for his favorite flavored ramen.

With the group slowly coming back to life, Kagome relaxed, enjoying the morning breeze that filtered through the trees.

This was a simple, typical morning for them. Calm, working as a team, and hitting the road before the sun was any higher than mid morning. Without the constant threat of Naraku, they were free to take their time and enjoy the pleasant days that early spring had to offer.

It was a normal day, just like any other.


9:00 AM

"Jaken." He said.

"Yes, Mi Lord!" The little toad demon squawked as he ran to his lord's side, ready for anything.

"Take Rin and Ah-Un back to the fortress, I will see you in 7 days time." He hardly gave the little toad more than a cursory glance, knowing full well that his command would be followed.

He walked with great patience towards Rin. His little wards head almost reached his waist, at 12 years old she seemed a little short for age compared to other humans, but she appeared to be healthy enough. She ate, drank and played, he knew she wanted for nothing.

He walked to stand next to her and when he reached her she looked up at him. Her big, animated eyes showing nothing but reverence for her father figure and savior.

"Lord Sesshoumaru!" She exclaimed jubilantly. "Lord Sesshoumaru! Look at all the wild flowers! I could make a thousand crowns and there would still be flowers for a thousand more!" She looked down, picked up her completed flower crowns and proudly presented them to her Lord.

Sesshoumaru graciously bent down so that she could place one of her creations upon his person. "They are lovely, Rin." He said simply as he stood. Placing a hand atop her head, he told her plainly, "You will leave with Jaken to the fortress. In 7 days time, I will go for you. Do not antagonize the staff too much, and do not let Lady Mother derail your schedule." Rin giggled at this, knowing that the staff spoiled her too much as it were, and that Lady Mother had an obsession with Rin learning how to be a proper lady as well as a proper Inu-youkai, something she clearly was not, but the Lady was always fun to be around so she only nodded noncommittedly at her Lord's request.

Sesshoumaru noticed the lack of actual agreement and let out a small 'Hn' in reply to her nod. He knew not to expect his wishes to be fulfilled when it came to Rin and InuKimi. He sighed internally, 'since when had he gotten used to being defied by this tiny slip of a human?' He wondered. He watched as she went back to picking her flowers and putting them in a basket, most likely to take to Inukimi now that their destination had been established.

InuKimi had taken an unusual amount of interest in his human ward. She had even gone through the trouble of moving back to the Western fortress, much to his chagrin, so she could be closer to Rin. This ended up making his patrols and little adventures last longer, in order to stay away from his mothers ever questioning glance. At least he could be sure that she no longer wanted to eat Rin. Or perhaps she was waiting for her to plump up. Maybe that was the real reason the staff, formally discontent about having to serve a human, were now more than happy to feed and tend to every whim his little ward got. It was all a plan to fatten her up and eat her.

His thoughts brought a small smile to his face, knowing full well that in reality, Rin had won them all over with her easy smiles, and charming personality.

"When do we leave?" Rin asked, basket in hand.

"Noon." He answered, looking up at the mid morning sun. He needed them gone well before night fall.


2:00 PM

As the Inuyasha gang made their way slowly back to Kaede's village they discussed staying for a few days so Kagome could go back to her time and turn in some work.

"How many days will you be gone for Kagome?" Shippou asked, a little saddened that his mother figure would be leaving, but excited about all the food and toys she would come back with.

"I think 4 should be enough, but I may end up staying up to a week...I have a lot of work to turn in, and if I keep going weeks without submitting it, it will take me 10 years to finish my nursing degree. I would really like to stay a few extra days to catch up and do a little extra work too. Plus, it has been too long since I last had some quality time with my family, and I really miss them..." She rambled on but Inuyasha had heard enough.

"I don't see the point in you being gone so long," He started.

Kagome looked down dejectedly and was about to start arguing when Inuyasha surprised them all.

"But honestly, we could all probably use a break." Inuyasha finished. His eyes glancing up at the clear blue sky and the dark clouds that moved in from the west.

The whole gang looked at him, eyes wide and bulging.

"What?!" He spat out angrily, finally glancing back down at them.

"Nothing, my friend." Miroku replied, holding his hands up in defence "We are simply astonished that you would actually have the forethought to not only see we could use a break, but not fight with Lady Kagome about her wanting to go back home for such an extended length of time."

"Huh?...Are you calling me stupid?!" Inuyasha asked, shaking his fist at the perverted monk.

Shippou snickered in the background.

"Not at all Inuyasha, he is simply stating that perhaps you have actually started to mature, and are now thinking about others and their needs." Sango clarified.

"Ah, right you are Sango, my dear." Miroku's eyes glazed over as he looked at his wife. His dopey look only added to Inuyasha's exacerbation so he simply rolled his eyes, stomped his feet and stalked off, leaving the enamored couple be.

Kagome caught up to him quickly and with her hands clasped behind her back and a smile on her face she sweetly asked, "Is it really ok if I leave for a week?"

Inuyasha looked down at her and gave a loud audible sigh.

"Look, there ain't nothing we can't handle for 7 days, Naraku is gone, and we are only missing a couple more pieces of the Jewel...if ever there were a time you could take a break, it would be now."

She smiled up at him and reached out to pet his adorable little doggy ears. "Thank you, Inuyasha!"

His face flared up in his customary blush, he crossed his arms and said an eloquent "Feh" in response.

As the rest of the gang continued to talk about Kagome's departure and what she should bring back, Inuyasha thought only about how grateful he was that she did not ask anymore questions. She needed to be gone tonight, and the longer the better. He could feel his presence nearby and it would not do to have someone as powerful as she anywhere near him. The faster she could get down the well, the safer they would all be.


2:30 PM

With Rin and Jaken gone, Sesshoumaru took to the trees. He sped around, looking for a suitable meal. A large buck was grazing along the river. Sesshoumaru stopped dead in his tracks. He minimized his aura and made sure to stay downwind of the animal. Although prey like this would not be much for sport, it would ease some of the cravings and tension he was already starting to feel. His eyes tinged red at the sight of the animal and the feeding to come. Sesshoumaru growled internally and his eyes returned to their amber gold.

He crouched down and regained his focus. With one smooth motion he shot up like an arrow, his aim true as he sunk his teeth into the buck, the feel of hot blood coating his throat served to placate his inner demon. Although energy was his preferred meal, he consumed the animal, taking care not to leave a trace behind by using his poison to discard of the remains.

He remained as immaculate as ever, not a single drop spilled and not a hair out of place. The killing perfection. He continued his hunt. Spreading out his youki, searching for a worthy opponent, knowing he would not find one, after all who could be called worthy of him?

Clouds rolled in. The air shifted around him as the clear sky started to turn a pale gray. He continued his journey east, the storm close at his heels.


4:45 PM

Kaede greeted them warmly as they arrived at the village. They all sat down for a pleasant late lunch while Inuyasha waited, looking at the now disappearing sun, watching as it colored the trees with beautiful rays of warm orange, golden yellow and peaceful pink. As it set the clouds that followed them from the west moved in closer still. He could already smell the rain as it made its way towards them.

The friends shared stories of their travels with the aging village leader and she in turn supplied news of the village and its surrounding neighbors.

Inuyasha peeked in interrupting their story time.

"Kagome…" He said. "It's time to get going."

"Now?" She replied a little awestruck. "I can stay a few more hours, or I could just leave in the morning Inuyasha, I am not in any real rush."

"No, the faster you leave, the faster you come back." He stated unequivocally.

Kagome sighed but knew better than to argue with him. She was already happy he had even decided to let her go without a fight. She would not ruin this by fighting him about when she would be leaving.

"Fine." she sighed. "Let me just grab my things, I will meet you outside."

With that, Inuyasha stepped out of the hut, leaving Kagome to gather her things and say her farewells.

"Alright guys! Do you have the list of everything we needed?" She asked.

"Right here Lady Kagome." Miroku spoke up, waving his hand around and showing her the list.

"Great!" She grabbed the small piece of paper and slipped it into her thin, light blue, sweater that hung by the door. The days had been unseasonably cool, but required no more than some layering or a thin sweater. A rumbling noise brought her out of her thoughts as a flash of lightning lit up the little hut.

"Kagome, we better get going, it looks like it's about to start pouring cats and dogs!" Inuyasha had poked his head in to yell, she could already hear the roar of the not so distant rain.

"Going!" She answered.


With one last look around the hut, a quick hug to her friends, and a kiss on the head for her little fox kittling, Kagome pulled on her bright red rain jacket and raced out the hut, not waiting to see if Inuyasha was following.

As she ran, she felt his strong arm go around her and grab her waist. He kicked off the earth with astounding force and she felt them start to fly up. In just a few short moments they were at the well, the water pouring down heavily.

"I'll come to get you in 7 days!" he barked out over the loud sound of thunder and rain.

"Ok!" She echoed back. She quickly got on the ledge of the well and jumped down, waiting for the blue light to envelop her.


5:00 PM

Inuyasha looked down, making sure she had made it past the time slip. As soon as he saw the light fade, he made his way back to his friends. Thankful that they had been so close to the village so he could send her away. When he got to the front door of Kaede's hut he shook off the water that he had accumulated and proceeded inside with the rest of his little pack.

They would be safe.

'Shippou was far too young to be a threat, the humans not nearly powerful enough to warrant attention, and a hanyou would not be a worthy opponent for one such as he.' He thought with a roll of his eyes. With the greatest threat 500 years in the future, he was finally able to relax. He sniffled once, the cold and rain having gotten to him, and the scent of Kagome had him looking up. Next to the door hung her sweater. 'Good.' He thought. 'For a second there I thought it had been her'. He settled down next to the fire and listened quietly as Kaede told them of a storm, much like this one, years before.


5:05 PM

The blue light faded and she was back on solid ground in seconds. The darkness and lack of rain evident of a successful trip back to the future. She made sure her backpack was on securely and started making her way up the ladder. As soon as she was able to, she threw her backpack over the ledge and straddled the well, allowing herself a small rest.

"Phew! I have got to start working out more." She said to no one in particular.

With a final heaving breath she finished climbing off and picked up her backpack.

"Alright!" She looked down at her watch. "It is barely 5:15. I can probably go down to the store and get everything I need before everyone even comes back home!" Lately, they had all been staying out late. Souta had soccer practice until 7, grandpa had his shogi buddies and was rarely home before 8, and Mom with her nursing job could be out as late as 10.

She quickly made her way up to the house, unlocked it and ran to her room. After placing her backpack down she decided that a quick shower was in order. The rain had soaked into her pants, and she was not a fan of wet jeans or chaffing. She took off her rain jacket; shaking it gently to get the drops of water off and continued to undress.

She got into the bathroom and splashed a few buckets full of water over her head, all in an effort to try and get the grime of feudal travel off her hair. She loved the fresh air and the beautiful terrain that the Sengoku period provided. She did not, however, love the fact that she had to go days without proper bathing; unless of course, she was willing to dive into a freezing cold stream. She scoffed at the idea. 'Yeah right, and after that I'll catch the death of me.' She splashed herself some more, for good measure.

After shampooing, conditioning, washing up and taking care of her regular maintenance routine, she was finally able to dip herself into the warm, inviting bathtub of modern day Japan. "Ah…" She sighed as her strained muscles relaxed themselves into the heat. "This is the life." She closed her eyes and allowed her body to be soothed by the warm water.


5:45 PM

After nearly 20 minutes of soaking, she decided that enough was enough. Although she could probably be in the tub all day, she had things to do, and if she got them done before her family got home, she would be able to enjoy their company that much more. She slowly stood up, letting the water run down her lithe frame. She wrapped a fuzzy pink towel around herself and went to change in her room.

"Hmm, what to wear…"

Although it might have been raining in feudal Japan, modern day Japan boasted great weather. Not too cold, not too hot. "Hmm...seems like perfect weather for a sundress!" She looked through her clothes, picked out a matching set of undergarments, and a beautiful, soft blue cotton sundress that perfectly accented her striking blue/gray eyes.

The dress reached about mid thigh where the skirt of the dress flared out softly. The bottom hem of it had two thin white pieces of fabric sandwiching a thin gauzy material in the middle. This part added a little weight to prevent the skirt from flipping up at the mere mention of the word wind. The top half of the dress was akin to a deep sweetheart neckline. Her breasts were perfectly covered up, but the deep cut allowed a playful peek into her chest size and weight. The dress was held up by two thin straps that crisscrossed in the back. Since the back of it was mostly open, and the thin straps could not cover much, she opted out of wearing a bra; after all she would be wearing her matching blue sweater with it anyway. All in all, it was a fairly adorable dress with some allure. She paired it with her favorite white, flat, canvas shoes, and pulled her hair up, leaving choice pieces to frame her face. Looking in the mirror, and happy with the results, she grabbed her wallet and went to grab her blue sweater.

She looked around, 'maybe I left it in the bathroom?' She thought. She searched throughout the house for her sweater until her eyes landed on her bright red rain jacket.

"Ugh!" She exclaimed. "Of course! I left it back at Kaede's! I grabbed my rain jacket instead! Damn it." She quickly tugged on her rain jacket. Making sure to cover her hair as well. 'The last thing I need is to catch a cold because I went back to feudal Japan for a shopping list!'

She could wait for tomorrow, but again, she preferred to get this done now. Regretfully she tossed her wallet into her room, waiting to hear the thud of it landing on her bed and turned off the lights. She raced down the stairs and back to the well house. When she got there she pulled herself up and over the edge, allowing the blue light to take her back through time again.


6:00 PM

The rising of the moon had him on edge as his beast battled for control. Although the night was still young, the early sunset and rainstorm made it seem later than it actually was. The rain still poured, though not as heavy. He glanced up at the moon. Its full face shining.

Though now it glowed a bright white, he knew it would not stay that way for long. Brilliant red would start to creep into its edges as it engulfed the moon whole.

The crimson moon. It always sent his senses into a frenzy. How he loathed to be subjected to the willfulness of his beast. It wanted nothing more than a hot meal and a good rut. He scoffed at the idea. He had purposefully stayed away from the castle, from all the hot and bothered potential bed partners his beast might find 'suitable'. Years prior, he had been forced to succumb to his primal desires, and in turn had taken a particularly annoying bitch for a bed mate. Till this day, she continued to fawn over him and try to assert herself as his intended. What a joke. The only reason she had been privileged to his bed, was simply because it was his first blood moon since reaching adulthood and he had been caught unawares.

The thought of the distasteful event brought a sour taste to his mouth and he growled. He had experienced blood moons since, as well as many bed partners, though none that would misunderstand their exchange for anything more than what it was. He was purposefully cold and uncaring of the female's needs. Once the beast got what it wanted, he would throw out the unnecessary bitch.

Today, like other, more recent, blood moons, he decided he would not be participating in his beasts pleasure seeking demands. It was difficult, but not impossible. So long as he kept a clear mind and was far from any temptresses, he would come out of this unscathed and in control.

His will established, he sniffed the air for yet another meal, already imagining the hot blood in his mouth.

He stuck his nose out further, the icy rain having a dampening effect on scents.

He managed to take one more full whiff before he sensed it.

It was power, pure and uninhibited. He knew this power. Knew its owner.

The strange waves of power that came off of her like a pulsing beat called to him. His own power was rising to the challenge that hers posed.

'No.' He thought. 'Not her! How could I be so foolish!" In all his efforts to get away from his home, he failed to consider those around him not of mating status. His beast did not care for class. Power was his aphrodisiac, and she had that in spades.

His feet started to move before he even considered what he was doing. His eyes started to bleed red. His control was slipping with every pulse of her power, and truthfully, he was not fighting it.

The sweet song that she sang had him practically salivating, the tendrils of her power brushing against the edge of his own. One particular wisp had the audacity to caress his extended aura, his beast growled out in affirmation as his pace quickened. He was almost upon her.


6:10 PM

She knew she was back in Feudal Japan as the light drops of rain that made it in the well hit her. Although the rain was not as strong as it had been before, she was still thankful for the foresight in having brought her rain jacket.

'If only I had remembered to bring my sweater with me in the first place, I wouldn't even be in this mess.' She sighed internerally.

She contemplated her decision on coming back so soon without Inuyasha to lift her out of the well after the third time she nearly slipped on the wet vines.

She emerged from the well panting, swearing once again that she would start getting some cardio and perhaps muscle training in, or perhaps even just a ladder on this side of the well too.

Walking down the familiar path towards the village, she was lost in her own thoughts. She did not notice how her reiki had been flowing out of her since she got here; nor did she notice the youki it seemed to be intent on disturbing and entangling itself with.

No, she peacefully continued down, taking her time in admiring the beauty that was feudal Japan on a light rainy day, with a gorgeous full moon.

'How lovely.' She thought with a smile.


6:10 PM

Having regained some control in the short distance he traveled, he stopped short of the clearing. The trees hiding him from prying eyes. He looked around and found the source of the power.

'Miko.' His lip snarled in distaste, but that did little to assuage his desires. His beast still roared and thrashed in his mind, demanding to be let out and have a taste of such pure, concentrated energy.

He watched as she hoisted herself off the lip of the well. 'Does she make a habit of climbing wells alone in the rain?' He questioned snidely, yet not truly caring for the answer.

He stalked her as she walked towards the village at a peaceful pace, content with looking up at the rainy sky, admiring the soon to be blood moon with a wistful smile.

Her reiki continued to toy with his youki and it had him teetering on the edge of insanity. This little girl with little less than two decades worth of life, was playing a dangerous game, and yet, she hardly seemed aware of it.

In fact, she hardly seemed aware of anything at all.

He had noticed before how she used to dress. Short kimonos that flared out and provided little to no coverage. They were unsightly and entirely too easy to destroy or take advantage of. Too often during their battles with Naraku or each other, he had glanced her way only to find her in a more than compromising position.

'A miko indeed.' He scoffed.

Last he saw her she had been wearing clothing that actually covered her person, yet the strange material clung to her legs in the most undignified and salacious way. Although nothing was made visible, everything was. He had debated for a long while about leaving Rin in the care of Kaede, knowing that his little brother's group would often be there and the miko would become a likely companion to the young, impressionable girl.

For this reason, he had decided to only let Rin spend only short moments with the human village, the rest of the time she spent with him in his travels or at his fortress.

His beast growled again, demanding that their attention be brought forth to the more pressing matter of the walking temptation.

And temptation she was.

It seemed she had gone back to her old ways.

He took a good look at her now. His inner demon practically drooled at the sight before him.

She wore a covering against the rain that was bright red in color and barely kissed her milky mid thigh, leaving her legs completely bare for the world to see. 'No… not the world. Me.' His possessive thoughts baffled him for a split second, but his mind kept taking her in in detail. His eyes took in the way her hips swayed with each step she took. The way the material of her coat inched up now and then. He took in the shapely thighs and smooth, toned skin that practically begged to be touched… and squeezed… and bit...Her hood covered her hair, but left her face free to feel the light rain. The covering was either the only thing she was wearing or what she sported underneath was shorter than the already scanty outer layer she wore.

The thought had him reeling.

He let out an audible growl as he debated his next move.

There was no denying what was to come. He would have her. As much as he wanted to fight his inner demon about it, there was no questioning it. She was too powerful, too demanding of a presence to simply ignore. She was also untrained. She would not do well for a fight, but she would do a damn good job of warming his bed if her previous anger outburst towards Inuyasha were any indication of her fiery nature.

No, it was not a question of whether he should or not, of whether he would or not. Oh no, it was a question of how.

His feet carried him ahead, just before the edge of the village. He stood there waiting for her arrival. His eyes bled red once again and his beast practically purred out, 'By any means necessary.' and Sesshoumaru frowned.


6:20 PM

She was coming down close to the village when she sensed him.

She stopped dead in her tracks and focused her energy on him.

'Shoot! How did I miss this?!' She chided herself.

'He's probably just here about Rin.' She reasoned. Although his energy against hers felt a little chaotic, especially considering this was Sesshoumaru she was talking about, still, she chalked it up to perhaps having anxiety about raising a preteen.

She giggled internally at the thought of Sesshoumaru having to deal with a teenage daughter. Good thing cell phones were not a thing, and that no one was fool enough to try to date his daughter with less than noble intentions.

Even though Sesshoumaru's visits to the village were not usually long winded, it had become almost natural to see him from time to time with his own odd little pack. Rin was an absolute cutie, always smiling and playing with Shippou. The two were practically inseparable whenever she was here. It was also very sweet the way she had developed a slight crush on Inuyasha on her most recent visit. She would make him flower crowns and follow him around, talking aimlessly about life at the fortress. Maybe she simply missed Sesshoumaru and sought comfort in Inuyasha's silver hair and golden eyes. Although, after one particular incident in which she had followed Inuyasha as he prepared for a bath, Sango and Kagome had to have a little talk with her about privacy and boys. Yikes...that had been a tough one. She almost giggled at the memory of the blushing preteen as they bathed and braided her hair.

With her nerves calmed, she continued walking down the path, she could see his silhouette outlined against the warm glow that the village huts provided.

She readied herself, each step getting her closer to the so-called 'Killing Perfection'. She was not afraid of Sesshoumaru. Not that she needed a reason to be, she knew he was terrifying if you got on his bad side, but she was not on his bad side, so she had nothing to fear; or so she reasoned with herself.

With every step she took, her reiki intensified. It was almost too hot for her to bear. Her powers rose and fell with her breathing… 'Wait, is it my breathing? Or his?' She thought absentmindedly, noticing that it was not quite following her pattern. Though his face was not clear, the energy barely contained around him was.

She slowed her pace but did not falter. 'Something's not right.' She thought. 'Could it be Rin?' She knew that the only person to get him so worked up would be the little girl. Try as he might to hide it, it was plain in everyone's eyes that he lived and breathed for her, just as she did for him.

She took the final few steps that brought his face out of the shadows and she gasped as their eyes met.

'His eyes! They're red! Why?!' Her thoughts were in turmoil. She could not decipher what could possibly have him in such a condition. Her heart leapt to her throat as she opened her mouth to ask.

"Se...Sesshoumaru?" She could ask nothing more. Words failed her as the blood red eyes and turquoise iris' focused their intensity on her. His youki seemed to engulf and consume her, her blood ran hot and her own reiki flared up in defense.

She wet her lips, 'when had they gone dry?' she thought.

A normal person would flee, but even if she ran, there would be no escaping him, of that she was sure. Instead she focused on trying to calm him down.

"Sesshoumaru…." She managed. "Is something wrong? Is it Rin? Is she ok?" She forced herself to look up at him, to make contact with his eyes. Her shining blues met his striking red, and her breath hitched. The corner of his mouth turned up into a small smile and with it her heart fell to her stomach.

'Oh God, no…' She was nearly trembling in her shoes. 'He's going to kill me...why else would he be smiling...he's going to kill me dead.' were her incoherent thoughts.

"Sesshoumaru..." She asked again "Please, tell me what is going on. Do you need help? I can go get Inuyasha." Still no response. "Where is Rin? Are they already in the Village? Sesshoumaru?" The markings on his cheek grew ragged, and as if possessed, she foolishly tried to raise her hand to touch them, to make him come back to his senses and for goodness sake tell her what was happening.

His low growl at her attempt to approach him stopped her from committing the crime.

"Miko." He warned, his low baritone thick with undisplayed emotion.

She gasped at hearing the raspy quality of his voice.

He grabbed her outstretched hand and with a throaty growl pulled her towards him, his other arm encircling her waist.

Kagome stood stunned. Her eyes wide with surprise and confusion. So shocked she did not notice the compromising position they were in and not willing to comprehend what it could possibly mean. Her chest heaved against his with every breath she took. One hand clasped in his against his spiked shoulder, the other positioned against his chest, protecting herself from the spikes on his chest plate.

She looked up at him, a million questions running through her mind, all of which were thrown out the window the moment he dipped down, pressed his nose against the junction of her neck, and took a slow, drawled out breath. Her blush rose furiously up her body as tingles went down her back. Her back arching up and forcing her further against him at the unexpected contact. She turned her head automatically, unknowingly giving him more room to explore.

'What the hell?!' She thought frantically, unable to make a single move as the rain continued to pour down on them.


6:27 PM

'Wildflowers.' He thought. 'She smells like wildflowers.'

Her incessant babbling had him at wits end. He waited for her to stop talking, but the more he waited the more she talked. Fantastic.

With the object of his desires a mere arms length away, his demon grew impatient; as was evident with the change in his markings. Markings she had tried to touch. He had seen the path her hand intended to travel and had growled out of habit; this was his game and he would be the one to take the first step.

He intended to simply grab her hand, not sure why the urge came up, but with his instincts taking the lead he was not expecting any explanation. The moment his hand touched hers though, it felt like lightning had coursed through him. The electricity immediately incited him, forcing him to bring her closer still; in hopes of another flash of rush running through him. Crushing her to his chest, careful not to impale her on one of the many spikes that adorned his armor, one hand held hers securely in place on his shoulder and the other wrapped around the small of her waist, taking notice of how her hips flared out beneath the wet fabric. Not being able to hold his demon instincts back any longer, he had buried his nose at the crook of her neck ,taking in a deep breath, much deeper than he had intended.

Breathing in, he had been pleasantly surprised to find the scent of wildflowers and sunshine hitting him full force. He had never before bothered to sniff at his brother's human...no...not his brothers. Not tonight. Not ever. Again, the possessive quality of the thought struck him as odd and slightly concerning, but he was far too focused on other things to mull over it now.

He could feel her arch against him in response to his actions. It had a particularly unique side effect when her breast pressed even further against him and she angled her neck in such a way, that had she been a bitch, would have been a signal of submission and permission to continue his attentions.

He continued to sniff indelicately, her aroma intoxicating him. 'Wildflowers, sunshine, and … what is that exhilarating scent that drifts in and out of focus?' He asked himself as his eyes rolled back and closed in pure bliss. He could never before remember smelling something so captivating.

In an attempt to unfold the mystery of this provocative scent, he allowed himself to get a little taste.

His tongue darted out, catching a raindrop that had made its way down the side of her neck. The quick taste gave him nothing more than he already knew. Intrigued and positively hypnotized with the mysterious allure of this scent, he continued to lazily rake his tongue along her neck, nuzzling his nose against her with every graze of his tongue.

The heady aroma only intensified which in turn had him purring in satisfaction.

'What is that?' He asked again, not one to be without answers. His mind drifted off, everything else simply faded.

"S...S..Sesshoumaru…" Her breathy and shaky voice cut through his thoughts like ice.

He opened his eyes languidly. Detesting the fact that he had yet to identify the alluring scent. It was not the idea of having to put some distance between them that upset him, no, it was simply that he did not like being without answers, he assured himself when he found he was a little too reluctant to move. With a final graze of his tongue across the point where he could feel her heartbeat thump frantically, he raised his head, feathering his lips across the underside of her jaw and up her cheeks, until finally with a final whiff of her wet hair and a groan, he pulled away from her face to look down into her eyes.

They were wide, bluer than even the ocean had a right to be, and positively shining with confusion, concern, and something else he could not quite name, but that had him captivated all the same.

"Miko." He replied with great effort. He could feel the way her body had gone from being strung up and tense, to a practical puddle. The blush evident from below her neck; past the line of view where her covering started and rising up to her flushed cheeks. The color they provided gave her a seductive and enticing appearance. She looked good enough to eat.


6:35 PM

Her thoughts were pudding. She had managed to speak out his name. But that was about the only coherent thought she could string together. She shivered, she could still feel him on her neck, the sensations lingering after the fact; She could feel the way his slightly rough tongue had been brushing against her pulse. The way his nose had nuzzled the side of her face. The way his lips had moved across her cheek. The way he now squeezed her waist, trying to bring her out of her thoughts.

With a shake of her head to dispel her troubling thoughts, she stared up at him, his markings fully jagged and his eyes redder than blood.

Still, she was not afraid. Confused? Shocked? Entering a delusional state of mind? Yes, most definitely, but not afraid. Something in his demeanor told her that she was not in danger of perishing anytime soon. But that didn't mean he didn't have other designs for her, designs which were becoming clearer and clearer with every stroke of his thumb against her waist.

She wet her lips again, smacking them against each other in an effort to produce words.

"What...What is... going on." She asked brokenly when she could finally find her voice.

He continued to look at her and slowly, he parted his lips and proceeded to lick them in the most sensuous and provocative way. Her knees buckled, his hand around her waist simply tightened, keeping her from becoming a gooey puddle of goop on the wet ground.


6:40 PM

His claws dug in unexpectedly at her side, helping clear the fog from her mind. The sharp pain bringing her back to focus and back to earth.

The rain that had been drowned out by her thoughts and his odd actions was now loud and intrusive. She could feel that it had started to pick up again as it pelted her coat and face, her hood having fallen off sometime during Sesshoumaru's exploration.

He stood stock still. His eyes never having left hers. The rain seemed to have no effect on the strong youkai whose arms kept her locked in place.

She needed space, needed to breathe and discuss what was happening. She pushed a little at his chest, but he did not budge.

"Sesshoumaru, let me go." She said as clearly and with as much authority as she could muster.

She tried to wiggle her hand free of his and to push against his chest again, but the ridiculous amount of strength he possessed made it impossible to gain so much as a centimeter in distance.

"No." He stated simply. His hold tightening even more.

"Why not?" She demanded. Starting to struggle in his embrace.

"Because, little Miko," He growled out. "Tonight, you are mine." Kagome had to stop her squirming to look back up to him.

"What?!" She yelled out. He frowned slightly at the loudness of her voice, and without even so much as a warning, she could feel herself being lifted off the ground. He had finally released his hold on her hand only to instead sweep it under her legs and proceed to carry her towards the forest.


6:42 PM

"Eek! Let me go! Let me go! You pompous, overstuffed dog!" She yelled at him as he carried her further away from the village and her friends.

He completely ignored her, instead he seemed to focus more on his surroundings, his hands holding her still and preventing her from falling or escaping.

She had finally reclaimed her bravado only to have it completely defeated by being carried princess style to yet another unknown destination.

'I mean seriously!' She thought. 'How many times can one girl get kidnapped! Has no one in this century ever heard of ASKING a girl to come with them?!' She continued her futile struggles against him, knowing it was doing nothing yet unable to simply let him have his way.

The rain was getting lighter, the moon rising higher. She was getting tired of pushing against a stone wall and if he continued to hold her so tightly, she was sure to have bruises come morning.

He started to slow down. She looked around, noticing that they had gone far away enough that the rain was no longer falling around them. Off to the distance she could see that there was a collection of caves along a cliffside overlooking a beach.

'How long have we traveled?' She wondered, so lost in her thoughts she had not noticed the time or distance they had traversed. Sesshoumaru was also a much smoother ride than his brother, which made it easier to think without all the constant jostling. 'There is no chance of Inuyasha or even Shippou hearing me if I scream.' Dejectedly she decided her best course of action would be to stop struggling and find out what was going on before his royal highness - she rolled her eyes - decided to simply dump her for screaming at him.

She relaxed a little in his arms, and he in turn thankfully loosened his hold. With one final jump, he landed in front of one of the cave openings. His hold had loosened, but not to the degree that she could do anything about it, she simply held her silence and waited to find out what was to come.

Years of getting kidnapped had taught her it was better to silently observe than it was to kick and scream. She was less likely to get eaten if they forgot she was even there.


7:00 PM

As they cleared Inuyasha's forest and were a safe distance away, Sesshoumaru started to reason with himself.

Her scream had alerted him to the potential fight that might arouse if Inuyasha heard her. Although Inuyasha posed no real threat, he did not think she would go with him, much less be a willing participant, if he actually maimed Inuyasha. He knew he needed to take her away. Normally, he would simply have his way and be done, but something about her spoke to his baser instincts. Something about her scent, about the way her reiki seemed to dance with his youki, kept him from doing that very thing. His demon was one hundred percent instinctual and right now his instincts were screaming that he take her somewhere safe. Somewhere they could be truly alone. He scoffed at the idea, not willing to admit that the thought of her lying on his furs, her hair splayed out and with a look of satisfaction on her face, made his blood circulate south.

She had stopped struggling. 'Finally.' He thought. Her squirming had him holding her tighter than he would have liked. Not that he minded the closeness or the roughness, but had it been any other human, they were sure to have been writhing in pain and full of bruises by now. She seemed not to pay any mind to how hard he was holding her, but when she finally relaxed he loosened his hold as well.

He spotted the maze of caves that made up the cliffside and landed in front of the only one not crawling with vermin and insects. He used this alcove regularly. It was his retreat from castle life when he was younger, and now served as a resting place when he was patrolling around the area with Rin. She loved to hear the rolling waves, and the feel of sand on her feet always lifted her mood - and in turn his.

With a blast of youki for safe measure, he entered his dwelling. The darkness around them was sure to leave the little miko blind. His own eyes simply adjusted.

Unsure of why this place came to mind he proceeded to his private room. It was not the only secure location nearby, but it was the one with the most amenities as well as the one he held most dear. That his demon would see fit to bring a human whore into his home, was not something Sesshoumaru wanted to explore.

He maintained his stance. He would have her and abandon her. There was no reason to treat this any differently than all the other couplings he had over the years. His demon simply snickered.


7:10 PM

Kagome was blinded by the darkness in the cave. Her only hold on reality was Sesshoumarus even breathing. She tried to look around but her eyes refused to adjust. He was still walking deeper into the cave. She reflexively burrowed closer to Sesshoumaru, not being a big fan of absolute darkness. She felt him shift her weight and release his hold on her, gently dropping her into something warm, soft, and furry. She almost shrieked not knowing what she was currently sitting on, but the moment of fear was short-lived as Sesshoumaru proceeded to light the many oil lanterns that adorned the room. With each flick of his wrist, his poison whip brought a new lantern to life.

She looked around herself. She was in a room. Under her was a mountain of pelts. Dried and well taken care of. Soft and warm. There were several exits from this room, but without even knowing which direction she came from, running towards any one of them would probably prove fatal.

She could hear a small dripping sound and smell the mineral scent of water. She continued to take in her surroundings waiting for him to speak.

At one corner sat a zaru-kaburi inu as well as other miscellaneous toys and artifacts.

'This is his room.' She thought. It was clear by the degree of familiarity as well as the many stashed toys; some old and well taken care of, others newer but looking as if they were coming apart by the seams.

With the final lantern lit, the room was set a glow. He faced her fully and started to undue the knot that held his armor in place. With one deft tug it came crashing down at his feet.

The clang of the armor hitting the floor brought her back to reality. Her heart beat became erratic.

"Sesshoumaru? What are you doing?" Kagome asked, shying away from him.

"You." Was his only reply as he made his way to the bed of furs.

"Wha...what do you mean?" She managed to ask as her breath hitched.

He looked at her incredulously. "You know what I mean, Miko." He said emphasizing the last word.

Kagome glared. "No, I don't. And my name is Kagome, if you intend to insult me, at least have the decency of remembering my name." She replied angrily.

"Interesting." He said. "You claim not to know what I speak of, Kagome, yet your attire would suggest otherwise." At this point he was sitting on the furs next to her, he caught a strand of hair that had come loose from her ponytail and brought it up to his nose to sniff.

Kagome blushed furiously but remained still. Not sure what would suddenly set him off, and not really knowing what to do anyway.

"What exactly are you insinuating." She said instead through clenched teeth.

"Hmm…allow me to show you." He pushed off the furs and stood up. He took off his mokomoko and let it fall softly at his feet.

'I thought that was his tail! I didn't know it came off!' She thought off handedly.

Her thoughts were cut off and refocused on Sesshoumaru as his sleek hands undid the ties holding his kimono together.

She watched, fascinated as he continued to disrobe. She could think of nothing else as he revealed a well toned chest, She stared awestruck and as he lowered his kimono exposing more of his upper half, her eyes followed. Pink nipples, toned and flat stomach with not a hair in sight. Thin stripes of magenta wrapped around his waist, leading her sight down to where a few sparse silver hairs lined his belly button leading down to …

She blushed hotly and looked away.

Sesshoumaru stopped, letting his kimono fall open and hang loosely around his hakama.

"Look at me." He demanded, grabbing her chin and forcing her to maintain eye contact.

Kagome could only stare back. Still too shocked to really speak. She tried to look away but he kept his eyes locked on hers. He moved forward and as his eyes closed, hers opened wider in surprise.

His lips were soft yet relentless. They pressed against hers, demanding her attention. They parted and moved against hers in slow agony. She refused to yield. Closing her eyes against the onslaught of sensations, she pushed at his chest, ignoring the way electricity ran through her fingertips and down to her toes with the simple touch. She tried to tilt her head away, to end the connection between them, but he only growled and pressed more firmly into her lips.

She could feel hot tears start to form beneath her closed eyes. 'No.' She thought. 'This isn't happening. I am in my room. I am waiting for my family to get home. I did not foolishly return for a shopping list in the rain.' She pushed against him harder still.

Her powers swirled beneath her fingers. They danced with his youki and playfully burned along the edges of his power. She tried to concentrate on them. She cursed herself for not focusing more on her studies as a miko, although she could produce extraordinary amounts of power, it was always an unconscious effort.

'Why would they not be going crazy now?!' She demanded of herself. She was being held against her will by the strongest demon she knew and he was about to… 'No!' She stopped herself from thinking about it. It would not happen, it could not. The tears that had yet to fall burned stronger still. 'Please,' She begged herself, 'Please just work!' With slow tranquility, as if her powers had sighed but decided to listen anyway they started to come to life.

Sesshoumaru continued his ministrations. His hand moved up her arm. His fingers trailing softly over her raincoat, his intentions clear. He continued to kiss her, darting his tongue out, demanding entrance. When she refused he moved on to kissing her jaw, her neck, her ear. His hand came up and cupped the side of her face, holding it as tenderly as you would a newborn babe. With slow languid movements his fingers entangled themselves in her hair, giving her a sensual massage that almost made her forget what she was trying to concentrate on.

With a small nibble on her ear and a rake of his fingertips she let out a stifled gasp. Taking advantage, his lips met with hers again, this time with a fevered approach as his tongue darted into her parted lips. She gasped, unwittingly allowing him more access, which he took full advantage of. She felt his tongue move against hers and with a shake of her head she tried to move away. His hand held her still, forcing her closer. His lips moved against hers almost hungrily. She tried again to shove at him, her powers finally sending a little spark.

He growled against her lips, the vibrations sending little currents of heat down her spine and pooling somewhere in between her legs. She focused on the task at hand. Refusing to acknowledge the sensations he seemed to draw out of her body even as a small moan made its way out of her throat and she relaxed into his hold.


7:25 PM

She tasted better than she smelled. Her original defiance long forgotten as he raked his teeth over her lips. Soft, yielding and swollen from his kiss. He could almost imagine how they would feel wrapped around him. He growled in anticipation and the sensation seemed to vibrate into her as well. She arched her back again and let out a small mewling sound. He could almost taste his victory.

He felt another small jab of holy energy against his chest. She continued to defy him, but it would not be long. He pushed her down into the soft bed of furs, all the while keeping his lips locked with hers. The taste was as intoxicating as her scent and he would not be denied it again.

She laid back easily enough, her hand on his chest starting to massage instead of push away at him. Her other hand had come up to his shoulder, it too grabbed on, not quite sure if it was ready to push or pull him closer to her. She let out a soft breathy moan as he directed his attention to the underside of her jaw. Kissing his way up to her ear and taking a gentle bite. His hand traveled down from her neck, his claws raking down the sides of her breasts in feather light caresses. Normally, a simple look or touch would be enough for the demonesses that frequented his bed, he was an alpha and they were all more than willing to cater to his needs. However, she continued to deny herself. 'Why?' But he could feel her reluctance fade away with every touch and kiss. 'Just a little more, and she will be mine.' He thought.


7:30 PM

His hand continued lower, barely a whisper over her raincoat. She shivered, but not from the rain or cold. She could feel the way his lips moved against her neck, as if searching for something. She grabbed at his shoulder intent on pushing him away, but found herself bringing him closer still. The hand at his chest splayed out and started to explore, feeling the smooth hardness, she sighed in delight.

Had she lost her mind?! This was Sesshoumaru! He was kissing her! And touching her… and licking her… She blushed as she let out yet another little mewling sound. What in God's name had gotten into her?! She questioned, trying to focus again.

'This isn't right. I don't love him, hell, I barely even know him!' She reasoned with herself. But not a damn thing mattered to her more right then and there, then how his hand felt as it traveled down her hip and squeezed her bare thigh.

Instinctively her legs parted, giving way for him to settle himself between them. She moaned at the closeness, something she had not felt in...well ever. Her mind wandered over the situation.

'Here was someone who not only clearly wanted her, albeit unexpectedly, but he was damn good looking to boot. Add to that that he was clearly skilled, as was evident with her internal struggle and the sounds she kept making against her will. And you got yourself a Miko on the verge of a real sexual awakening. So why was she fighting this? It's not as though she were saving herself for anyone special. Her and Inuyasha had already talked about their relationship and how they felt too close to become anything other than best friends. So why again did she want to remove this Adonis from on top of her? What could be the harm of just one night?' She thought as she slowly started to relax against him.

His hand slid further up, catching on her raincoat and hiking up the skirt of her dress underneath. His fingers slid across her skin, his hand working its way up her inner thigh. She parted her legs a little more and he gave a slight thrust against her, showing her just how appreciative he was.

Her eyes opened wide, 'No!' She screamed in her head. The sudden hardness she had felt pushing against her sex had shocked her back into reality. Her powers finally came to her rescue as she pushed her hands against his chest and heaved hard.

Sesshoumaru sat back stunned. She had managed to push him back, his chest still smoked from her holy powers but there was no real pain.

His red eyes stared at her unblinking blue.

"No." She stated firmly. "I am not yours to have." She panted, whether from exhaustion at using her powers or their little excursion she was not sure.

"Miko…" He started, but her glare gave him pause. "Kagome" He corrected. "you do not know who you are dealing with, little girl." He added as he brushed off the burn on his chest.

"I know damn well who I am dealing with, and I am obviously not a little girl, unless you are into that sort of thing." She replied hotly and with a smirk.

Kagome puffed out her chest, turned her head away and crossed her arms in victory.

She did not see how his eyes narrowed, how his lip pulled back in a snarl and how his youki flared out at her insinuations.

She was just about to continue her tirade but at that moment, she felt a surge of energy and turned to look at Sesshoumaru; His face was pale and he seemed to be in pain. The same surge of energy pulsed again and she stared at him in shock. She had not done that.

He doubled over in agony as yet another pulse went through him. His eyes shifted from red to golden amber and back to deep crimson, the markings adorning his face, waist and wrists turning jagged.

"Sesshoumaru?" Kagome crawled tentatively towards him.

His response was an earth shattering growl. She looked at him and he brought to mind the picture of a rabid dog.

Something was wrong. Really wrong. This was not the Sesshoumaru she knew, he did not double over in pain. What could be causing this?! Her worries over him completely making her forget the fact that he had just tried to have his way with her.

Without giving it anymore thought, she squared her shoulders and went to him.


8:05 PM

"Sesshoumaru? Sesshoumaru! Look at me! How can I fix this?!" She asked, grabbing at his shoulder and shaking him slightly to grab his attention.

"You...d..don't" He replied with great effort. He tried to edge away from her, but his mental struggle made it impossible to even think about moving an inch. He closed his eyes in an attempt to concentrate on the battle at hand.

His body was begging to transform, to take her by force if need be. Her denial had bruised his beasts' ego and her insinuations had angered him. But though he was a demon, he was not a monster. He would never stoop so low, even in this cumbersome state. Whatever pain he may be in now, it would be nothing compared to the self loathing he knew he would feel if he did such a dishonorable thing. So, he fought against himself, and that in turn was causing him excruciating agony.

He clenched his teeth preparing to continue this internal war, but instead of it getting harder to fight, it seemed to be getting easier. 'How…?' He thought to himself. He opened his eyes and found himself practically engulfed by her pink energy. Her reiki spilled out of her unknowingly and it was providing him with a gentle healing effect. He stood awestruck as this tiny slip of a human calmed his beast down and brought him back from the verge of transformation.

"Why is this happening?" She asked, her voice thick with worry.

"Blood..moon." He replied. The pain was almost completely subsided. He could not remember his beast ever trying to take over like that before. Then again, he was not usually refused.

"Blood moon?" She asked, bringing him out of his thoughts. "What is a blood...OH! A red moon! Of course! The lunar eclipse! It was scheduled to be tonight! I completely forgot...we were all supposed to watch it together but I went home instead" She rambled aimlessly.

The look Sesshoumaru sent her way gave her pause and she chuckled nervously.

Kagome cleared her throat and got back on track. "Why does the lunar eclipse hurt you?" She asked.

"No." His breathing was ragged but the pulsing energy had died down, and her touch continued to release waves of soothing energy. "No, it is not the blood moon itself."

"Then what is it?" Concern was obvious in her eyes. Her brow furrowed and she leaned in, listening intently.

He looked at her incredulously.

He had been doubled over in pain, unaware of his surroundings, unable to defend himself. She could have purified him in his weakened state. She could have walked away. Even if she did not know the layout of the caves, her chances of survival away from him were higher than here in this room with him had his beast won out.

But that thought hadn't even crossed her mind, had it?

No, as soon as she saw him in pain, she had stopped caring about herself and about his transgressions. She had focused all her energy in trying to help him.

'What a foolish gir.. woman.' He thought.

His eyes were back to their honeyed gold, but he was sure it would not last long. The later into the night they were, the less control he would have.

He looked at her and she looked back concerned. Her hands still held onto his bare shoulders. He looked down at them and she followed his gaze. With a soft 'eep' she released her hold on him and scooted back.

"I..I'm sorry!" She apologized with a blush. "I was just trying to help."

"Hn." Was his reply.

This seemed to upset the little miko since she started ranting about rude Inu Youkai. Contrary to her angry words though, the soothing reiki continued to wash over him. However, without the physical contact it didn't have the same strength and effect. Still, he basked in her energy, enjoying the little tendrils that seemed to want to play with his own youki.

"Well honestly, excuse me for trying to help you, next time I'll be sure to ignore you as you keel over and die." She finished with a huff.

He rolled his eyes. He literally rolled them at her melodramatic statement.

"The blood moon will not kill me, Kagome." He said. Liking the taste of her name on his lips.

She blushed prettily.

'Interesting.' He thought, almost smiling.

"Right. Well then, since it looks as though you are back to yourself Lord Sesshoumaru," her emphasis on Lord making it clear she did not think him up to the standard. "Would you care to explain what on earth is going on?" She asked with hands on her hips for emphasis.

He said nothing for a few minutes. Waiting to see if she would spew lava or sprout another head with all the intense energy he could feel swirling around her. 'Hmm. Does she even realize how easy to read she is?' He wondered.

"The blood moon will not kill me, it only strengthens certain aspects of my being." He explained succinctly.

"Certain aspects?" she asked.

"Hn." He confirmed.

She thought about this deeply but came to the correct conclusion rather quickly.

"Oh! I see, it makes your youki stronger, therefore making your inner demon more powerful, which would explain the red eyes." She summarized.

"Indeed" He said. She was smarter than her appearance suggested, though truthfully, he had already been aware of that. She was the true leader of her little pack. Inuyasha may have the brawns, but she had the brains. It had become evident when he would come to pick up Rin. His young ward would recant all the things she had learned from the little Miko. Things most Lord's would not deem necessary or ideal for girls to learn. At first he had been displeased, afterall, the task of educating his child was his, not some mindless humans'; but, the quality of her education was unmistakable, the topics were also varied and well within her learning scope. He was mildly impressed at her ability to educate and so he allowed the priestess to continue her schooling with Rin.

Kagome thought about his explanation for a second then gasped and stood up.

"Oh no! Inuyasha! Sesshoumaru I have to go! Please! The village could be in danger! Shipp.." He stopped her prattling with a shake of his head.

"No, Inuyasha is not subjected to the effects of the blood moon. And neither is your kit." He added before she could ask.

"What? How come? They also have demon sides." She stood confused looking down at him.

He stood and walked to the middle of the furs where he sat down comfortably. Her powers following him unconsciously.

Before she demanded more information or talked his ear off, he decided to answer her questions. After all, it was only fair since he was currently being aided by her, even if she didn't know it.

"Only those born to the Inu house of the moon are subjected to it. As for Inuyasha, his blood is split in half. He is constantly battling with his demon, but he has his human blood to help keep him grounded." He stopped, making sure she was still listening, he was not one to repeat himself after all. "I however, do not have that ...luxury...I am fighting with myself and my most primal instincts with nothing to keep me from acting upon them except my own sanity. During the ...lunar eclipse…" He said trying out her words for a blood moon. "My demon instincts get stronger. But I am not 2 halves of a whole, I am a demon, and I live by my instincts. To ignore them could prove fatal" As had become evident by the pain he experienced when he tried to hold himself back. He almost shuddered at the memory of those few moments.

She continued to look at him. A little dumbfounded at having heard so many words come out of his mouth. She also could not fathom how hard it must have been for him to admit that he envied Inuyasha and his human blood during these times. Though he had not said it in so many words, the subtext was clear.

"I see." Was all she could say.

"Do you?" He asked. He stared at her, looking her up and down and discreetly sniffing the air between them. He could smell her wildflowers and sunshine as well as the unnamed scent; but added to that, just underneath the layers of confusion and concern was a hint of her heady arousal. His eyes turned a molten gold, looking at her with hunger and determination. "I do not believe you do."


8:20 PM

Kagome gulped.

"Sesshoumaru" She managed. "Why am I here?" She didn't want to ask the question, afraid of what the answer would be, but she refused to stay in the dark any longer.

He let out a small sensual smile. "It would seem," he looked directly into her eyes, "that my demon has a thing for lightning."

"Huh?" She replied dumbly.

He stood up. His eyes never leaving hers.

"There are a few things we demons do during a blood moon. We hunt. We fight… and we mate." The last word came out in a sultry voice, it was obvious which category he was putting her in.

"Wh..Bu..But why me?" She finally got out.

"Like I said, lightning." She looked at him coldly, clearly not satisfied with that answer. "Demon's search for strength and power, Kagome." He took a step towards her. "Something you have more of than you seem to know what to do with." His eyes raked over her, Her hair in disarray, her coat skewed, and still she looked good enough to devour. "Have you not noticed most of the demons you fight are after you and not the silly jewel or my idiot half brother?" Another step forward. "Your reiki tastes like lightning. Pure, unadulterated, power, all in the hands of an ignorant mortal." His eyes were turning pink at this point. The red started to seep in and his irises constricted to blue.

Kagome was unsure of what to do next. She had been insulted but honestly what he said was true. She was ignorant. Ignorant to her powers and the dangers they posed.

She looked at him again, prepared to ask another question, but the color and shift of his eyes stopped her.

'Crap!' She thought. 'I need to leave. NOW.'

But before she could blink, he was in front of her. His eyes flashing. He took a sniff and she backed up into the cave wall, trying to get some space between them.

"You smell…" He started.

'Oh God, I smell? I smell what? Bad? Dirty? Scared?'

"Simply intoxicating." He finished, nuzzling her neck with his nose yet again.

Kagome blushed for what must have been the hundredth time in an hour and chuckled breathlessly.


The proximity was starting to help him control himself. Her powers continued negating the effects of the blood moon as they stroked his youki, keeping his demon instincts from acting out. His eyes reversed back to gold and he took one final breath in, 'Wildflowers, sunshine...and…' He scowled still stumped with the scent that was proving to drive him to insanity; insanity because why else would he be sniffing around a human, much less a miko, without the overwhelming instincts of his demon?'

Even as the effects of the blood moon waned, the desire for her didn't seem to dissipate, instead it intensified with the ability to think clearly. He had never before experienced such a strong attraction to any other being. Normally, the moment his instincts were back under his control he would return to ice.

But no matter how much he wanted that now, she kept him hot. Her powers caressing and soothing against his own, her scent invading his senses, and although he more often than not found conversation tedious, the time spent talking with her was actually proving to be quite entertaining. Even the sound of her voice only served to appease him. 'How odd.' He thought.

"It would seem" He began "That your powers also have another side effect." He toyed with her hair, the hood having long before fallen, and their time on his bed having undone the ponytail she started out with.

"What would that be?" She asked, a little shaken by their proximity.

"They cancel out the powers of the blood moon, give me back my control." He responded, still toying with the midnight lock of hair.

"If ..If you have your control, then I can leave." She said matter-of-factly.

He felt a pang in his chest and frowned

"No." He said, leaving no room for negotiation. "I don't think want you to." He spoke sincerely. The words came out unexpectedly and without warning. But it was the truth, and he would not lie to himself. He wanted her. Demon blood arising or not. She had tempted him, and now that he had her here, in his room, he was not about to let her go.

A small smile graced his lips at the thought making her truly his.


8:30 PM

She was taken aback. There was no way she just heard him say that HE wanted HER. Just no way. But though his words made no sense, the way her body reacted at hearing his confession made even less sense to her. Her blush had returned at full force she was sure, her face felt hot and her breathing had quickened. Not to mention the strange pooling sensation she felt in between her legs and all the butterflies she felt in her stomach. She shook her head and tried not to squirm around to alleviate the sensations she was feeling. She could have sworn that her heart skipped a beat too.

Instead of being scared or turned off, her feelings aligned more with the sense of excitement and urgency. 'Excited?' She thought. 'No, no, no, no, no! This isn't me, I am not the kind of person who will'…If she struggled to even think of the words, what did that say about the actual act?! 'I can't...I shouldn't...' She struggled to maintain her stance while she stared at the golden eyed hunk, half naked and within touching distance. 'I really shouldn't.' She stared at him, really taking him in.

He was unbelievably fit, then again why shouldn't he be? He was always active and obviously well trained. She frowned slightly thinking about her own body's shortcomings. She knew she was pretty, but with perfection standing right in front of her, she felt about as pretty as a Picasso on display at the Sistine chapel. She gnawed at her bottom lip, nervousness settling in.

He had yet to speak or make a move, obviously waiting for her reply. She had to decline, had to appeal to his sensible side, but the more she looked at him, the more she thought about it, the harder that became.

All her friends back home had already been through this milestone. She was the last one left. Not that that had any bearing on her decision, but the way they described the closeness to their partners had her craving some of that intimacy too. She never before realized just how much that had been missing from her life, but the few stolen moments with Sesshoumaru had sparked inside her a need that was just too intense to ignore. 'And really, what other options awaited her? Inuyasha? Kouga? Hojo?' She shuddered at the thought of any of them sharing in this particular experience. 'No, too cringy, too creepy and too clingy. Not gonna happen. What else was left then? Celibacy? Please, no.'

But, here was Sesshoumaru, offering himself up on a silver platter… or rather a bed of furs. So again, the question became, 'why not'. And again, she struggled to find an answer.


8:35 PM

He waited patiently, this had to be her decision, of that he was sure. Not only could she purify him if he tried to force her, but the thought of winning over this little vixen, of having her call out his name in ecstasy and willingly become his...it set him ablaze.

She was starting to come around, he could see it with the way she squirmed and with how her scent shifted from unsure to excited and aroused. He would not push her, he could wait, never before had a conquest been this enticing, he would take his time with her, he had 7 days before he had to leave, he would make use of every second.

But first things first...she had to come around. He watched as she debated with herself. Her expression practically spelling out her thoughts. It was almost comical, in a sweet and endearing kind of way. He frowned slightly at that, not liking the direction his thoughts were turning. This was an exchange, he would take his pleasure from her body, and given her fiery personality and her lack of annoyance, he wouldn't even mind taking care of her needs as well; in fact he quite looked forward to it. His eyes threatened a change but he settled himself down with promises of the pleasures to come.


8:40 PM

Kagome was stumped. On the one hand, she was not the type of person to sleep with whoever offered themselves up, on the other hand, how often do you get a chance to sleep with someone as pedigreed as Sesshoumaru? And it was not only that, his looks certainly helped his case, but she had seen the way he had changed and matured over the years. She saw the way he doted on Rin, the way he protected her from all harm. She saw the way he held back during his fights with Inuyasha, she saw the lengths he took to ensure the safety of his little family, including the little toad he obviously found to be quite annoying. He was also responsible for the continued safety of his territory and he took his duties seriously. He was smart, sexy, reliable and trustworthy.

These were all positive attributes, and something she found charming in him. He was not as cold as ice, even if he spent all his time convincing the world he was. One second with him and his little girl and you could see just how warm and affectionate he could be. Although he was not a man of many words, his words held meaning and promise. Again, something for the pro column.

Had it not been for the fact that he'd tried to kill her the first time they'd met, and that he and Inuyasha fought like...well dogs, as well as that little crush she used to have on said hanyou, she was sure she would have seen him in a few of her more risque dreams.

There was nothing really holding her back. She realized what this was, he was in need, and truthfully so was she. So this would be a business transaction. She could deal with that. It would keep her heart from getting broken. This was something for her. It may have been his idea, but this was her choice, as was clear by his patience. Another one for the pro column. She wanted to be selfish, just this once. With the constant traveling between times, her schooling, the heartbreaks she had experienced, and the mothering she did for both Shippou and Inuyasha, she was starting to feel burned out. She needed this. She wanted this. She deserved to experience this at least once in her life, and on her own terms. He was offering that to her.

Just one time, just one instance of selfishness and she could survive the continued humdrum of life.


8:45 PM

Sesshoumaru maintained his position. He did not want to scare her off by being too presumptuous. She bit her lip nervously and started to wring her hands. He dropped the lock of hair he had been toying with and instead lifted her chin with a hooked index finger. Shining blue met molten gold and it took every ounce of self control he had to not kiss her right then and there.

She stared at him with wide eyes and he watched as a blush crept up to her cheeks. She turned her head away. He stopped himself from reaching over as she completely turned around, her back facing him and her head held low.

He started to worry. Perhaps this would be a little more complicated than anticipated. His energy started to become a little more sporadic, hers however had not changed. It seemed as determined as ever and as eager to play as before. His youki calmed at the touch of her reiki and he heard light shuffling sounds coming from the little priestess.

She seemed to be fiddling with something on her chest, he lightly grabbed her elbow and she stopped. With the slightest of force he beckoned her to turn around and she did. She refused to meet his eyes however, instead staring intently at the floor.

He raised an eloquent eyebrow at her strange behavior. He didn't notice anything amiss. He took her hand and coaxed her a little closer towards the light, taking in her appearance. 'Ah…' he thought. He fought a smile as he noticed that two of the toggles of her coat had been removed. It would seem she was working on the third one but it was proving to be a little more difficult. He decided he would help her out, but not by removing the closures. He took one of her hands in his and lifted it up to the toggle, encouraging her to continue as he stepped back to watch.


8:50 PM

Kagome blushed even more as he released her hand and stepped back so she could continue working on the next toggle. Her hands shook violently and she struggled to get the little wooden piece out of the cord. With a sigh of relief she finally had it free and moved on to the next one. Moving her fingers deftly she made quick work of the fourth one and moved on to the fifth and final closure to her raincoat. Her fingers stilled for a moment but she shook her head and undid that closure too.

She still refused to meet his eyes, but she could feel him boring holes into her. Her hands still shook as she started to remove her coat and her eyes watered slightly in embarrassment. 'Oh no!' She thought. 'I am not going to cry!' She'd always had a habit of crying when she was too anxious or nervous about something, and she did not want Sesshoumaru to see her do just that!

She was so focused on stopping the tears that she had not noticed when Sesshoumaru stepped up behind her, stopping her from removing her coat.


8:53 PM

He watched as she undid the final toggle, her scent flooding with embarrassment. He scowled slightly at the sight and smell of her unshed tears. He did not want her crying or upset, that was not his goal. She continued looking down as he made his way behind her.

Her hands reached up to shrug the coat off but he put his hands on hers to stop her. She startled and gave a little hop, turning her head back and finally meeting his gaze.

Sesshoumaru frowned as a tiny tear made its way down her cheek. He gently wiped it away with his thumb and gave her a little nuzzle for support. Her blush deepened but she did not back away or make any move to deny his advances.

He took her coat in his hands and slowly helped it down her arms, she turned away again as the coat made its way down her back. His eyes widened as he took in the flimsy material that clothed her. There had in fact been something underneath her coat, but to call this clothes would be to call Jaken tall.

He let the coat fall to the floor as he took in the view. Her hair was currently covering up half of her back, so with great care he gathered the midnight tresses and let them fall over her shoulder, exposing her back to him.

He was not disappointed. Two thin straps that crisscrossed held the piece of cloth together, the lower half barely covering the swell of her bottom, leaving even more of her legs visible for his viewing pleasure. He admired her smooth skin and generous curves. He wished to hold her and kiss his way down the exposed skin, but she held her arms against her stomach, clearly still too abashed to relax.

This would not do, he wanted to see the confident miko that was willing to go against him even when he was transformed. The miko that would talk to him without worrying about choosing her words. He wanted Kagome.

Taking his index finger, he slowly dragged his claw down her back, being mindful not to hurt her or the garment with his claw. She shivered and erupted in gooseflesh. He smiled and with a hand on her waist turned her to face him. She gasped losing her balance, her hands reaching out to his shoulders for support.

The front of her dress was even more sensuous, the deep cut allowed him to see down into her breast, leaving very little to the imagination. 'Where exactly and with whom was she going dressed like this?' He wondered. The thought plagued him, but he pushed it aside for now, he would demand an answer after. For now, he would have to be appeased that the one benefiting from her attire would be him and no one else.

Cupping her cheek he met her eyes. They no longer held tears, instead they glimmered with curiosity. He leaned forward and her eyes closed. 'Good.' His lips met hers and this time she sighed in content. The kiss was soft, and teasing. He allowed her to control it, still hoping to bring some of her fire out. She gained a little confidence and pushed up on her toes, putting a little more pressure against him. His hands wound around her waist for support as he kissed her back with the same force.

Her hands found their way around his neck and with the tiniest little nip of his lip she asked for more.

He grunted in approval and kissed her without reserve, letting his tongue run across her lips and against her own. The taste of her had his head swimming in arousal, the scent that so captivated him strengthened and he pulled her closer still, the thin fabric allowing her skin to touch against his in a delightful way.

More, he needed more. With a growl he lifted her off her feet, pressing her against him completely as he made his way to the middle of his bed.


9:15 PM

It was hot. His chest against hers burned like a fever. His lips giving her warmth and life, and the fire that he ignited inside her seemed to settle in between her legs. He lifted her up so easily and she held him closer, kissing him with fervor.

She felt as he stopped walking and one hand traveled down her waist to squeeze her thigh, lifting it over his hip. She quickly got the idea and did the same with her other leg, straddling him as she locked her legs behind his back.

She felt as he maneuvered them down to lay on the furs, his lips never leaving hers. His tongue wrestled with hers for dominance and she fought back, liking this little game. He growled and bit her bottom lip playfully and she in turn bit his top lip in revenge.

With a thrust of his hips he demanded an apology but got a moan in return. Her legs shifted, giving him more room and with another thrust he had her arching her back.

He kissed his way down her neck, taking a little extra time on her collarbone and down the valley of her breast. His hand came up to cup the generous mound and he gently kneaded it over her dress. Her nerves were on fire.

She had never felt anything like this before. She had not really been one to explore her own body, but now she wondered why she never did. His other hand made its way up her thigh and gave her bottom a sensual squeeze. Again she arched and found herself grinding against him for relief.

She wanted to feel more of him. With strong determination she unclasped her hands from his neck and instead wound them down his body, taking in every dip and contour of his toned muscles, towards the string that held his hakama in place. She tugged at the end until it came undone and he growled at her, nipping the side of her breast in reprimand.

She grinded against him again, trying to let him know of her need, of the fire that ached inside of her. He only smirked, gave her bottom a little smack and growled again.

In annoyance at his insistence that they remain clothed she growled herself and tried to push off his hakama with her feet.

He only chuckled, refusing to give way for her to do what she wanted. The sound made her heart stop for a second. She had never before heard him do that, and it brought her great pleasure to know that she had elicited such a response.

Her hands went back up to wrap around his back as he continued to kiss every inch of her exposed skin.

'Oh, wow.' She mewled as he continued his tirade on her breast. Even through the material of the dress she could feel his touch and she craved more of it. Her eyes closed in pleasure and she suddenly felt something hot and wet encompass her breast through her dress. Her fingers dug into his back at the unexpected sensation and she let out an audible moan.


9:30 PM

Her fingernails scratched at his back leaving angry red welts. Her moan was music to his ears. He could not get enough of her responses to his touch. Every sensation seemed like a new one to her. She mewled and moaned and sought her own release in a way a submissive bitch never would. She had the audacity to try and disrobe him, her need palpable on his tongue. He lavished her breast and played with the hardened bud over the soft material of her clothes. His hand pinching the other as his mouth got its fill. With a playful nip she rose against him again.

How he enjoyed her. Her scent grew heavier, it took over his senses leaving only her in his world. He was in tune with every little sound she produced, her sighs, moans and even the beat of her heart. He relished every single response he elicited from her.

He was a little perplexed though. The way she acted was virginal. She seemed unsure of how to handle the new sensations her body was feeling, grinding wantonly against him in an effort to appease her desires. He was no fool, he knew she had a thing for his half brother, and though they did not look to be as close as before, could he really be expected to believe that Inuyasha had never lain with her? Her outfits alone would have convinced him otherwise. There was just no way that she was a virgin. She couldn't be. He growled internally at the thought. It didn't matter; He may not be the first, but he would certainly be the last. Again the possessiveness of his beast and his thoughts bothered him, but he could not be made to decipher them right now, he had much more pressing matters at hand.

No, she may not be a virgin, but she would be his and that was all that mattered.


9:35 PM

"Sesshoumaru…" She pleaded with him, asking him to extinguish the fire that threatened to consume her.

He stopped, raised his head, one eyebrow up and she swore he was smirking. "Yes, miko?" She could hear the amusement in his voice.

She frowned at him and he did smile, her breath caught at the sight, still not believing her good fortune at seeing such a rare side of him.

"Yes, Kagome." He corrected in a seductive tone.

"Please…" Was all she could say. She was not really sure what she was begging for, but she knew he would know.

"Please what?" He asked innocently.

"Please…" She grabbed at his hips and moved against him. "Please...make it go away." She practically sobbed. Her instincts were screaming for more, her body begged to be touched and inside she could feel her world shifting, needs and cravings she had never known before awakened with every touch and kiss he gave her.

He chuckled at her again and she almost grew livid. She was just about to demand he fix whatever was wrong with her at the threat of his life when he kissed her with such passion that she could only melt into his touch


9:37 PM

She was growing desperate, and so was he. He kissed her roughly, trying to communicate just how much the fire affected him too. He started to slip the straps of her little garb down her shoulders, but with the way she kept her arms around his neck, he would never be able to remove the offending garment without shredding it first.

He stopped kissing her, giving her a little bite before lifting himself off her body. She groaned in frustration, but released him nonetheless. He looked at her, her hands up near her head, her hair splayed on his furs, her skin flushed, her lips swollen, her chest heaving and her nipples perky. It was even better than he imagined. Her legs stayed wrapped around his waist, she refused to let go of him completely.

"If you would like to keep this little … outfit... safe from harm, I need you to corporate, Kagome." She whimpered a little in defiance but nodded.

"Good." He slipped the straps off her shoulders, but she stopped him before he could continue to slip the fabric down her arms. She arched off the furs and put her hands beneath her back. She squirmed a little then he heard an odd, almost ripping sound and saw the material loosen around her.

"There, I've cooperated, now it's your turn." She said, looking down at his loosened hakama.

"No, I'm not quite done with you yet, my little miko." He ground out.

She huffed but was obviously enjoying this little game they played by the look of her shining eyes.

"Fine, in that case, allow me to help you out. My Lord." She added for good measure.

He almost nipped at her chin for being so obtuse, but before he could lean down to do it, she started to lift the hem of her little garb. He stared intently as the material shimmied its way up her thigh. She moved deliberately slow, but he had no intention of interrupting her little show.

The hem traveled higher, revealing smooth thighs, wide hips and a white lace material that covered her more intimate area. The intricate design of the lace adding to her allure. She continued to pull the hem up, exposing her belly button and midriff. His hands itched to take hold of her hips, her waist tapered in and she stopped just short of her breast, teasing him.

Her eyes gleamed with mischief and he could no longer take it. With a rough growl he reached out and pulled the material over her head, exposing her all to him. Her hands got caught in the garb, and were raised above her head. He was half tempted to tie them up and keep them there but he rather savored the way she touched him. He finished removing the garment and threw it off to the side, his eyes raking over her naked body. Well… almost naked body, there was still that pesky little bit of material that covered what he most desperately sought.


9:45 PM

Kagome almost giggled at his expression, he seemed torn between chastising her and kissing her. 'Serves him right,' She thought. 'How dare he be such a tease.'

Her embarrassment at being naked in front of him was long forgotten with the look of pure admiration he gave her. The way his eyes drank her in gave her the courage and bravery to do things she never would have thought possible. His hard-on, which she could plainly see tenting his hakama, made her feel sexy and wanted. With her new found boldness, she let her hands roam over her body, guiding his eyes. One hand settled on top of her left breast while the other continued down. She played with her nipple, not quite as expertly as he had, but it perked up just the same. The hand that continued down met with the trim of her lace hipster underwear and she stopped to get a good look at him.

He seemed mesmerized, unwilling to move. She unhooked her legs from behind him, allowing her to spread them out a little further giving her more access to the little bundle of nerves that screamed for attention. Through the material of her lace undergarment she touched herself, enjoying the predatory look that came over Sesshoumaru's eyes.

She lifted her hips in response to her actions, the friction the lace provided sending little tremors up her spine. She could feel her fingers become wet as her arousal seeped through the thin material.

As a final pièce de résistance she brought her hand back up, hooking her finger on the lace trim and edging it down inch by inch. Stopping just shy of where the throbbing ache began, she slipped her fingers under the thin fabric, touching herself without the barrier of any cloth. Her nimble fingers sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. She closed her eyes and bucked up against Sesshoumaru unable to stop the little moans that escaped her lips.

"Sesshoumaru…" She gasped out, adding the proverbial cherry on top of her teasing sundae. She heard him growl and opened her eyes to gauge his reaction, but was surprised to see bright red eyes staring back at her.

'Oh, oh.' She thought, her hands stilling but not moving from their place.


10:00 PM

He couldn't look away. Mesmerized by the way her hands moved across her body, the way they elicited a response from her. It was pure torture watching as she touched herself the way he wanted to. His beast wouldn't calm down. It raged against him, demanding to be in control, to show her just how much better his touch would be.

The reiki that calmed him seemed to have no effect now. Before he fought with his instincts, denying them, but now, he too wanted to feel the smooth skin against his fingertips again. He too wanted to have her crying out for him.

"Sesshoumaru…" That one little moan sent a bolt of lightning straight through his core. His instincts overwhelmed and his beast took over, dying his eyes red.

He growled in satisfaction at hearing his name come out of her lips in ecstasy. Promising that her voice would be hoarse by the time he was done with her.

She opened her eyes to meet his and her movements stilled.

He groaned in frustration, not wanting her to stop, yet wanting to take over as well.

She slowly brought her hand up to her belly leaving a thin trail of her arousal behind.

He lowered himself on her, his eyes never leaving hers as he stuck his tongue out to taste her sweet nectar. He took her fingers in his lips and suckled lightly, the taste of her arousal making precum drip from his neglected cock. He licked down her belly, following the little path. When he got to the lace undergarments he refused to be blocked and without a second thought, grabbed the sides and pulled down.

She lifted her ass, making it easier to remove the last piece of cloth that stood in his way. He maintained eye contact the entire time, watching her watching him. He caressed her legs on the way down, and with a flick of his wrists, flung the lace underwear in the same general direction as her other delectable little garment.

He held her feet in his hands and with a few tugs got her odd footwear off and tossed them to the growing pile of clothes. She finally laid before him in all her naked glory. Her eyes were heavy lidded and her breathing ragged. She rubbed her thighs together obviously trying to soothe the aching fire. He grabbed one of her ankles and brought it up to his lips, her eyes breaking contact with his to watch as he placed her ankle on his shoulder and kissed the inside of her calf. He dragged his tongue up her leg, kissing his way towards the alluring scent that called his name.


10:05 PM

His red gaze had surprised her, but his expression kept her from being scared. His movements were calm and calculated. This was still Sesshoumaru. She allowed him to take off her remaining clothes and all the while maintained eye contact with him. Something about the way he looked at her had her desperate for more of him. The throbbing ache got harder to ignore and she took to rubbing her thighs together in order to alleviate it.

He lifted her leg to his lips and she watched as he placed it on his shoulder and licked and kissed his way up to her pulsating center. Her breathing hitched as he reached his destination, he gave her inner thigh a kiss and his eyes looked to hers. She propped herself up on her elbows, wanting to see what he was doing better. Sesshoumaru, the ass, just gave her a wink and flicked out his tongue.

'Oh God!' Her head went back as his tongue invaded her senses. His light strokes working wonders on the little bundle of nerves. He began to suck gently and she nearly lost her mind. 'Oh my God, oh my God!' Was all she could think. She settled back down against the furs, unable to keep herself up. Her hands grabbed at the fur surrounding her, trying to get a hold of something, anything, as the sensations became overwhelming. She moaned and unconsciously rolled her hips against the onslaught of his masterful tongue. She shuddered as his tongue pressed on her and called out his name again, her feet digging into the plush fur as she bucked against him.

His hand came up to grab her hip, keeping her still. She whimpered and he growled, the vibrations making their way inside her. She shuddered at yet another new sensation, 'How could it still be getting better?!' She thought, 'I can't possibly take much more of this.' Her thoughts were scrambling with every lick, tease and tug, she could no longer think, she could only feel.

He grabbed her other thigh, placing it over his shoulder as well and brought her closer still. She tried to move against him, she could feel something coiling inside of her, ready to spring. Her hands found their way to his hair and she grabbed on to the silky locks. He kept his hand on her hips, preventing her from moving even closer to him. Although, at this point, how much closer could she get? She wanted more though. Something was missing.

She started to whimper, "Sess...Sesshoumaru." She could feel herself tighten against him, something was coming undone.

He continued his torture with his tongue, keeping one hand on her hips, the other finding its way to her center. His thumb rubbed her aching clit and moved down to her opening, adding fuel to the fire as she felt it slide in. She moaned out his name again, not being able to help herself. With every stroke of his tongue and caress of his thumb he brought her closer and closer to her peak.

The sensations were too much, it made her feel like bolting and staying still at the same time in desperation. She didn't know what to do to make this blazing heat go away. Her body wanted to toss and turn, but again he held her still. She whimpered and he finally relented, his hand moving from her hip, down to grasp her ass as she moved against him in an effort to find her release. The coil finally sprang free and her mind went blank. She tightened her grip on his hair, her body constricting, and she screamed out his name. A violent shudder tore through her and she was left panting and shaking from her climax. He continued to lavish her, taking up all her body had to offer.

Her fingers were tangled in his hair, and her body had a sheen of sweat on it, but none of that mattered, even as he kissed his way back up her body. She should have been embarrassed, the way she scratched and clawed at him, the way she almost smothered him with her thighs as she came, but he looked as smug and pleased as she felt. Her breathing started to even out, her heart beat returning to normal, still he took his time enjoying her body. His fingered dragged across her belly, his kisses trailing up to her neck. She simply closed her eyes, enjoying the afterglow of her orgasm and his attentiveness.


10:23 PM

*Lemon Warning*

His beast was positively gloating. He gently removed her hands from his tangled hair; she seemed too preoccupied to do it herself. He doubted she noticed anything at this point, she was still coming off her high. He licked his lips, her taste still lingered on them and it left him wanting more. He could feel himself back in control, his eyes no longer red; his instincts had been placated through her thorough submission as she came.

He had been surprised when she had not pushed him away, but he really shouldn't have been. After all, this was the little miko that had garnered his attention. She was fearless, loyal, and brave beyond reasonable doubt. All attributes that had gotten her into trouble in the past, but also attributes that left him wanting more of her. More of her charm, more of her wit, and most definitely, more of her body. He kissed his way up to her lips, taking his time in knowing each and every inch of her. He found a small scar on her side and licked it, wondering what had been its cause. She knew battle, he was well aware of that, but something in him started to bubble up at the thought of her in combat, an emotion he could not quite place. Pride? Worry? He shook his head, it was not important. Right now the only thing that mattered was having her under him writhing in pleasure again.

His lips finally found hers and he gave her a gentle kiss, something to bring her back from the abyss of her climax. She groaned lightly, and he smiled against her lips.

"We are not done yet, my little Miko." He said, his lips never leaving hers.

She scowled at the name again and gave his lip a little bite. He really enjoyed teasing her, it was quickly becoming his favorite pastime.

He kissed her intensely, willing her body back to life. She moaned and shifted her legs to be on either side of his and he ground his hips against hers, letting her know just what he wanted.

She drew her breath in sharply, startling him. He stopped kissing her in order to look into her eyes.

She avoided his gaze and a red flush ran through her face.

He looked at her confused. 'Had he unintentionally hurt her?' He gently pushed back the few strands of hair that stuck to her cheeks from the sweat.

"Kagome?" He simply asked.

She gnawed at her bottom lip and he frowned. He ran his thumb across her lip to make her stop. Her eyes finally met his, and she let out a breath.

"I hear it hurts." She finally whispered.

He raised an eyebrow, confused. 'Hurts?' He kept quiet, giving her time to elaborate.

"The first time, you know? They say it hurts, that it feels like being split in two...or like your being stretched from the inside out. But I don't suppose you would know anything about that, huh?" She went back to biting her lip.

'First time? First time of what?' Sesshoumaru stared at her, not willing to believe what he was hearing, not wanting to get his hopes up for something that may never be.

He had already made peace with the past he assumed she had; after all, he was no saint, not by a long shot, and he did not expect her to be one either. He could still remember the first time they met; though he had not taken much interest in her, it was hard not to take notice of the young woman who stood in front of him clad in a kimono so short he was sure a light breeze would steal her dignity away.

Even if Inuyasha had never been able to lay with her, surely there were others who had. Regrettably, there were also those who would take her by force. He knew she had been taken against her will quite a few times, enough times that Inuyasha and his group hardly batted an eyelash when it happened. How had she kept herself safe all those times?

There was simply no way. And yet, that is what she said. Her actions certainly spoke to that fact as well. He had to ask, had to know if anyone had ever tasted her the way he had. If anyone had ever heard the way she screamed their name like she did his. He had to know the truth now that it was out there. And if she was telling the truth, why was she here with him now? Yes, he had taken her. Yes, he had propositioned her. But he had given her a choice, granted he would have done everything in his power to convince her to stay, but he hadn't had to do anything. If she had been successful in protecting herself all this time, why was she so willing to share in his bed now? Why had she stayed? There were too many unanswered questions, and he despised uncertainty. He needed answers.

"Kagome," He started, "Are you a virgin?" There was no easier way to ask and he was not one to beat around the bush in any case.

She blushed again and nodded, still refusing to look at him. He grabbed her chin and turned her towards him, looking into her eyes and tasting the air for lies. None. She spoke the truth. "How…" The word left his lips before he could stop it.

Kagome glared at him and scoffed. "Look, it's not like I haven't had the chance OK?! There have been plenty of people who have wanted to sleep with me." She pouted.

Sesshoumaru growled at that. His demon roared inside, it wanted to hunt down those who so dared to look at her in such a way, but knew that it would be to no avail, so instead he took a calming breath and asked, "And yet, you claim to still be pure...untouched?"

Kagome tried to squirm out of his hold, but he kept her caged in, being careful not to cause her any harm.

"I never said wanted them." She admitted under her breath when she finally stopped squirming.

His gaze never left her, again not a lie.

"Yet, here you are...with me."

Her blush deepened and she nodded again. His chest swelled up with pride. A rumble of satisfaction built up in his throat and he leaned down to whisper in her ear. "How much do you want me, Kagome?" He smirked as she froze and her face became hot against his.

"Oh! You are such a dog!" She replied smartly, shoving his chest softly. He simply snickered at that.

He licked her cheek playfully and without a second thought he gave out a soft and uncharacteristic "Woof".

Kagome looked at him incredulously then burst out laughing. Her breast moving up and down with the rhythm of her laughter against his chest. The joyous sound brought forth a sense of well being to him, and he found himself smiling alongside her and committing her laughter to memory. There was something about her that seemed to draw out a certain part of him that he thought long gone. He should have been furious, he had buried this side of him in order to become who he was now, and yet, looking at her smiling face and the way her eyes shined, he could only be grateful.

Her laughter died down and a tear rolled down her cheek. He lapped it up and gave her a chaste kiss.

"Sorry about that." She said looking abashed.

"Don't be." He certainly was not. Her mirth had been contagious and he now knew that no other had touched her before, she would be his alone. He would be the only one to taste of her forbidden fruit. That she would grant him this favor despite their past, despite his wrong doings, and after she had guarded her chastity against others, it spoke more than words ever could.

With a renowned sense of responsibility and honor he took her lips again, submitting to his instincts as they compelled him to care for the woman that so utterly captivated him.

His movements were slow, measured. He wanted to please her, but more than that, he wanted her to remember this experience fondly. He knew what this must mean to her, what it was costing her. His honor meant everything to him, and she clearly took her own honor seriously. He had yet to hear a single ill rumor about the woman in his arms. She was always adored where she went. The value she placed on herself was something he was willing to pay back one hundred fold. He would not allow this to become sullied in her mind...or his.

His hands roamed her body, caressing her every curve. She melted in his hands, her body already spent from their prior engagement. His hand made it to her sex, still wet and ready for him. He toyed with her, his fingers bringing her to the edge of orgasm only to bring her back down again. She moaned and moved with him, asking for more, pleading for release. He slowly slipped his middle finger inside of her, allowing her to become accustomed to it before sliding in his index. Her brow furrowed but the discomfort was quickly replaced with pleasure as his fingers found their rhythm. He worshipped her, negating his own need in favor of hers. She said his name like a mantra, over and over again as he brought her her release. He felt her tighten and convulse around his fingers, still working her down from her peak.

He did not allow her a break. Her body screamed for more and he was more than willing to give in to her needs. Kicking off his boots and hakama, he laid on top of her, savoring the way their bodies melded together.

Her eyes were half lidded, she tried to sit up but he pushed her back down with a kiss. He kissed her with all the tenderness he could muster, knowing that the pain to come would be great. He grabbed her thigh, bringing her knee up and giving him more space to position himself before her slick folds.

Slowly, he entered her, heat enveloped the head of his cock as he tried to keep her pain away. She whimpered as he slipped in a little more and he leaned in close, whispering sweet nothing to her and nuzzling her neck. She put her arms around him, encouraging him to continue. He continued the slow and tortuous descent into her awaiting heat. The walls of her opening coming in around him, not sure if they were trying to pull him in or push him out. He could feel the way her nails dug at his back, he was sure it would have drawn blood had they not been so blunt. She was so unbelievably tight and as much as it pained him, he could only imagine how it hurt her. She squirmed a little as his full length sat inside of her. He continued to coo at her, trying to distract her from the pain. He could feel as her body relaxed and adjusted to his girth, and slowly started to pull out.


11:15 PM

The pain as he penetrated her had her tensing around him, making it worse. She tried to relax, but the foreign sensation made it almost impossible. She clawed at his back and he leaned down, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. She could hear him say "It's going to be ok." and "Relax, I've got you." Over and over again. The pain of him entering her, stretching her out, was nothing in comparison to the feeling of being completed that she felt as he settled himself within her. His hand lifted her ass a little in order to get a better angle, his other arm was under her head, supporting her and giving her scalp a tender massage.

She had finally relaxed enough to loosen her hold on him, but her eyes flew open as she felt him pull away and she gasped. The sensation was like nothing before. The moment he started to pull out she felt something stir inside of her. A part of her awakened in that moment and she lost her grip on reality, allowing herself to be transported to a world where only her and Sesshoumaru had ever existed.


11:20 PM

He tried to hold back, to remember that this was her first experience and she needed time to adjust. The feeling of being inside her though was too much to bear. As he slowly pulled out, her walls constricted, trying to keep him from moving away. He growled low into her ear, asking her to relax. She whimpered at the loss of him, but she didn't have to miss him for long. He started out slow, not wanting to rush her. Her whimpers turned to moans as her body naturally adjusted to him.

Their bodies rocked in unison, ebbing and flowing against each other. He held her closer, bringing his nose down to her neck to take in more of that captivating scent. She held him tight, her hands reaching back into his hair, getting lost in the spun silver.

The air was thick with their heat. The lantern lights still burned giving them both an ethereal glow. Her golden sun kissed skin, bathed in the lantern light, shimmering and reminding him of a rising sun over the ocean. His own alabaster skin glistened like the moon light. The sun and the moon, two entities that were never meant to touch, never meant to be together; and yet here, in their own little world, they merged into one.

The urgency he felt before had been forgotten in lieu of her comfort, but as her pain decreased she began to push for more. Her body made demands that he was more than happy to comply with. He allowed her to lead the pace, knowing this would not be their only chance to be intimate. She grew bolder, running her hands down his back, searching for his lips and kissing him passionately. His pace increased as she neared her peak. He gave her a kiss and brought himself to his knees, lifting her ass to gain better access to her most sensitive spot. He pounded into her, relishing the way she moaned his name, her voice too tired to scream anymore. Her breathing grew ragged and her nails dug into his shoulders as her walls constricted and spasmed around him as she came. With every thrust his own climax grew closer. She writhed underneath him, panting for air, her breast bouncing up and down with the excursion; the vision, along with the feel of her around his cock, drove him over the edge and with a final thrust he spilled his seed inside of her.

He collapsed on top of her, careful not to crush her. Her breathing was still uneven but her smile was bright.

"That...was..fun.." She commented, looking into his eyes.

Sessoumaru gave her a toothy grin, unable to help himself and chuckled softly. "Indeed." He concurred.

He let himself fall over next to her, bringing her body close, rolling her on top of him, in order to not dislodge himself from her all too inviting core. Kagome placed her hands on his chest, craning up to look at him. He gently angled her towards him, kissing her softly. She sighed in bliss and let her head fall on his chest.

"Hn...Tired my little Miko?" He asked, amusement coating every word.

Kagome smiled unapologetically, "Thoroughly." She conceded.

Sesshoumaru reached for one of the many furs that lined his bed and laid it on top of the both of them. He held her close, one arm across her waist, the other crossed her back with his hand weaved into her soft hair, lulling her to sleep.

"Rest, Kagome." He whispered in her ear. Her response was a soft sigh and an almost inaudible "Thank you."

She closed her eyes and he listened as her breathing evened out, her body completely relaxed against his and he was astonished by the sheer amount of trust she placed in him. He breathed her in, still unable to decipher the scent that so alluded him, but enjoying it all the same. He was lost in her. Never before had someone felt so right in his arms, she was vibrant and kind and different from those he knew. He tucked her hair behind her ears, wanting to look at her face fully. She was so much more than he had ever anticipated.

Seven days, that was all he had left, Seven days before he had to shut the door on this fantasy. His beast grumbled but he ignored it. As much as he wished to keep her at his side, he knew it could not be done. He had walked into this knowing it would only be temporary, there was no possibility of an actual relationship, he had people to answer to and she would only ever be in danger.

He held her closer at the thought and she grimaced in her sleep. He loosened his hold. Shaking his head he set his mind at ease; He had seven more days with her, seven more days to come to terms, so right now, instead of wallowing and trying to figure things out that were beyond his control, he should be living in the moment. He adjusted their covering, making sure she would be warm all night long. Sweeping her bangs aside he gave her a kiss on her forehead and whispered "Good night, my little Miko." Closing his eyes he allowed sleep to carry him off to a world where the Moon and the Sun lived as one.

11:59 AM - End of Day 1

A/N: What did you guys think of Day 1?! Please let me know! Day 2 is almost done, working on day 3. If you see any spelling or grammatical errors please let me know about them as well! Thank you all for reading up to this point! :) I appreciate the reads and moral support!

Just a little FYI - Due to the word minimum per chapter on this site, I have to wait until I finish writing the entire "Day" (Most of the chapters are not enough words) if you would like to read more feel free to check out the story on fanfiction.net, I have most of day 2 up there. The story is under the same name author/title name as well as the same picture ^-^ Thank you all! 

