The Breath of Spring by Drosselmeyer


Second story in the FOUR SEASONS series. Fic is mild NSFW. (Best to read A Winter Interlude first)


A koto plays in the village.

There is blue, cloudless sky above, the sound of silken strings drifting up the hill where Sesshoumaru sits, quiet and waiting.

It is still complicated with her friends.

Untroubled, he closes his eyes, the last vestiges of the cold cooling his throat as he breathes. And he faces the sun, shoulders shifting against bark, and lets it go. Warmth has returned, and with its endurance, their agreement stands.

They don’t hide.

Somewhere in the village, there is misunderstanding. Confusion. Judgment. He knows, and she knows, but still they remain.

Because new blooms in adversity.