Just Roomies? by MuteShadow

Chapter One

Just Roomies? - MuteShadow|MuteAngel _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Disclaimer: I, MuteShadow, do not own InuYasha. Any InuYasha related items are strictly owned by Rumiko Takahashi and her producers/lawyers.

Visit: http://muteshadowsdomain.awardspace.com

Warning: Sexual Situations (Lemons, Lime etc..), Language, Gore/Violence and angst.


Its back - Just Roomies? The same fanfiction that has been the topic in forums, guilds, fanfiction sites and that started my renowned status as a authoress for SesshoumaruxKagome stories. Thank you to everyone who has supported me for thr last four years. This revised, edited and special edition of Just Roomies? (now with extra content and more drama, more lemon and more angst!) is for you. Bare with me as this story is revamped and updated. Each chapter is being reviewed and revised.

 It will take no more then a week but is definitely a worthwhile procedure. Visit my site (listed above) and dop me a line. Do not forget to...

 Read, Rate and Review.

-MuteShadow [Tamada Akiko]
Chapter One

Thunder rumbled in the sky as lightening streaked through the heavy dark clouds. Hail and rain mixed in a torrent mess and pelted the ground below. A lone mansion of magnificent beauty sat a top of a hill, cut off from the outside world by a seven foot wall and a thick forest. A bright light shone in the entrance of the majestic house. Inside of the hallway of the entrance two figures stood stiffly before one another, their eyes scrutinising each other silently. A pair of stormy blue eyes flashed with a mixture of emotions; pain, anguish, love, hate, confusion. A golden-amber pair stared back coolly, their icy stare unfeeling and lacking any thought or emotion. The tall figure of a man stood in front of the grand marble staircase that lead to the second floor of the massive manor, his pale angelic face indifferent. His angelic features were smooth and perfect - not a flaw in sight. However, the beautiful mask belied his cruelty. Only his golden eyes revealed the creature he was. They were so cold and hard they resmebled two frozen pools of amber-gold ice.

His angelic features were stonily set in an expressionless mask. His pale lips remained unmoved. He was unwilling to converse with the girl who stood across from him. The girl looked at the demon, her sapphire eyes now dark with pain. Her small hands fisted tightly on the handle of her purse, her knuckles whitening. She bowed her head forward, unable to bare his cold glare. His stare was so cruel, so inanimate, it was frightening. She did not know how someone who was alive could not feel.

How could one live with out emotion?

She inwardly mocked herself.

What a ridiculous question. He was not a human. He was a demon and he had always been unable to feel. Besides hatred, anger and annoyance... negative feelings were all he revealed and she doubted he actually felt them. He was a living statue - a demon of vengeance and cruelty. She gazed at him again, her chest constricting tightly until she felt she would swoon from the lack of oxygen. She needed to go. He wanted her to go. But she could'nt. She couldnt-

"Go. Now."

She watched his pale, sensuous lips form the words. She heard the cold, unfeeling tone to his deep, silky voice.

She raised her haunted blue eyes rose from their fixated gaze from his lips to meet the steely amber eyes set within his stunningly beautiful face. Staring into those two unfeeling sun-kissed mirrors that should have lead to his soul, the girl shuddered when she was faced yet again with the evidence to his lack of empathy. Those golden eyes revealed nothing and felt nothing. They were like two barren wastelands - two frozen lands like the artic tundra. Icy. Cruel. Unfeeling. Incapable of empathy. She felt her eyes being to with with burning tears. She remembered the first time she had met him. He had regarded her as he did now. With the same cold scrutiny. Uncaring and indifferent. What was in his eyes now was the same wasteland she had seen within them a year ago when they first crossed paths.

And now, she was being faced with the intense frigidness of his gaze once again.

Raising her head, she tried to ignore all cries within her soul to stop and beg him. But she ignored the pitiful voice for alas she had too much pride. She grasped the metal clutch of her purse. Turning on her heel, she intended to leave this cursed house with its memories, broken promises and false dreams. Her hand grasping the gold handle to the french double-doorway that would open to reveal the stormy night and her escape, she froze fromt he acute pain that exploded in her chest. Her heart had almost stopped beating from the pain. She looked at the marble floor and watched through a viel of tears as it became blurry.

How could this of happened? Better yet, why had it happened?

Her body shook with her withheld sobs.

Where had they gone wrong?...

But then again, where had they ever gone right?

Her hand trembled as it continued to lightly grasp the handle. 

'I want to look at him once last time. Even thought I will see nothing but loathing and disgust, I want to burn his image in my mind. Because even after all this..'

She stopped the painful thought and looked over her shoulder despite reasoning's protests. She stood at the door, stopping er exit. Slowly, she turned and gazed at the demon who caused the pain in the place where her heart beat. Tears threatening to spill over her pale cheeks, now drained of color from pain and fear, she slowly looked over her shoulder at the person who had caused this most anguishing agony she had ever felt.

"I dont understand. How could this be happening..? Please... Why?" she whispered, her voice cracking.

The flawless face remained unmoved. His golden eyes narrowing slightly in annoyance, the beautiful face stayed blank.

 "I do not have to explain myself to you. You know why. Leave before I have you forcefully removed." The demon stated dryly. 

Kagome felt a tear make its path down her cheek. Clenching her jaw, she tried to swallow over the lump that had formed in her throat. It was over and there was no use trying to build a bridge on quicksand. Turning herself forward and staring out the windows on the doors to the storm outside, she nodded slightly.

 "I was a fool to think you of all people had changed, Sesshoumaru." she paused. "I was hoping for something you could never do. You are a demon-"

 "And you are still in my house human. Get out." Sesshoumaru snapped coldly, his eyes flashing with impatience.

Kagome closed her eyes, seeking for a calm composure despite her anguish. "Goodbye, Sesshoumaru. Good luck to you. I want to let you know this... I never once lied to you." 

Sesshoumaru watched the woman that had held his attention and possibly the small organ known as his heart open the large door leading out of his mansion's foyer and step out, her body visibly shaking. He watched her then close the door gently thus blocking her image from him. The scent of jasmine and sakura the only lingering evidence of her presence but moments ago. His long legs carried him to the foyer to the massive window that gave him a full view of the grounds. There, he stared at her from the window blankly, his face oid of any emotion, empty like a white sheet of parchment. Seeing her stumble to her car in the rain and howling wind, he watched her get into the automobile. Seeing the headlights flicker on, he repressed the urge to catch her and take her as his. The possessive urge flickered weakly and then was crushed mercilessly by him.

She backed up and drove down the path to the gates. He glanced at Jaken and gave the toad demon a slight nod with his elegant head. Bowing to his lord, the frog demon pressed the button thus opening the gates. Sesshoumaru turned his cool stare back on the car and watched, satisfied, as it disappeared into the night and out of his life for good.


One year later...

"No! No steady now! Steady!"

Boxes upon boxes swerved to the right as a small girl swore under her breath as she tried to maneuver the swaying tower filled with all her wordly possesions away from its destructful path to the ground. Balancing the one meter high mountain of boxes miraculously, Higurashi Kagome looked over to the right side of the piled boxes and tried to see the tiny piece of paper held tightly in her shaking, sweaty hand.

Straining her eyes and squinting, her frown deepened as she tried to hold the boxes and view the tiny scrap piece of paper her mother had handed her this morning.

'Damnit! What is the room number?! It looks like a two...and the rest...'

Squinting harder, she scowled.

'Is totally obscured.'

Finally accepting she was unable to view the room number printed neatly on the paper with the boxes in her hand, the girl growled, fuming at her situation. Her brow furrowing, she scowled angrily when she faced the inevitable. She would have to place down the pile of boxes she had so carefully piled and gently picked up and had manuvered for the last hour on the ground thus having to repeat the process all over again when she finished reading the paper. 

Glaring at them for she knew she would have to struggle too pick them up again as she had too earlier, the young university student looked down at the wrinkled, sweat-stained piece of paper.

"Room 245?!" she shrieked. Groaning, she wiped the sweat on her smooth brow, bemoaning the unfortunate turn of events.

"Kami sakes! Thats on the third floor!"

Kagome frowned as she slumped against the nearest wall, her face appearing ashfallen as she wallowed in her self pity. Why? Why did her mother have to get the pent house room? She was more then willing to settle down for a simple dorm-room but obviously, her Mother had wanted her to keep the proud Higurashi name with its high standards by giving her the most expensive room in Tokyo University.

Yet the woman had remained painstakingly oblivious to the fact while with its grandeur came its added impossible amount of stairs to climb!

Grumbling to herself, she got up and dragged herself over to the depressing sight that was her torture. Kagome bent down and struggled to stack the boxes once again. Panting as she exerted her small body, she glared at the dead weight objects. Biting her lower lip, she moaned as she finally managed to lift two of the boxes and began to make her way to the first flight of stairs. Stopping at the first step, coughing, she swore to herself and placed the boxes onto the ground again. She was seriously out of shape.

Sliding down on the floor again, she rested her head on her propped up knees and sighed. Her long nails tapping against the floor loudly, Kagome stared down at the speckled-tile ground and frowned. Now that her mind wasn't occupied with the fear of being crushed by her luggage or being trapped underneath a mountain of boxes thus leading to her body becoming paralysed in a most unfortunate accident [dont you just love imagination?], she could contemplate her larger fears.

Who was her roommate?

She knew this was a co-ed school so it could be a male or female. Kagome blushed at the thought of sharing a dormroom with a male. Her cheeks became hotter as she gulped in embaressment. Not only was she not the best morning person, she certainly wasn't the kind of girl a guy would like to share a place with! Not only was she a clean freak and very organised she was shy, awkward and hopelessly niave. She wasn't a virgin... but that was another matter. She wouldn't think of that or him right now. It had been two years since she had lost her virginity but still she was still so innocent and oblivious she sometimes doubted she had actually slept with her first love and that it had actually all been a dream. Her eyes glazed over and became sad.

 In fact, now that she thought of it, she sometimes thought she had made him all up. Their entire friendship and relationship seemed like a dreamt up fantasy that had turned nightmare before she woke up.

"Oi are you okay?" A voice intruded her thoughts.

Blinking in surprise and glancing up, Kagome met a pair of ice blue eyes. A tall, tanned male with long black hair tied in a high pony tail stood arrogantly before her, a wide fanged smile on his handsome face. Staring at him, Kagome smiled shakily in welcome.

"Actually I'm not really. You see I have all these boxes with my stuff in them but my room is on the top floor...I'm not exactly the Hulk material!" she joked, her sapphire eyes sparkling and losing the glazed look they had held just moments ago.

The wolf demon smiled haughtily, his chest puffing out in an attempt to impress the beautiful girl.

"I will gladly help you carry the boxes! I'm pretty strong to say so myself." he announced cockily, smirking down at the beautiful vision that was the human girl.

Kagome blinked in confusion. Should she thank the guy or tell him to screw off? Glancing at the boxes, she winced at the pain in her arms and back that dully reminded her of her previous attempts to carry the immense load. Outweighing the cons and pros, Kagome decided to accept his rather arrogant offer to help her. Standing up, she held out her hand.

"My name is Higurashi Kagome."

The handsome boy grinned toothily, his ice eyes lighting up enthusiastically as he shook her hand firmly. "Youso Kouga. Prince of the wolf demon tribe." he stated in an obnoxious way.

Kagome sweat dropped and mentally asked herself if the pros in her mind really beat the growing cons. Could someone be more egotistic? Trying to ignore his wandering eyes that currently seemed to fixate themselves on her womanly areas, Kagome nodded.

"Thannks for your help Kouga-kun I really-"

Kouga's loud guffaw of laughter cut her off. "It is my pleasure, Kagome! I couldn't let a beautiful damsel," Kouga paused at this, his bold stare going up and down her frame lustfully again. "try and get up these stairs with these boxes. Besides, you looked pretty tired already."

The wolf-boy looked at her while he lifted almost all of her heavy boxes in one arm with an ease that it secretly amazed her. Smiling smugly at Kagome, Kouga began to climb the stairs with a pompous swagger. Kagome sighed and followed the concieted wolf youkai with her own two smaller boxes. As the pair made up the stairs quickly, Kouga looked at her from the corner of his eye.

"Why the Hell do you have so many boxes anyway? I heard of girls who over-pack but this...This is crazy!" he exclaimed gruffly as he shifted the boxes in his arms.

Kagome blushed and glanced down at her feet. She had always been intimidated of guys. Except for one guy... But she wasn't about to think about him. Ignoring the disastrous thoughts that echoed her inner plight, Kagome continued the conversation.

 "I had a very large room when I lived with my parents. I love all my stuff so much, I couldn't stand the thought of leaving any of it behind. But as soon as I got here I began to question just how much I loved this stuff."

Kouga chuckled as he nudged the boxes to a more comfortable position, his youkai strength making easy work of the weights that would have killed a human after a while.

"No problem Kagome! So what are you here for at Tokyo University?" he asked as they began making up the second flight of stairs.

Kagome smiled cheerfully for once all morning, her face become stunning in her excitement. "I'm here for Business Managment and Accounting. My family owns a very large business that I'm supposed to inherit so I want to be able to know how to run it." she answered honestly, watching the stairs she climbed with anxiety.

Knowing her luck she'd fall down them only to have the box land on her head. A most befitting death for Higurashi Kagome concerning her rather widely known clumsiness.

Kouga gaped at the young girl in awe. "You are part of the Higurashi clan? The millionaires?!" he yelled, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Kagome blushed and looked away, slightly uncomfortable. She was used to this reaction but seriously disliked it to be honest. She knew she had life well-off but preferred to be seen as a regular person and hopefully, this year, an average University student. Her face becoming tired, she nodded reluctantly.

"Yes but please dont tell anyone Kouga! I really just want to fit in here.."

"No problem Kagome besides you're not the only millionare here! We have Taisho InuYasha and his brother, Sesshoumaru here." Kouga spat the two names like they were a vile poisin in his mouth. His handsome face showing his obvious hatred of the brothers.

Frozen to the core, she tripped over a stair. Yelping, she landed on the stair, banging her head on Kouga's butt who in turn tripped forward. Yelling, the demon groaned as he landed roughly, the boxes spilling out of his claws and onto the landing they had just reached. Kagome groaned and rubbed her head. Why did he have such a hard ass? Shaking her head, she stumbled up and looked down at Kouga.

"You okay?" she asked in concern.

Kouga blinked his icy blue eyes then began to laugh. "Me? Okay? Of course! What did ya expect? Im a demon! A little fall like that aint goin to do shit all to me!" he stated in a loud voice as he got up and gathered the boxes.

 Kagome sweatdropped. His ego certainly wasn't bruised like his knees! Gathering her own boxes, they began to climb the stairs again, Kouga beside her. Frowning, he asked where they had been in their conversation. Reluctantly, she told him he had mentioned she wasn't the only millionare in the university. A look of rage and hatred appeared on his handsome tanned face. His brows deepening into a 'v', his lips pursed in annoyance.

"Ya as I was saying those Taisho's bros are here." Ignorant to Kagome's sudden silence, the wolf continued, fuming. "Damn bastards walk around like they own the place. Especailly Sesshoumaru. Fucking arrogant pretty boy. Thinks he's all that because the girls fall over him! I bet they only like him because he helps them with make-up tips! God damn pretty freak."

 "You're sure Sesshoumaru is here? Positive? " she demanded shakily, blatantly horrorified at the mention of the infamous demon.

Kouga stopped his loud rampage on the brothers and glanced over at the shockingly pale girl. Stopping his steady climb, the youkai frowned.

"Whats wrong Kagome? You look sick...Is it something about Inu-koru?!"

Kagome blinked in confusion. "Inu-koru..?"

"InuYasha! Has it got to with InuYasha!"

Kagome laughed nervously, shaking her head. "N-No...B-But...are you sure about Sesshoumaru," Kagome noticed Kouga's eyes narrowing at the mention of the older brother, "and InuYasha being here?" 

Kouga shrugged, the boxes moving with the movement. Snorting, he continued angrily, "Ya. I saw the two moving into their seperate dormrooms somewhere in the school." Kouga then looked swiftly at Kagome.

"Hey, you got a problem with Sesshoumaru, Kagome? I heard he was a bastard but he hasn't done anything to you, has he?" Noticing her pale face he frowned angrily. "If he has I will kill him!" Kouga declared heatedly.

Kagome shook her head, trying to hide her shock. "N-No it's fine Kouga-kun. I dont even really know him." it was part true. Sesshoumaru never let anyone get close to him or know him. There was nothign to know. He was empty besides for the inner-demon inside of him. Chewing her bottom lip, she managed to fake a smile. "Taisho Sesshoumaru, ne? Kami I never knew a celebrity like him would go here! I'm just shocked that he would come to Tokyo U that's all."

Kouga ignored the hints to his superior senses of Kagome's lie. If she wanted to tell him about it, she would have. He didn't need to push the girl away by prying into her life. Deciding to try and rid of Kagome's future interest of the Taisho brothers, Kouga nodded.

"Ya the prick walks around here like he's a God or something. His brother InuYasha isn't half as bad but I still fucking hate him. Damn halfbreed. The two know they are all that and show it off. So damn annoying."

Kagome began coughing and turned her face from Kouga's now confused and concerned stare. "Are you sure you're alright Kagome? I think-"

"O ya I'm fine! Just...I dont like swearing..."

Kagome mentally slapped herself. 'I dont like swearing? What a lame excuse! Someone shoot me now damnit! I swear all the time!' The girl beratted herself.

The wolf demon let his handsome face show his shock. Before Kagome could say anything, the boxes were on the ground beside them and Kouga was before her, kneeling, and holding her hands in his own, his eyes staring up into her face with earnest adoration.

"I apologise, my Kagome. I swear to you under the oath of the wolf demon tribe I, Kouga, will attempt to never swear in front of you again." he swore passionatly, his blue eyes sparkling.

The girl gaped down at the kneeling demon. What?! Quickly forcing a shaky smile on her lips, she managed to pathetically force out,


Kouga smiled and then quickly picked up the boxes again, the two making their way up the last flight of stairs.

"Oi, Kagome, can I see your paper with the room number?"

Reaching in her pocket, she withdrew the scrap of paper and handed it to her new found friend [well acquaintance]. Watching his eyes scimmer the paper, she sighed when he turned to the right, down a hall and into a small section of rooms labelled in the two hundreds. Excited at the fact she might actually make it to her room, alive, Kagome sighed and smiled. Kouga kept looking at the piece of paper he had taken from Kagome and scanned the doors around him. He then suddenly stopped at a door and looked at Kagome.

"This is your room Kagome. The pent house eh? That is pretty-"

"O my god! Yes! Yes! Please! More! O god! Yes! Yes! Deeper!" a woman's scream interrupted Kouga, her voice like a shierk and almost deafening.

Kagome felt her mouth drop open in shock. Looking at Kouga, she saw the look of shock on his face. Hearing the woman scream louder, her voice almost not a humanly possible sound, she blushed at the images coming to her very graphic mind. Glancing at Kouga, her face red, she saw the same look of awe and confusion on his handsome face that she assumed must be on hers. At least she wasn't the only one completely stumped! Blinking, his cool blue eyes disbelieving, Kouga sniffed the door before him, trying to assure himself of his assumptions. Kagome watched as his face molted from red to purple to pink to blue then to another, deeper red in an intriguing mixture of embaressment and shock.

Turning Kagome, Kouga demanded, "Are you sure this is your dorm room number?!" 

She nodded, stunned at Kouga's fierceness. Shakily, she handed the piece of paper to him again and watched him look at it carefully with slanted eyes.

 "Yes! My Mother looked it over herself! It must be my dormroom! Why? Is there a problem-"

"Ahhhhhhhh!" the woman screamed again, moaning in frenzied pleasure.

Kouga growled, his eyes narrowing on the door. "Well it seems we know who your roommate is now." he stated stiffly, his jaw clenching.

She looked at him, confused. "Huh? How? Who?"

Kouga gave her a blank look. "I smell Taisho Sesshoumaru."

Kagome looked at Kouga in horror. He couldn't mean-? No! It couldn't be! She stared at the door in terror, her mind blanking out for a moment. That wooden barrier suddenly seemed as deadly as a poisinous viper. Stumbling backwards, her face draining of color, she felt her body begin to shake. She couldn't even hear Kouga saying her name or see his look of concern. Staring at the door handle, a vast amount of memories of a golden-eyed demon with snow white hair with silver streaks, sensuous pale lips and flawless pale skin skimmered through her mind.

'Damn bastard and his women...Acts like he's all that...Girls fall over for him....'

 Kouga had said that. Had he really moved on so easily?... Kagome inwardly laughed at herself mockingly. Of course he had. It was Sesshoumaru. He could have any woman he had wanted. Why woud he even pause to think of her? She who he despised and found disgusting? A simple human he regretted ever knowing by even her name? 

Kouga's words echoed in her head. She wanted to turn back and run screaming down the hallway. She wanted to grab her things and get the quickest cab out of this school. Fate had been cruel to her once before by bringing that asshole in her life; now lady destiny wanted to replay her twisted game. She closed her eyes for a moment, seeking to gain her composure. It was two years ago. She had grown, matured and had moved on. He had no sway over her anymore. What had happened between them had truly meant nothing and certainly had no influence on her today.

 Feeling stronger, she ignored Kouga and stepped towards the toward. Her hand fisted and rose into the air. She paused for a moment, her hand suspended in front of the wooden barrier that seemed to vibrate with the woman's screams. Gritting her teeth, she hesitantly knocked on the door. The moans and growls stopped instantly and suddenly the sound of the girl calling for the person, Sesshoumaru, was heard. Her eyes widening at the prospect of seeing him again, Kagome licked lips as the sweat trickled down her back.

Damnit her pep talk wasn't meant for her to see him! What was she doing? Why hadnt she ran away screaming? What was she supposed to say? What was going to happen? O god! She couldn't do this. She couldn't see him again - espescially like this! He was just screwing some chick and she heard him! O god no! ont answer the door! Ignore it and go back to your-

The door swiftly opened, revealing the golden eyes that she remembered very well. Time froze as the white-silver hair vision of perfection stood in the doorway, his towering frame blocking the room from her stunned line of vision. Kagome felt her heart stop and her breathing cease when those steely golden-flecked eyes fixed on her. That flawless face she had once loved more then life remained impassive but those sun-kissed orbs showed it; the hatred and repulsion when they noticed it was her disturbing his screw-fest with the passionate girl.

Choking back her tears and the urge to scream obscenities, Kagome somehow managed to smile weakly at the stoic demon who glared down at her.

 "Ah...um...hey... Sesshoumaru." she whispered, her eyes somehow managing to meet his penetrating stare.

"Kagome." The cool, monotonous voice made her cringe at the hostility and cold-detachment that lined her named in a heartless fashion.

Kagome smiled nervously, trying to focus on anything but his eyes. She knew that with his eyes he could see the hurt he had left her with. What an idiot she was! She wasn't over him! Even after all this time... she was a fool! A stupid, desperate, niave fool! How could she face him? A blush forming on her high cheek-bones, she coughed in embarassment.

"Uh... Is this your room or...that girl's?" she asked in a strangely high-pitched voice.

Sesshoumaru raised a silver brow in silent mockery. His eyes leaving her face for once, they fell upon the fallen piece of scrap paper at Kagome's feet. His eyes narrowed when he saw his door room number written on it. The amber eyes narrowing slightly, the god-like figure remained emotionless as he now returned his icy glare on the anxious girl.

"This Sesshoumaru only recieves the best accomdations. You should know this." he mumured, his tone so chilly it seemed colder then North pole.

His beautiful face unmoved from its stoic disposition, those piercing orbs fixated themselves on her face again.

"Why does it concern you?" he demanded dryly.

Kagome frowned, her blue eyes darkening. "Because it's..m-mine a-as we-well.." she admitted quietly.

Sesshoumaru stiffened noticably, his amber eyes narrowing into slender slits of gold with his obvious anger. "Are you sure of this?"

Kagome glared at him, her chin jutting out as she became angry. Her tiny fists shaking, she growled through her clenched teeth, "I'm very sure, Sesshoumaru. I am not as dim-witted as you think." she gritted out, her eyes flashing.

He gave her a blank stare. "That is something to be debated."

Kagome felt her heart clench in pain. A growl was heard, interrupting the uncomfortable staring contest between the ex-lovers. Kouga stepped forward to the powerful demon who wore nothing but a towel around his lean, defined hips.

"What the fuck gives you the idea you can talk like that to Kagome?" the wolf demon demanded.

Kagome glanced at Kouga in shock. He wouldn't dare and try and start something with Sesshoumaru over her? She turned and watched Sesshoumaru's blank face stay in place. The amber eyes now staring at Kouga with a hazardous light in them, Sesshoumaru fixed his narrow eyes dangerously on the over-bearing wolf demon.

"This does not concern you, ookami. I advise you to leave this matter between the human and myself or I will forcibly remove your disgusting form from this Earth."

Kagome gaped. This was not going good.

"Excuse me?!" Kouga snarled.

Sesshoumaru stared at him dispassionately. "Are you unable to comprehend simple Japanese, wolf? How utterly contrite. A wolf demon unable to understand Japanese - certainly nothing that is rare. You truly are a slow race." he murmured mockingly.

Kouga reared his fist back and moved to hit Sesshoumaru. A white blur fast enough to be called untrackable appeared behind the wolf and pushed him into the wall. Kouga yelped when he met the wall and felt his body making a hole in it. His blue eyes dazed, he looked up to see Sesshoumaru standing over him stoically, his claws at his sides, not one hair out of place. Those golden eyes held his with a force that installed a strange, bewitching fear in Kouga for the first time in his life. If he ever thought he was going to die, it was now. Never had he seen such merciless, cold eyes in life. Nor had he felt such raw power.

 "Stop! Sesshoumaru!" Kagome jumped forward, pushing herself in front of Kouga.

Sesshoumaru turned his attention away from the pitiful warrior and glared at Kagome.down at the girl.

"I will not kill off your lap dog. I have better things to do then sully my claws." Turning on his heel, he paused at the door. Glancing at her from behind his shoulder, his golden eye caught hers. "We will discuss this matter in an hour, human."

 He then turned to enter the room.

Kagome stepped forward, anger radiating from her small body. "What do you need an hour for! To finish screwing that girl?" Seeing him not try and deny it, Kagome growled. "You got some nerve! You aren't keeping me out here to finish your booty call and you deifinitely had no right attacking Kouga like that! He was just trying to help me!"

Sesshoumaru stared at her icily. "I have an engagement as of now with another wench, girl. I make no exceptions for any one; particulary you." He paused before he entered the room. "The idiot recieved just as he deserved. He attempted to make the first attack - I simply put his pitiful efforts to rest in case he further embarassed himself and continued to waste my time."

The door then clicked shut and the sounds of the woman and her cries of pleasure began all over again. Looking behind her, Kagome stared at her momentarily forgotten boxes. Her stomach churning in aggitation, her eyes filled with tears that managed to escape the beautiful blue orbs and trail down her cheek. Despite the sudden numbness of her body and withdrawal of her happiness, Kagome smiled faintly, trying to push away her shock and despair. She knew she would have to face her nightmare sooner or later.

But he had come all too soon back into her life.

Hurrying to the groaning Kouga, she kneeled beside him. "Kouga-kun are you okay?"

Mumbling, Kouga grumbled, "I'll kill him. Cold bastard. Who does he think he is talking to my woman like that?"

Kagome stiffened, her mouth agape. His woman?! Anger over-riding her concern, Kagome stood up and hovered over top of Kouga.

"Your woman?! What are you talking about? I'm no one's woman!" she claimed at him, her face reddening in anger.

Kouga shook his head to clear it and quickly walked after the stomping Kagome. Grabbing her arm, he pulled her toward him. Looking down into her shocked face, he smiled.

"But you are my woman Kagome! I knew when I first saw you! I felt that-"

"Stop stop stop! I am not your woman!" Kagome yelled. Her face softening a bit, the girl sighed. "Kouga... I'm sorry. But...I do not want a relationship. Not now. You are my friend... and besides I've only known you for half an hour!"

Kouga shrugged and turned to enter his room that was just across the hall from hers. Stepping in, he smiled. "Thats what you say now Kagome but I will win your heart!"

Getting ready to protest such a notion, Kagome watched Kouga close his door, obviously intending to stop any protests from her by ignoring them. Standing alone in the hall, the young girl straightened her shoulders. There was no time to feel sorry for herself. She had an issue at hand and needed all her mind to solve it. Rushing towards the door, she quietly opened it.

'Tell me that I can't enter my own room? Stupid assshole!'

Sighing, Kagome dragged each box into the apartment, and looked around at the luxuriousness of her new home for two years. Blocking out the growls and moans of the two rutting people in the next room, Kagome saw an empty room down a tiny hall. Sesshoumaru had obviously known he was to have a roommate and had left the lesser of the two bedrooms for his roommate.

'Ever the generous one eh Sesshoumaru.' she thought sarcastically to herself.

Walking into the small room, she noticed it had a nice view of the outter grounds of the University and a lot of sun light. Smiling forcefully, she ignored her upset stomach. This was going to be her room. With a bit of paint and proper furnishings, it would be like her other room and offer some comfort in this suddenly prison like apartment.

"Please! Sesshoumaru! O please!"

Kagome closed her eyes. Perhaps she could talk to the university about switching roommates?

"Sesshoumaru! Aaaaah!"

The girl's screeches made Kagome's left eye twitch. Screw roommates. How about universities?


Two figures stood at the door now both properly dressed. Sesshoumaru looked down into the girl's pretty face with no expression as she practically drooled on him with lust and adoration.

"Okay I will see you next Wednesday." she promised huskily.

Grabbing her purse from the floor, she stretched languidly, pushing out her chest slightly to catch the gorgeous demon's eye. Licking her lips, her body still tingling from the amazing encounter she had just experienced, she could not help but feel the compulsion to touch the demon. He was so powerful. So cold. So mysterious!

"You were..."

The girl sighed, breaking off in mid-sentence as she smiled lustfully, her long red nails running across the washboard abs of the gorgeous demon Lord, her hands aching to touch his satiny flesh and to feel the steel-hard muscles beneath her fingers again.

Sesshoumaru stepped back and opened the door. His eyes fixed on the door down the hall, completely ignoring the wench and not even trying to feign interest, he gave her a cold stare and stated,


The pretty girl scowled at him haughtily. Her back stiffening, she 'hmphed' and opened the door and into the hall. Turning around to give the demon a scathing remark, she yelped when the door slammed in her face and the sound of the lock sliding into place. Turning on his heel, he walked into the living room. Stepping around boxes he knew he had not allowed in the room that belonged to a certain annoying wench, Sesshoumaru made his way down the hall to where she was. Standing outside the door, he contemplated his next move. The infamed taiyoukai stood there in front of the door of his ex-girlfriend's room. His body unyielding, his intelluctual mind wavered as it remembered everything.

Though he was reluctant to admit it now, Sesshoumaru had cared for Kagome more then he had ever for another living being. That is, until it went wrong. Her feelings were false and she was nothing more then a greedy whore. The golden eyes hardening with a pent-up hurt and fury the usually emotionless Lord hid, Sesshoumaru's claws twitched. She had lied to him and decieved him. He had rid of the wench for what he had thought for was permantely but obviously, the gods mocked him cruelly. For here she was; in his dorm apartment in a room she now planned to call her own.

Closing his eyes, revealing the natural red-eyeshadow that highlighted his lids, he calmed himself.

He tried to block out the memories of their last meeting. She had demanded him why. The fool. Did she really assume her mask of innocence would continue to hide her inner bitch? Did she really percieve herself as an accomplished actress that was able to bewitch the great Taisho Sesshoumaru? A sneer worked itself on his pale, sensuous lips. Poor, misguided Kagome. She would learn that she had made a mistake coming bach into his life.

He had given her a fair warning; leave him for eternity unless she wished to suffer dire consequences. After two years of silence and ignorance from the girl, Sesshoumaru had percieved her absence from Tokyo as her compliance to his demands. But here she was, meddling in his life yet again and still able to rise these unwanted thoughts and worst of all, these very alien things known as emotions. Never had he felt such rage and hatred. It was odd and annoying. Growling, Sesshoumaru glared down the hall. He hated her. If there was any reason to truly be a demon, it was to have the power to kill with an ease he greedily called his own.

But she would not suffer his claw. The law protected her unfortunately. 

His eyes slanting thoughtfully, he slightly smirked. No. Higurashi Kagome would be faced with the torments she had placed upon him. He could only return the favor but tenfold; merciless cruelty. Taisho Sesshoumaru was reknowned and infamous for his ability to be cruel and lack of empathy. He could kill with out flinching, maim with out remorse and ruin another's life with out guilt. He had justly earned his name, Destruction of Cycle of Life and the Killing Perfection. It was time for Kagome to experience his abilities and how he had earned his infamous names.

Satsified, Sesshoumaru clicked his long, perfect claws together. Yes. That would be quite entertaining. And he had an entire school year to settle the odds against his ex-girlfriend. How utterly amusing. And better yet; deliciously gratifying. Glancing one last time down the hall, Sesshoumaru relieved his stunning face of the small expressive smirk on his lips, his gorgoeus features settling once again into their stoic mask. Staring at the door and knowing that the girl behind it remained ignorant to his devious plot to ruin her life in return for dishonoring him, he turned on his heel and went to his room, intending to further advance on his ideas for Higurashi Kagome.



Ano: Ummm
Miko: Priestess
TaiYoukai: Demon Lord
Youkai: Demon
Gomen nasai: I am sorry (formal)
Kami: God
Chikuso: Damnit
Hanyou: Half-demon
Ookami: Wolf demon prince
Domo Arigatou: Thank you
Onegai: Please