I Will Get You Sesshoumaru! by MomoDesu

I Will Get You Sesshoumaru!

There were times when Kagome hated having a demon for a husband. Sesshoumaru was very good to her, yes, but other times...the other times were quite questionable. Times like now. She had recently explained Halloween to him, so he had made it a personal quest to scare the tar out of her every opportunity he got. So far, nine out of the ten times he tried he succeeded with flying colors.

Over the course of five hundred years, he had mellowed. He had waited for her, waiting until she returned before pursuing her. It just wasn't the time while she was on her adventures on the other side of the well. After that, there was no turning back. He wooed her, then married her.

Now he was doing his best to make her entire month of October a living hell.

It all began on October first, when she found fake night cralwers stuffed in the box of pasta she had intended on making for dinner. She screamed, he came into the kitchen snickering, then she smacked him.

A few days later she woke up to find a live rat laying on his pillow instead of his head. She ran through the house screaming, not once thinking about being naked until she burst into Sesshoumaru's office to see him and Inuyasha bent over a document. Inuyasha gladly informed her that she had 'nice tits'.

After that incident there were no more living creepy crawlies.

Finally, mid month, Kagome snapped. "One day, Sesshoumaru! I'm gong to scare you so badly you will faint!"

Sesshoumaru just scoffed at her in typical Sesshoumaru fashion. "Hit this Sesshoumaru with your best shot."

A week Kagome tried to come up with something that would scare the battle hardened inuyoukai. How does one go about scaring the pants off of a demon who has seen it all?

The perfect idea came to her when she started feeling the symptoms. Immediately the shopping began. The plan was perfect, and sure to scare any male, youkai or human. Kagome was willing to admit defeat if this stunt didn't do the trick.

On Halloween night, Kagome made Sesshoumaru a fabulous dinner with all of his favorites. After dinner, she led him into the living room and sat him down on the sofa. When he was sitting, she pranced to the bedroom, quickly returning with a gift wrapped in bat wrapping paper and topped with an orange bow.

"A new tradition, wife?" Sesshoumaru asked, accepting the gift from the excited woman.

Kagome shook her head. "Just a little something I saw and thought of you."

"Hn." He ripped the paper off of the package and opened the box. Inside, in a nest of blue paper, was a white bib with "I love my Daddy" embroidered on it in a childish scrawl. His eyes shot up to look at her, then back down to the bib.

"Lift the bib," Kagome said, excited. "You're missing the best part!"

Under the bib was a "The Joy of Birth" DVD.

Sesshoumaru fainted dead away.

Score one, Kagome.