Final Demon Fantasy by Smittee

Loves Me Some Emulators

Heya! This is Smittee again! I know, I know. I need to stop making new stories, and start finishing other ones. Or, at least update other ones. I might tonight though! Anyhoo...I don't own any of Rumiko Takahashi's or SquareENIX's characters and such, nor do I write this for a profit. I'm just a crazy person, who's seen the 'Sephiroth's head leaning on The Kernel's (sp) shoulder' waaay too many times...

Marcus (Male persona): What did that have to do with this storyline?

Smittee: I dunno...It's just scary, okay? I eat at that baby chicken killer's restaurant!

Marcus: You mean KFC?

Smittee: Isn't that what I said? Huh...I thought for sure that's what I said....

Marcus: Smittee...

Smittee: Yeah, Marcus.

Marcus: Just get on with the story.

Smittee: ....All right.


Kagome got out of the well. She then took her bag, which was amazingly smaller this time, and hugged to it. "Heh. Heh. Heh...Souta won't ever suspect." She then headed towards Kaede's village, a little surprised at herself how much an addiction should change her.


Back at home...

Souta had just got home, and hadn't realize his sister was gone yet. He was expecting that she was getting one last day of peaceful slumber, before she headed back. 'Either that or playing my PS2 again,' he thought to himself. He walked into the kitchen, and saw his mother. "Hi, Mom."

"Hi, Sweetie. I see you're home from soccer practice."

"Yeah," he replied, opening the fridge, and pulling out a soda. "I'm going to go play some W.O.W. (since most are addicted to it), and I'll go wake up Kagome before supper is ready."

"Oh Souta. You don't ha-" His mother blinked a moment, realizing he was already gone. "Oh well. I'll tell him later."

Souta headed up stairs, gulping down some of the Coke within his hands. He headed into his room, and over to his desk. He lowered the can, and was about to set it down, when he noticed. He seemed frozen in place, as he soon dropped his soda can, soda pouring all over the tile floor, which was turned tiled after him spilling soda and food so many times before. His eyes were wide, as he could see the dust outline the clean area where it use to be. "Wh-Where's my-Oh no!" He ran out of his room, and threw open Kagome's door. "No Kagome..." He then ran down stairs, almost running into his grandfather, who just bumbled about how he should be nicer to his elders, and ran back int he kitchen. His mother wasn't there, so he ran outside, seeing her sweeping. He ran up to her. "Mom! Where's Kagome?!"

"Oh, I was trying to tell you that earlier. She headed back already, while you were gone. She said it was important she return right then and there. Why? Did she leave something."

Despair seemed to fall over the W.O.W addicted boy. "N-No..She didn't..." He then turned, and headed back inside. His mother asked if he was all right, but he did not reply. He returned to his room, and looked at the empty desk. He fell to his knees, shut his eyes tightly, held his head, and screamed at the top of his lungs!

"Noooooooo! My third character was almost a level 70 Draenei Warrior! No-ooooh," he yelled and whined out. "There was going to be a special event today too.....This is what I get for choosing Alliance!"

He seemed to sit there upset, until he realized his friend had two computers at his dwelling. And so, getting permission from his mother, he set off for his friend's extra computer.


In the past...

Kagome made it to the village, and was heading towards Kaede's hut, still holding close to her bag, her eyes gleaming with mischief. Miroku and Shippo watched as she approached.

"Miroku, what's wrong with Kagome? She's acting really strange. I mean, I'm happy to see her, but-"

"Yes, she seems to be acting rather unlike herself," replied Miroku to Shippo.

"She kinda looks like you, when we need a place to stay, and we're near a village," added Shippo.

"What ever do you mean, Shippo," asked Miroku 'innocently'.

Shippo then sighed. "Never mind." He then hopped up, and headed over to Kagome. "Kagome! You're back!"

Her look suddenly changed to the look of being caught. A sweat drop lay upon the side of her head. "Oh. Hello, Shippo! Yep, I'm back! And I brought with my some lollipops for you."

"Really," he asked, his eyes sparkling with happiness.

"Yep! And I'll get them out for you in a second." She headed over to Miroku. "Miroku, where's Inuyasha and Sango?"

"Kaede sent them out on a mission. There was rumors of a demon nearby and, since someone needed to stay in case of your return, Shippo and I stayed behind."

Kagome grinned. "Or, perhaps you just were waiting for the little 'gift'."

Now Miroku's eyes glinted. Kagome put down her bag, and pulled out a sucker, and some coloring crayons and paper. Shippo cheered, as he ran inside with the items, to get started on a masterpiece! Kagome then pulled out of her bag a magazine, covered with a white papered book cover. She handed it to Miroku, and he smiled. "Thank you, Lady Kagome. You have done a great thing for me." Kagome sighed, and laughed a bit. "Just remember that I'm not going to be around, if Sango finds out."

"I know, I know," he replied. "Well, I better be off,." And with that, he was off with the magazine. Kagome shook her head and thought,' How did me getting Miroku naughty magazines start?' Truthfully, she didn't know nor cared. It at least kept his hand in line more often, and he was paying a lot more attention to Sango somehow because of it. 'Sounded like a good idea at the time, I guess,' she thought.

She then walked in to say hello to Kaede. She spoke of how life was going back home, and Kaede told her of the news from here. After some talking, Kagome got up and said," Well, since it seems I have some time before Sango and Inuyasha gets back, I think I'm going to spend some time relaxing. I'll be back later."

"All right, Kagome. Ye be careful."

"I will, Lady Kaede." Kagome then grabbed her bag, and her bow and quiver, and soon left out to a tree, on a hill, above the rice patties. 'The same tree I sat at, when people from the village would stop giving me food, she thought, remembering that day very well.

Coming to the tree, she sat down, and pulled out the laptop. "Fully charged laptop, and a cordless batter charger too. Check! All right, Kagome! It's Emulator time," she almost squealed, as she opened it up, and turned it on. She clicked onto the necessary buttons, and looked at the menu of games. "Let's see...Which one was it I was playing? ...That's it! Final Fantasy VII." She sighed happily. "I love Final Fantasy games..."

Indeed she does. During her visit this time back home, she didn't have the need to go back quickly. It was summer, and there was no school, so she just wanted to relax. She started to get bored, and so headed into her brother Souta's room to talk, but saw that he was on that "World of Warcrack" again. So, she asked him," Why are you so obsessed with video games? They seem like a waste of time to me..."

"Oh yeah," he replied," That's because you never tried one."

So, Souta became bound and determined to find some games Kagome liked. She sort of like DDR, and other such games, but she found she really liked RPGs, especially Final Fantasy. She had played I-VI, and enjoyed every last supposed second wasted on them. The enjoyment for the games became so strong, that she seemed to take over Souta's game systems. And now, there she was, with the more vital game player of all, his laptop.

The game music resounded before her, and she pressed 'New Game'. She immediately went into gamer mode, forgetting about the world around her.


After Inuyasha and Sango returned, everyone waited for Kagome to come back. Alas, and hour passed, and all became worried. Inuyasha went out to look for her.


Sesshomaru was frustrated. Jaken was getting on his nerves, always gripping about Rin all the time. Rin was nonstop asking him questions. Heck, even Ah~Uhn was driving him crazy, from his constant snorting. Finally, he told Jaken to watched over Rin, and he left them all in the forest. He traveled by cloud, not knowing how far or how long. Thinking it was about time to land, he did so. He looked around. Familiar scents caught his attention. "My half brother's scent is all over the place here."

"Holy crow! What happened here!?"

Sesshomaru's ears perked, as he heard the feminine voice yell. He followed the voice, finding it to be another familiarity. 'She seems to not have noticed me...What is that she's looking at,' he thought, thinking that was what must have made her shout. 'What could possibly be so interesting about that that the wench had to-'


Kagome was so far gone from the world surrounding, she noticed nothing of Sesshomaru's approach. The hike in her senses were thought by her to be just the surprise at the scene before her. As she played as Cloud, which she named as Inu, she followed the blood path. Soon, the group was heading to rooms she had been before.

"This could only be done by someone most powerful," she said out loud. When she saw the president, she gapsed. "Oh, my kami! That was something I wasn't expecting. Who could have assassinated him!?"

As the storyline went on, the more she seemed to get involved in the situation. This was a hike in the story, and so it was a hike in her emotions. Especially during battle.

"Come on, Cloud! You can take him!"


"Darn it! I hate those flying beasties! Why wont' they just die!"

Sesshomaru stayed quiet, intrigued by not only the item in her hand, but by her actions while playing it. 'I've would have never thought that this ningen can be this blood thirsty.' He wanted to laugh, but knew that would ruin the fun.

"Hey! What the-Get away from Kagome, you bastard!"

'Oh great,' thought Sesshomaru.

"Huh?" Kagome minimized the game, which would pause it. She then closed the laptop, and looked towards Inuyasha. "Oh hey, Inuyasha. Who are you calling names n-" She sensed it then. She slowly turned her head around, her orbs finally falling on none other that the ice prince himself, Sesshomaru. She held tightly to the laptop, as she fell back, stumbling to get up.

"S-Sesshomaru! How long-When did- ....Eep!" She finally was able to crawl to her feet, using one hand, and got to Inuyasha.

Sesshomaru sighed within his thoughts. 'Well, looks like it'll be too irritating to stay any longer,' he thought to himself. He then turned, and began to leave.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!"

"Wait, Inuyasha!"

"Why should I?"

"Can't there just be one day without any fighting? He's leaving, isn't he? That must mean he doesn't wish to fight! And if you don't want me heading back home again, I think you should respect that wish, even if it's just for today, because it's my wish too."

Inuyasha's mouth gaped open. He was speechless from her words. She then tucked the laptop under her arm, grabbed up her bag, and headed back to Kaede's hut. She sighed to herself. 'When I return to the hut, I'll finish this battle, and save my game as soon as possible!'


The rest of the day seemed stormy...except no real storm. Inuyasha was grumpy over the incident earlier with Sesshomaru. Kagome had explained what the game was about and, when she got on to finish the battle, she had died during it, making her have to return to the save point before the battle between 'Inu' and Rufus. 'And I was probably going to change over to the others soon,' she thought to herself. Shippo drew. Miroku hid his magazine. Sango sighed, unsure what to think. Kirara slept. Kaede cooked. That's about all that occurred. The next day, everyone headed out to look for jewel shards...again.

Kagome sighed. 'Same old, same old. Man, I really want to play that game! I knwo that if I do though, Inuyasha or someone will ask me more questions on it, and I'll probably mess up again.' She sighed again.

Inuyasha was starting to get tired of Kagome's sighs, and so started to ignore them.


Sesshomaru was back with his pack, checking the boundaries of his lands. He hardly noticed the squabbles they all were making, as he thought about that game and the ningen. 'Whatever it was, it was most intriguing,' he thought to himself. He tried to ignore how he was also intrigued by the miko's reactions as well. The more they walked on, the more he wanted to no more about that device. 'That's it! I have to find out.' As he was about to tell his loyal servant to watch Rin, he sensed Inuyasha and his group in his territory, and getting closer. 'Perfect,' he thought. He told Jaken and the others to head back tot he castle, and that he will arrive there later. They bowed and left soon after, and so he left too, towards what troubled his thoughts.


"What's wrong, Inuyasha," asked Kagome.

"I can smell him. That bastard is heading right towards us."

"Who's coming towards-"

And soon afterwards, before them stood Sesshomaru. Inuyasha's hand automatically grabbed the hilt of his Tessaiga.

"What the hell do you want," Inuyasha asked rudely.

Sesshomaru looked to him. "I have no interest in dealing with you, little brother." He then looked to Kagome. "Ningen, I wish to speak to you about that item you have."

"My item," she asked, curious to if he meant the computer.

"Yes, the item you were talking to yesterday."

Kagome sweat dropped. "Ah, yes. The laptop. Well, I guess I could talk to you about it. What would you like to know?"

Sesshomaru looked to Inuyasha, and then backed to her. "I would rather speak to you alone, without annoyances interrupting our discussion."

Inuyasha began even more angry. "Why you-"

"Wait, Inuyasha. All he wants to do is talk to me about the laptop, that's all." "He probably will even listen to me, instead of asking questions for things I already explained to,' she thought to herself.

"Wait, you aren't really-No! I will not allow you to go off with him!"

Kagome sighed. 'I really don't want a fight today...' She then closed her eyes, and then said," I'm sorry, Inuyasha...Sit, boy."

Once again, Inuyasha found himself lower that three feet in the ground. She then opened her eyes, and looked up to Sesshomaru. She had some questions of her own to ask him. 'Like why he was standing behind me, and how long had he been standing there?' She then smiled and nodded to him. "All right, let's go talk then."

Sesshomaru nodded, turned, and headed off, with Kagome following him. Miroku and Sango were curious by it all, but soon sighed, seeing that Inuyasha was getting out of the ditch. Sango then took off her Hiraikotsu.

"Whoopsie," she said, as she hit Inuyasha in the head with it. He was once again unconscious, and the rest still awake began to set up camp.


After they were a bit aways, Sesshomaru sat down by a tree. "Sit, miko," he ordered. Not wanting any trouble, Kagome did sit by him, still carrying her bag with her.

"Now, time for some answers," he said.

"And, I hope you can answer mine as well," Kagome said," After I am so kind as to answer yours."

Sesshomaru didn't like someone to speak as if they were equal to him or surpassed him, when they obviously did not. Alas, she had a point. "Agreed."


I think that's enough for now. I may or may not write more. Probably will, considering that I kinda ended it in a bad place. It wasn't expecting it to take me so long to write. So, I guess I'll have to update other fics tomorrow. Say goodnight, Marcus.

Marcus: But why? I like to stay up in the night.

Smittee: So do I, but I need rest to, you vamp!

Marcus: You do realize you would also be calling yourself a vamp too, right?

Smittee:....Just say goodnight.

Marcus: Goodniiiiiiight.