Bound to a Daiyoukai by misty

Chapter 1

How dare he?

No- I mean really, how fucking dare he. She thought as she slipped out of her bedroom window sometime after two am. How dare her grandfather and his asshole buddy dare to plan out her future by arranging for her to be married in five more years.

This is supposed to be the modern era. The era of fucking freewill and equality for women- She fumed as she used what little bit of skill she possessed to climb down from the roof of the porch without accidentally falling or destroying or making any noise whatsoever. This was supposed to be the era of equality for both men and women.

Granted she was still just a kid right now.

Just eleven years old and barely scraping by education wise, but it wasn't like that was entirely her fault. No she blamed her trips back in time to the Feudal Era to deal with hunting down jewel shards and Naraku and his jerk minions for that shit.

Still, she had her own plans for the future. None of which involved a stupid man twice her age! Honestly by the time she would even be considered a consenting adult, her 'betrothed' (and she was using the term loosely at this point since she was planning to kill both her 'betrothed' and her grandfather) would be in his min thirties or older.

She didn't want a man that old in her life unless he was immediate blood kin!

And even then there was absolutely no guarantee that she would like him/them. After all, she wasn't much of a people person, preferring to be by herself most times than not. Unless she was back in the Feudal Era with Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Inuyasha.

Though the hayou had lately been pushing things a bit with her temper wise.

But that was neither here nor there, though it still pissed her off just how bad his attitude had been recently. After all, if he hadn't have pissed her off this time she might not have come home and found out about her stupid grandpa and his stupid friend.

Asshats. The both of them. She thought snidely as she deftly landed on the ground and then slowly got up and started walking around to the front of the house as she slowly pulled on her fingerless gloves, in the darkness and did a mental check of what she carried on her.

Favorite gothic clothing (including her favorite underwear and bras), check, knives, check, hair ties and colored ribbons to match her clothing, brush, toothbrush, deodorant- check, check, check. Jacket, check, medical supplies and food, check, empty plastic tupperware, bottles and jars for water storage and food storage- check again. Three pairs of shoes, nail polish remover, and fingernail polish- navy and sapphire blue, black, crimson and mint and grass green. Several thingy's of chap stick, check.

A small baggy of jewelry that she sometimes wore.

Not many of which were anything important, aside from one or two family heirlooms. The rest were simply something that she picked up because they suited her tastes, nothing more. She was eleven, and just a little bit hormonal since she started having her monthly's- and sometimes she liked things that helped her feel pretty when she felt herself otherwise.

It in no way meant that she was shallow. It wasn't like she was one of those stupid air heads that spent hours on her hair, and couldn't function properly when they broke a perfectly manicured nail.

Because she wasn't. She was simply...growing up.

She was still fuming as she walked past her grandfather's car, and would have kept going on towards the well house, but she wanted to let her grandfather know just how pissed she was at him- so she abruptly stripped her shoulders of her heavy yellow backpack and dropped it to the ground and then turned and went back towards the car, digging her switchblade out of her pocket as she went.

Maybe when her grandfather woke up in the morning with a few slit tires, he'd get off of her fucking back about marrying that loser that he had picked out for her.

Inwardly smirking as she went about her work, she slit three of the four tires and then put her knife away and went back to where she had dropped her bag and picked it up and made her way to the well house on her families property, whistling the whole way.


Back in the Feudal Era-

Miroku sat with his back up against the old well that Kagome used to travel back and forth through time, watching Shippo- the little fox kit and Kagome's adopted son chase after Rin, Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's older half brother's- ward around the small clearing under his and the demon's watchful eye.

"When did my imouto say that she would return?" Lord Sesshomaru asked over his ward's shrill screams and squeals as the fox kit finally managed to tackle her to the ground just shy of Sesshomaru's legs, causing the demon lord to raise a brow at the giggling and gasping children.

Miroku shrugged his shoulders, still trying to figure out just how it was that Kagome had managed to get adopted by the demon lord when he still flat out refused to so much as have anything to do with Inuyasha aside from the occasional pissing contest that is.

"It could be a few hours, it could be a few days. It's hard to tell since she was fairly upset with Inuyahsa when she left." Miroku said after a length of time as he watched the demon lords golden eyes settle on him before he growled out.

"And what did the worthless half breed do this time to upset my imouto?"

Miroku was about to tell him about Inuyasha calling Kagome a filthy little whore, because of her choice in clothing, and also how the eleven year old had flattened the hayou with a well placed (and very much deserved) blow to his man parts when both males felt rather than heard the magic of the well fluctuate as it always did when Kagome came and went, and automatically both men were up and peeking over the side of the dry well where Kagome stood at the bottom.

Tilting her head to look up, she noted Miroku and Sesshomaru both standing there and smiled at them before Sesshomaru jumped over the lip of the well and landed deftly next to her so that he could help her up. "Imouto." He said as he scooped her up in his arms and let out a little purr of contentment as she held her close against his chest as he leapt up and landed somewhere not too far from where Miroku had been standing.

"Thanks Sessho." Kagome said as he carefully set her on her feet before slipping the straps of her backpack off of her slender shoulders to let the bag fall to the forest floor where it would stay- because he did not want her carrying something that was at least twice as large as she was- because she tended to be more clumsy when she was weighed down.

"Lady Kagome, your back rather early." Miroku said as he walked over to the demon lord and his young friend.

"I had no choice but to come back so soon."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"My grandpa overstepped himself and has began to arrange a marriage for me." Miroku and Sesshomaru both looked at her as if they didn't understand why she would come back early instead of doing what her grandfather wished. It was then that she none too nicely tacked on, "I'm from the future guys. Arranged marriages are a thing of the past. The girl has more choices than to simply go with what her family wants. Not only that but he started planning this stupid thing behind my back in the hopes that once he sprung it on me I'd just go with it!"

"That is normal, Lady Kagome."

"Normal for this era, not for mine. In my era such actions reduce the girl to the status of little more than a simpleton or worse. It's basically like telling everyone that I can't think because I have no mind. It isn't something that I appreciate. Especially since the statistics for a successful arranged marriage where I won't be knocked around, raped and abused- is much higher than it should be. Not only that but once I'm married off, and those things happen, my death would basically be assured."

Both males exchanged a look as if silently communicating something before Miroku sighed as Sesshomaru returned to the well and started cracking his knuckles menacingly.

"This Sesshomaru will go and speak with your foolish grandfather-" Sesshomaru declared as he prepared to jump into the well as Miroku reached out to grab him by the back of his kimono to keep him from actually attempting to jump in while Kagome's back was turned.

"Ya know what, I've been bored for a while. Why don't I come with you and maybe try to keep Lady Kagome's grandfather from being killed." Miroku said nervously as he walked over to Sesshomaru's side.

"You don't have to bother, I've taken care of leaving a warning for my grandfather myself." Kagome said as she turned to glance at the two. Both men turned their heads to look at her a bit more fully, both wearing identical curious expressions.

"What sort of warning?"

"A none lethal, but slightly expensive one."

"Ah, hitting where it hurts I see."

"Where it hurts?" Sesshomaru asked as he glanced at the monk. Miroku nodded his head at the demon lord and mouthed the words, His wallet.

To which Sesshomaru said in a bemused/slightly awed tone, "This Sesshomaru had no idea that you could be so cruel my imouto." Kagome just grinned at them and shrugged her shoulders as Shippo and Rin finally came over to give her a hug.