Moon Children by Reira

Confusing Conception

Disclaimer: I am not, in any way, affiliated with the creators or producers of Inuyasha. No profit is made from this writing.


By some divine power, Kagome was at least 30 weeks pregnant. Just like that. Poof! Swollen belly. No birds and bees. If she hadn’t been so horrified by the situation, she would have laughed to herself that she had somehow become the Japanese Virgin Mary.

She was not, of course. No, she was just an ordinary woman. A human woman mated to a youkai, perhaps, but still a woman. And now she was magically pregnant. And so soon after her children…

She couldn’t even conclude the thought.

Sesshomaru, bless him, remained calm. While Kagome paced and muttered in their bedroom, her legs already cramping, he sat still on their futon, his expression blank.

Finally, he sighed. “Kagome, sit down.”

She stopped pacing. “I’m pregnant!”

“I know.”

“No, you don’t know! I’m pregnant! With…I don’t know what!”

“Yelling about it will not solve anything.”

She glared icily at her mate. “Sitting won’t solve anything either!”

The stony expression she received took her back to the old days, before they had fallen in love. The nostalgia almost made her laugh. With a defeated sigh and a flourish, she sat down.

“Okay, I’m sitting.”


Kagome’s eyebrow twitched. “Now what?”

“Now we hypothesize.”


Prompt: Divine (200 words)