Love's Lost Refrain by Aviel

Starving Heart

Disclaimer: Inuyasha was created by Takahashi-sensei. However, the writings of these ideas belong to me.

A/N: Unless stated otherwise, none of these entries are interrelated.

Chapter 2: Starving Heart

He was beautiful and terrible.

She was clumsy and hopelessly optimistic.

He was way out of her league… or so she had thought.

Her mind weighed the risks of letting herself get in too deep, but she knew it was pointless; her heart had never needed much convincing. At least, not in the love department, anyway. A little nudge was all it took.

Others wanted what they thought she represented: acceptance in a society that feared those who were different, a chance to avenge a clan lost to senseless violence, and for most of her time in the Feudal Era, a vessel of unbelievable power.

But he wasn’t like the others.

He was a wanderer at best, and a wanderer never needed much. He never wanted her–never needed her for his own selfish benefit. Not even the priestess who had once followed after his half-brother.

It wasn’t like she had expected her admiration and respect for him to turn into something more. It just… happened.

She had fallen into his trap.

Ensnared, enamored, and enraptured.


Original Posting Date: May 8, 2017

Prompt: For Dokuga_Official’s Weekly Snippet #02, Capture

Words: 175