Seasons by Huntress11


Hey guys. This is one of my older stories that I have decided to repost with some changes. I almost forgot about it until I looked back at my older stories. I hope you all enjoy it.

Many Seasons have come and gone and yet I have never forgotten her face and the love that it showed for me. I cry for the loss of my mate and I know that I may never get her back. The seasons remind me so much of her.

Spring with it's down pours reminds me of her scent. The combined scent of rain and forest which used to comfort me only brings me painful memories now. We took walks in the spring and when it would start to raun would cuddle under a tree while we waited out the storm. Sometimes it turned into something more.

In summer, the sky reminds me of her eyes clearest blue with an occasional cloud that we used to enjoy. In the summer we used to find a spot in the gardens to lay and watch the clouds go by as our children ran playing through the garden.

The falling of leaves in fall reminds me of her ever changing moods that kept me on my toes most of the time. The dark and long nights of winter remind me of her hair.

Why must the seasons torment me so? With the reminders of my dead mate around me all the time, can I  never have any peace? Have I done so much wrong that the kami have forsaken me?

My only hope is in the seasons to come she will be reincarnated and I can find her again. Maybe one day we can be reunited once again.

Please comment and let me know what you think. I know that it is short but it pulls at my heart strings.