Seducing a Miko by Misunderstood Maiden


Sesshomaru sat with his eyes closed as the sounds of his ward, Rin, playing around with the young fox kit could be heard throughout the area. Sesshomaru sat a ways away talking to the young miko, Kagome, that traveled with his brother. It had been 3 months after he had assisted the group with the brutal murdering of Naraku and he couldn’t have been more satisfied when the deed had finally been done. Good riddance to the vile sorry waste of the earth’s resources. The last blow being by the very woman that sat by his side. It appears that she was stuck in this time seeing as this “other time” she belonged to was no longer home for her.

He found himself visiting the small group from time to time whenever he had the opportunity. In truth he was procrastinating because he didn’t feel the need to return to his home as yet. It was stuffy and he preferred the field work rather than office work. He relished in the opportunity to escape when he could. Being the kind soul he believed himself to occasionally be, he would not leave his ward to suffer in the confines of the large but stuffy estate and brought her with him.

He would purposely seek out the group to gain a chance to speak more to the miko and occasionally the slayer as well. The group tended to camp near villages which provided an opportunity for Rin to play with more people her age or at least intellect.

This time however, he was just enjoying being near Kagome. Her presence alone calmed his normally tense demeanor. She wasn’t talking much now as she often did which was interesting. Usually she would talk until it lulled him to sleep, of course she never realized this due to the fact that he listened to her with his eyes closed most of the time and had an uncanny knack for waking up just in time to answer or respond to something.

Sesshomaru opened his eyes to look at the girl and found her longingly looking at his brother that sat perched on a branch resting himself. Seeing this he held back a sigh, it was clear that Inuyasha was ignorant to the miko’s interests and at most saw her as he saw slayer Sango, a friend or a sister, the family he never had. His thoughts of love were still wrapped up in the priestess he lost long ago. It was hard for Inu’s especially to break a bond that strong, even in death, it lingers among the living.

Sesshomaru always felt … annoyed when he saw that look on her face…towards his brother. Upon closely analyzing his reactions and constant need to see and be near the woman he began to realize what she meant to him.

They had become friends within the 1st month of their meeting a year ago and 9 months in, he realized that he was in trouble. He started studying her, being mindful of what she hated and liked. He thought it was just curiosity since there were not many females like her youkai or not. Then it was how she spoke, what she said, how she said it and when she said it. She carried herself well and could hold her own in simple as well as complicated conversation. Lastly he suddenly began finding himself being hyper aware of her existence. He would purposely wander into any area he sensed she was in and longed to see her look his way, smile or speak to him. She was beautiful in ever essence of the word.

However Sesshomaru had one major issue with her and it was her choice in men, his brother. It did not take a neurologist to realize that she was quite smitten with the foul mouthed brute of a brother of his. It had taken some getting used to not to attack him on a regular basis. Sesshomaru found himself holding back from killing his brother several times. Once it got so bad he caught himself sleep walking towards his brother with poison whip ready to slice his brother to pieces.

His brother and him had worked out their differences over the years and had learned to be cordial towards one another for the most part and he didn’t want to ruin that by uncontrolled jealousy. He had hoped that by now the miko would give up and shift her views elsewhere but it seemed that he would have to actively intervene. Sesshomaru stood up swiftly and began to leave the camp earning a curious glance from his soon to be lady in which he responded a nod good bye signalling his ward to do the same. She did and quickly caught up with him. Yes, it was clear what he had to do and it required some planning on his part.

It was not every day he planned to seduce a miko.

A/N: I’m back ^u^! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Reviews are appreciated not demanded. More next week.