The Mistake by M-Angel 05

The Mistake

Kagome was livid. Today was her and Sesshomaru's anniversary and he had forgotten. She'd sent their youngest to visit with Inuyasha and his mate Shinri, a fox hanyou he had mated back in the early 1800's, for the night. She'd given Jaken and the other servants the night off. She'd cooked a special dinner. Bought a special dress for tonight, one of his favorite colors too; blood red. It was strapless and a vibrant red that sparkled in the candle light. Her hair was done up with tiny ringlets coming down the sides of her face. She'd worn make-up just for him!

So now it was midnight and her beloved husband of four hundred and ninety years was not home to celebrate their special night. One would think he'd call and tell her, he wasn't coming home; but no. No phone call. No text. No nothing!

Her long fingernails tapped the mahogany diner dinner table. Candles were melted. Food was cold. Champagne was warm. Her special dinner was ruined. She'd cried; thus ruined her mascara that had run down her cheeks. Black marks on her face now. She'd gone from sad to angry.

She wanted answers.

Standing Kagome walked over to her charging phone and unplugged it. She then pressed a name on the list of contacts. It rang only once. "Hello?" came a groggy voice on the other side.

"Inuyasha?" He voice wobbled a bit.

"What happened?" His voice now sharp and alert.

"He never showed up." She whispered trying to hold back her tears. "He's forgotten."

"Sesshomaru never forgets." He stated as he sat up in bed. Pushing back his hair he looked at the clock next to his bed and cursed silently. It's digital readout was fifteen past midnight. There was no reason his bastard of a half brother shouldn't be at home celebrating his anniversary with his beautiful mate and wife. "Look I'll find him."

Kagome hummed an affirmative. "Ok." She sniffed as fresh tears began to run down her cheeks. Pressing the end button she turned to the dinner table and blew out the candles. Turning towards the doorway she walked silently up the white carpeted stairs, entered their bedroom and closed the door.


Inuyasha growled at his brothers stupidity. He was usually the one to forget things; not Sesshomaru. Heck, the Daiyoukai prided himself on never forgetting something. Looking through his contacts he found the bastards number and pressed call. It rang once, twice, a third time before the automatic message came on. He pressed end and redialed twice more before an annoyed voice picked up. "What do you want."

"Where the fuck are you dumbass?" Inuyasha whispered in a hushed voice. "I know where you aren't!" He snarled.

"I work-"

"Fuck!" Inuyasha cursed. "You're still at the office?" He knew his brother had a merger deal he was finalizing, but still. "Do you not know what today was?" Silence met his question. "Today was your anniversary." There was a curse on the other end. "No fucking kidding. Your mate; my best friend, just called. She's pissed. You screwed up."

"Agreed." Sesshomaru stated as he shut down his computer. His golden eyes closed as a headache began to fully form. Kagome's wrath was legendary. He'll she had yet to take the Kotodama necklace off of Inuyasha and he'd seen her use the beads of subjegation so many times against the hanyou. Once she had sat him so hard she'd knocked him out for an entire week. He felt dread building. Sighing he spoke. "Thank-you for calling."

"Don't thank me." Inuyasha snickered. "You're the one who is going home to the hellhound."

Sesshomaru groaned as the phone call ended. How was he to make this mistake go away? Kagome was the first female he'd ever truly loved. Rin had taught him humility and how to love; which is why she'd become his daughter. Kagome taught him there was more to humanity than what he'd ever known. She was loyal, kind, loving, trustworthy and she was the first female he'd given his heart to. How could he have forgotten their anniversary; especially when their wedding night was his favorite memory.


AN: Oh how is Sesshomaru going to get out of this one? Hehehe...