Good Alpha by Karichan

Chapter 1



The village of Edo was a place of pure joy, with a large dose of laughter. And how could there not be? The evil hanyou, once called Narku, was gone with all the worries, fears and sorrows as well. Ningen, Hanyou and Youkai alike could actually get a good nights sleep without having to keep an eye out for a certain spider. The only thing left now was to just throw your cares away. Even the great Daiyoukai, Sesshomaru could even relax-well somewhat, since he was still a lord and had a vast land to goveren over with tons of scrolls that talked about said land. He did a mental sigh inside of his head. 'If only I could melt those scrolls.'

 “Thinking of burning scrolls, Onii-chan?”

Though he knew she was coming, the fact that the miko kept calling him by that title every time she approached him, Sesshomaru was somehow always having mixed emotions.

There was a soft snort as the inu bowed his head only to raise it haughtly and glance down at Kagome.

“And just how do you know if I was actually thinking that miko?”

Kagome gave a small chuckle. She liked the fun, little chats she and Sesshomaru had whenever he came to visit. It was nice that he was opening up more.

“Well,' She began, while putting a hand on her hip. “You seem to always have a small tick in your left eye, you never glance my way in greeting and because Edo has a trade route, a lot of polical news and gossip comes through.” The smirk that was small when she began, had grew three times larger when she finished.

Sesshomaru was surprised. Did he want it to show on his face? No, but it was to late as Kagome cooed about surprising him. The daiyoukai took her teasing in stride since he was still thinking about how the miko knew him so well. 'Have we truly been around each other for so long?' The inu looked over to the miko and realized that they truly had been in each others presence for so long.

Watching kagome settle down beside a large tree, Sesshomaru decided to join her, both falling into a comfortable silence while observing Rin and Shippo play in the open field before them.

The daiyoukai was the first to break the silence when the children began telling each other stories.

“Rin's lessons have been going well?”

“Yes, they have.”

“There is nothing that needs to be adressed?”

“Nope. Nothing in particular.”


Kagome tried to stop the giggle crawling up her throat. It didn't work.

Sesshomaru ignored her at first but gave in.

“Does this Sesshomaru's inquaries amuse you?”

“No, I just think its sweet to see you being the doting father you are to Rin.” She was chortling now.

His eyes slanted to her. “I do not dote onna, I only make sure she has everything she needs with no problems to hinder herself with future studies.”

“Right. Ok Sesshomaru.” The sarcastic tone not at all missed.

He exhaled hard from his nose. He couldn't deny it but- “Besides, Rin is not the only one that I have as my ward now miko. I was also going to have you give a report about Shippo, since he has more advance studies.” The look he gave her was one of finality. This was the closest she would get to him admitting he doted on both Rin and Shippo.

The smile Kagome gave was warm and content. “You're a good alpha, Sesshomaru-sama.”

“Indeed I am, Kagome.” The small smile only noticable to the young miko.


You all know what this means- PH is coming to an end! but it shall be missed. this is actually the first chapter of a story i did before play house. however i dedcied to make it a oneshot but if you all really like it, i guess i can revert back to making it a chappi~( i feel like i'm spoiling you guys lol)