The Hidden Strength No Longer by pandora_of_the_south

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Kagome is a demigoddess, Goddess Selene of Greece is her grandmother on her mother side; Miroku and Princess Ayame are her grandparents on her father's side. Her parents are Naxos and Kazuki.

Naraku is destroyed but only after he raped and half way mated Kagome. The mating mark was destroyed and she leaves to set out on her new destiny once he is killed.

Inuyasha and Sango are mated and Kagura is a wind nymph and Kanna is an earth nymph.

It has been seven months since Kagome walked away from everyone that she loves and cares for.

Will her protector be able to heal her or will she lose the strength to survive once the secrets are out?

Author's Note:

Just warning that this is going to start off as a lemon…ENJOY!

Chapter 1:

Kagome couldn't believe what was happening to her. 'Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be here and in his arms.'

Her body was worked over with sweat from her extracurricular activities at the moment.

The fine specimen was plunging deeper and deeper into her core with a hunger she had never felt before.

"Oh God, I'm almost ready." she panted between breathes which caused the male to deepen his thrust.

She dug her nails in his porcelain back and racked them downward.

At the sensation that she was creating within him; he released a very low, very arousing growl that he had been holding in for a while.

She instantly knew that he was close as well. Opening her eyes, she was pleased that they had not changed red; she was still scared of that color.

Many nights before his eyes had changed to red and she could only see that color and instantly she thought back to that horrible night so many months ago when Naraku raped her.

He howled his conquest to the world as she screamed his name.


Bluish silver eyes darted open immediately to find a little girl named Akiko standing over her with a questioning look on her beautiful face.

"Um…yes Akiko, what can I do for you?"

"Who is Sess? You were screaming his name and there is a funny smell coming from you as well."

Mortified was putting Kagome's reaction mildly. 'At least I am not within earshot of anyone else though.'

"Sess is…was someone very close and dear to my heart a long time ago. He was an ally; he was my guardian, protector, while I was his ward once upon a time."

"But why did you scream his name and release such a scent?"

"That is a question that I will answer once you are older. I don't think your parents would like it very much if I were to go around explaining grown-up things to their pup!" Kagome teased.

"I will be a 100 moons this autumn." she insisted.

"Yes I know this Akiko and everyone who has sense will know that you are coming upon a birthday for you name means Autumn Child!"

Kagome took the time to exit her makeshift hut and looked around. "Akiko where are your parents anyways? Surely they did not allow you to travel this far by yourself."

"Well…um…you see they don't really know I left. They told me I would have to wait four more days last night and I really wanted to see you so this morning when I awoke I decided that I would come and see you sooner!"

"Akiko, you know you are not trained enough to do that. What do you plan to do if you are ever attacked? What will you do if you run into the wrong male that will not see your age but your gender?"

"I am little Lady Kagome, I will easily out maneuver them."

"That was my arrogance a long time ago and it did not work to my favor; there is a reason that villagers won't allow me to live within their village, why they call me dirty and sullied. Do you want your family and friends to call you those things too?"

Akiko looked at Kagome with tears brimming in her eyes as she quietly whimpered out a "No!"

Immediately Kagome held her within a loving motherly embrace and cooed, "I don't ever want that to happen to you Akiko. You must heed my warning and that of your parents, you are too naïve to know of the dangers and horrors that are in the world. Promise me that you will not come out here on your own again."

"I promise." Akiko sniffled.

"Come we must be getting you back to your parents. No doubt they are worried sick about your whereabouts."

As they left her humble hut she flared her aura to not only purify her heady scent but also to scare off the low level demons that were lurking nearby.

Sesshoumaru shot up in bed panting. 'Who was that angel…no that was no angel that was her, my demigoddess.'

For seven months he had been having the same type of dreams, though at the beginning they were different; more traumatizing.

When they first started happening he would allow his beast to take over, which caused his eyes to bleed red but each time she would panic and the dreams would end there. He hated his subconscious for making him dream of her like that time and time again.

'What more can I do?' he questioned himself, while silently hoping that he would stop being tortured so.

He had been surprised when he returned to his palace seven months ago and found a full grown fox demon protecting Rin with his life while some rogue panther demons tried to attack the palace and his ward.

Sesshoumaru stood back in the tree line while he watched Shippo's battle take place. 'Let the pup have his fight, I shall step in only if Rin's life comes to danger.' With that Sesshoumaru evaluated Shippo and his worth for the Western Lands; he was not disappointed either.

"Fox, you have proved yourself to be a very trustworthy ally. If you wish it, I will train you to make you even stronger."

Shippo couldn't believe his luck, "I would be honored my Lord." He stated with a bow.

Rin ran to Sesshoumaru and hugged his waist as she stole a glance back to Shippo who was smiling at her.

"My mother has informed me that she will not be joining us for some time if at all, was she alright when she left my Lord?"

"Your mother was healed physically from what happened but only she knows how mentally healed she is." Sesshoumaru stated while Shippo nodded his head in agreement.

That had been seven months now and still no word from the demigoddess. Shippo had proven himself over and over again and was being promoted today as the new Captain of the guards since the other had died seven months ago protecting the palace from the panthers.

He slowly rose out of bed and removed his sleeping yukata to don on his regular attire. Sesshoumaru didn't notice when he removed the yukata that the Tenseiga, dagger necklace, Kagome had given to him was glowing. He didn't notice anything was different about him until he realized that he was completely dressed and in less time then normal.

Reality honed in on his once missing arm that was no longer missing from his body. That specific hand was also clutching subconsciously to the necklace.

"Akiko run, I will be with you in a moment. Your parents are only on the other side of the hill. You must get to them for I will not be able to protect you from all of these demons that are after us."

He suddenly realized that he was still connected to Kagome, 'After all this time and I could have found her any time that I wanted to. How could I have forgotten about this trinket?'

'Cause Mate refused us, refused what we could give.' his beast whined.

'She has been hurt and I will not force her to be our Mate. What makes you think she will be able to see you for me and not Naraku?'

'She sees; she tortures us with dreams. She dreams but stays away.'

Sesshoumaru decided to ignore his whimpering beast since it was clearly making no sense. Once he had his swords in place on his side he focused his mind to locate Kagome's aura; for she was apparently in danger.

Kagome couldn't believe what was happening. Hordes and hordes of lower level demons were coming out of the wood work. 'What do they want?' she questioned.

"Power, give us that power." some stated. "We must mate for that power." others would chime in.

That was when she realized that they were after her and the cursed jewel. 'I must get Akiko to safety.' She flared her aura again and this time she was able to tell that Akiko's parents were just up ahead and racing towards danger.

As soon as the pup was gone Kagome could barely hear her begging with her father to go and help her out.

"That filthy creature deserves what ever low life will mate her. I will not endanger my life or my pack's to save someone who is tainted. Should she live you will never see her again for she is no longer allowed to live near or on this land."

Kagome could not fault Lord Iwao for what he stated, 'If the truth hurts so be it. Besides who could expect anything but that from someone who is named "Stone Man"? Seriously what were his parents thinking?'

Realizing that the danger would leave with her, Kagome took to the skies to try and lure all of the demons away from the Southern Lord and his family. 'I will miss you dearly Akiko, you remind me so much of Rin and Shippo, take care pup'

Akiko turned her teary eyed face to look back as she received Kagome's farewell message.

Kagome was coming to a clearing just on the boarders of the Eastern, Western, and Southern lands. 'That is just big enough to make sure that I won't be over run by them.' she thought to herself.

She landed and quickly spun around with her sword in hand. She held it up high and yelled her command.

"Fox Fire!"

She blinked and looked at her sword as well as her body, 'I don't yell that, where did that come from?'

Suddenly a male fox demon landed in the clearing in front of her. He had his back turned to her and was blasting his fox fire left and right at the idiots that still wished to come after her.

He noticed as she joined in the battle and partook in the battle, he also noticed that Sesshoumaru was on his way. 'How did he know I was here so quickly?' he wondered as he stole a glance at the female.

As the last horde of demons was just breaking the tops of the trees Kagome faintly heard "Dragon Strike" right before a blue electric dragon engulfed and destroyed the remaining demons.

Her heart was pumping too fast; she wasn't ready for this confrontation. She turned to quickly thank the fox demon that had shown up just in time to help her when she realized who it was.

"Shi…Shippo?" her shaky voice fluttered over to his ears, causing him to turn from his approaching lord to look upon the demoness.

His breath caught in his throat as he realized that it was his mother, "Mot…Kagome?" he asked hesitantly.

Pain flashed before her eyes when he didn't finish calling her mother, 'Well I can't blame him, and I did abandon him after all.'

"Yes Shippo it is me, Kagome. How has everything been for you with Lord Sesshoumaru?" she asked meekly.

"You would know if you had been there yourself." boomed Sesshoumaru's voice upon entering the clearing.

"My Lord!" Kagome and Shippo both greeted with a bow at once.

Shippo noticed Kagome flinch as Sesshoumaru strode closer to her. "My Lord do you mind if I have a talk with Lady Kagome for a minute." he spoke up.

"Why is my new Captain of the Guards away from his post without permission? Maybe I was wrong to have decided to promote you to such a high rank with many responsibilities; clearly you are not ready or fully trained for such a position."

'I have been promoted to Captain and this is how I find out.' "I am sorry My Lord. I was on my routine morning run when I sensed someone in trouble near your borders. I did not realize that it was Kagome; I just sensed all of the other demons that were chasing her and instantly thought to kill them before they entered your land and wrecked havoc on your people."

"Hn! Return to the Palace at once and prepare for the ceremony tonight." he stated.

Kagome and Sesshoumaru watched as Shippo reluctantly left Kagome there alone with the demon Lord.

"Please Lord Sesshoumaru don't punish him for coming to my aide. I have disguised my aura so he was unable to recognize me. I hope I have not ruined his chances at the promotion. I can assure you that no one will know that you or Shippo helped me; no tarnish will come to you or him." she stated while still bowed to the ground.

"Rise" he ordered, he was pleased a little when she did so without a fight.

Upon looking into her eyes he noticed that the light, the fire, which use to be there, had been smothered to nothing. 'Has her life been that difficult these past seven months? Why has she not come to us before now?'

'She turned us away. She believes unworthy.'


'She's tainted. Can't see past taint.'

"You did not keep your word, Demigoddess."

She raised her head at that confusing statement and questioned, "And what word would that be Lord Sesshoumaru?"

"You have disobeyed me."

'What is he talking about?' she wondered as she raised one eye brow in response.

"You did not come to the Palace of the West and help instruct Rin on what to expect. You removed my claim as your protector. You left when you had not been dismissed." he stated as he closed the distance between them with each word spoken; ending only arms length from her.