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A fluffy little piece inspired by a really good song that I love. Visit the just graduated Kagome who must leave her love behind, possibly forever. Not really a happy ending, but a cute little piece. One shot Song Fic AU
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: General
Updated: 03-16-07 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 2 - Words 1,186
After the defeat of Naraku, Kagome returned to her own era, but when she goes back to the past because of severe unhappiness, a new adventure begins to unfold.
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 09-30-07 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 0 - Words 1,722
**Chapter Three now up** Rin wants a mother to care for her but she doesn't like the women her father sometimes brings home. She takes control of the situation and searches for a woman she wants to be her new mother. The best way to do that is to... steal a letter? **Rating May Change Later**
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 04-21-08 - Chapters: 3 - Reviews 29 - Words 12,583
Kagome becomes the pawn in a deal between Sesshoumaru and Kouga, earning a debt to her life that can never be repaid. She is sent to work as a maid for Sesshoumaru, and from there is unwillingly thrown into a series of events in which she has no control over her own freedom.
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 02-27-05 - Chapters: 17 - Reviews 2 - Words 106,058
Inuyasha and Kagome are best friends, but even best friends have their little fights. This one ends with a bet; if Kagome can get Sesshoumaru in bed within two weeks, she wins. Unfortunately, Sesshoumaru and Kagome doesn't get along very well... Alternate Universe.
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 02-08-04 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 3 - Words 2,133
Turned into a puppy is bad but traveling with his brother as Kagome's pet will bring a new prospective to Sesshomaru's now hectic life.
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Humor/Parody
Updated: 06-21-08 - Chapters: 9 - Reviews 190 - Words 43,847
[No new chapter added. SORRY!!] Sesshoumaru is head chef at a top-notch restaurant with a great dislike for all critiques. Kagome is a renowned food critique and journalist who is looking for that one special taste. Can Sesshoumaru live up to her expectations?
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: General
Updated: 10-22-07 - Chapters: 10 - Reviews 48 - Words 21,434
Modern time(AU:) You have to read to find out
Rating: R - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Action/Adventure
Updated: 11-29-04 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 2 - Words 1,232
This is a joint story between sesshsmate101 and myself.
Rating: R - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 12-12-06 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 1 - Words 2,270
read if u like fick that kego is a demon
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: General
Updated: 02-13-05 - Chapters: 4 - Reviews 5 - Words 1,288
Basically Sesshomaru can't hide it anymore, he loves Kagome. But how will Kagome respond? And who is watching them from in the shadows. {{ONE SHOT}}rnMy muses are at it again!rn::muse Jane runs into room:: Hello readers ::waves arms in air and run away::rn::Muses Aelia and Iriya enter:: Sorry we could not stop her!rn::Fire _hime sighs:: ^_^
Rating: PG - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Genre: General
Updated: 02-10-05 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 1 - Words 1,417
Kagome, a phoenix, is going to kill the lord of the eastern lands, Naraku, to avenge her race. However, certain dog demons deter her. Why is it always me?
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Action/Adventure
Updated: 03-25-08 - Chapters: 3 - Reviews 1 - Words 3,815
Kagome enrolled to Tokyo's richest university, and she hated it! Why u ask? Because of all the rich wannabes in this school, especially a group with the member of Inuyasha, Miroku and Sesshoumaru... What happens when the group's attention shifted towards her? Some would say she's the most lucky girl on earth... PCHA! UNLIKELY!
Rating: PG - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 01-23-05 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 2 - Words 2,348
sesshomaru is a leader of a major kingdom,the inuyoukai....kagome is a playful <a href="">university</a> graduates who stumbles into the <a href="">website</a> of the inuyoukai and 'accidentally' changes the symbol of a fiery inu into a cute little pup....poor she gonna receive punishment from the ruthless sesshomaru?but hey, is this punishment too sweet for them?
Rating: G - Universe: Alternate - Status: On Hiatus - Genre: Romance
Updated: 12-15-04 - Chapters: 8 - Reviews 2 - Words 353
Just another songfic....the song is "Weathered" by Creed
Rating: PG - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 07-13-04 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 0 - Words 629
Kagome never believed in ghosts. So when she is selected to be on a ghost hunting show she accepts for financial reasons. Little does she know she's about to enter a world she never new about.
Rating: R - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Action/Adventure
Updated: 12-31-06 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 9 - Words 3,904
A long, unwanted journey ,a friend's betrayal, a cheating lover...Kagome has had enough. She wanted Inuyasha to care for her, but instead, someone else was always there.... Is he able to convert her thought? Or is he the one that'll make things worse?
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 06-02-05 - Chapters: 3 - Reviews 1 - Words 2,878
In most fairy tales, the princess would always be gentle, fair and sweet. Her mother would always be kind, loyal, faithful and caring. Her father, like the king he should be brave, intelligent and kind. Though, in this fairy tale, everything isn't what it is suppose to be. rn<BR><BR>rnKagome is the princess of Northern and Southern Lands, but she isn't just another princess. No her heart was filled with hate and distrust. She is a fighter, wise in mind and seductive. Turning the age of 19 she de...
Rating: R - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 05-10-05 - Chapters: 10 - Reviews 1 - Words 45,917
Read to find out! anyways, i'm not sure of the rating, yet *Ratings may change* im just new, and this is just my first fic so dont be hard on me, please?
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: General
Updated: 05-24-07 - Chapters: 3 - Reviews 6 - Words 3,108
If anyone knows about the story of Brigadoon, then they can already guess where this is going. It is an Scottish story, and so shall be of Scotland. But, it will be mixing in that of Sesshomaru's demon heritage. Confused? I hope you are not. It'll make more sense later. But for now, I shan't give a summary. You'll just have to read.
Rating: PG - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 08-14-07 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 2 - Words 2,426
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